GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Amen! This is the paragraph that caught my eye:

They look at the GOP and occasionally see strong rhetoric but mostly observe a lack of inspiration, energy and any sense of urgency about the current state of affairs. They recall that when Republicans didn’t have control of Congress, they asked for patience until they recaptured the House. In the meantime, we were not supposed to rock the boat and jeopardize the upcoming elections.

Since winning back Congress, they’ve offered a similarly tired excuse: We don’t have control of the presidency. Just wait until 2016, and we’ll really turn things around. But for now, let’s be calm.

The Establishment in charge of the party is dragging it down. McConnel and Boehner talk big but do nothing. So, who can the people turn to? That will decide what happens in 2016.

Read more @ GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself | Human Events
The question is this: Does it make sense for the Republican leadership to go to the trouble of writing bills that it knows the President will veto (and then will die, because the Dems will block an over-ride)?

Failure to do so subjects them to charges of lying and breaking promises, but OTOH to do so would be a complete waste of time.

It is a conundrum, to be sure.
The GOP better nominate a candidate that will not just slow down democrook regressivism, but roll it back. As far as I see it the only guys who I'm confident will do so are Cruz, Paul and Walker in that order. I could tolerate almost any other candidate we have except for the 3 RINOs, Crispy, Shrub and Graham cracker.

Those 3 clowns won't stop the democrook agenda, they will "compromise" away more of our rights and tax dollars for bullshit programs. I'm convinced we would be better off with a democrook who would finally just flush us. Then when the economy collapses the libtards will starve to death or be eaten by the ghetto rats. Once all the moonbats are gone we can rebuild.

I could even tolerate Trump, but I doubt he's the conservative he's pretending to be. I do think he would at least slow down if not stop illegal immigration, and I don't think he would pussy-foot around with these flea bitten, bearded sociopaths in the cult of slavery and death.

It takes two sides to run an election. If bigots think the GOP's ideas are tired what about the former pervert in chief's wife? Democrats haven't offered anything that isn't tied to racial profiling in forty years.
What the GOP would and could do with a Republican President is an open question. (The last time around wasn't so hot.) It seems like it would be time to take the gloves off, eliminate the filibuster and implement a Conservative agenda. That would at least give the voters a clear choice between capitalism and socialism.
What the GOP would and could do with a Republican President is an open question. (The last time around wasn't so hot.) It seems like it would be time to take the gloves off, eliminate the filibuster and implement a Conservative agenda. That would at least give the voters a clear choice between capitalism and socialism.

That will never happen as long as Boehner and McConnell hold their positions.

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