GOP shutdown to harm economy for months

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

And here is how much Obama has cost the economy


please, we can't be hurt anymore than we already are...

You are certainly lacking in imagination. The Ryan budget would have gotten us to 30% unemployment and a noticeable increase I the death rate.

where did that that 800 billion (almost a TRILLION) dollar stimulus go, that was suppose to save us and bring unemployment down?

It was 40% of what was needed as predicted by Christine Romer. Nobody seriously expected it to bring us out of the recession; it was to just forestall a depression. Besides, it was a pittance compared to the trillions of corporate welfare doled out Peterson & Bush.

how about the new government takeover of INSURANCE scam, ObamaNoCare and the cost of setting that up in a time when our economy was hurting?

If the worst thing about Obamacare is going to be that you would rather spend the initial costs on your favorite corporation, it's doing petty well.

and they are wailing over 24 billion dollars because the Guberment shut down..It cost that just to take care of the elected fat idiots in government and all the duplicate agencies on top of agencies

So the $24 billion deadweight loss is OK with you? You only are concerned about spending when it its your goodies and you don't care about the cost to anyone else? I've spent 40 years arguing with liberals that waste is waste and spending on a bad project in a recession doesn't make it a good project. And now conservatives don't give a shit about curbing government waste. OK, let's have a shutdown every week!

you can believe whatever you want...nobody stopping you

Now that's very white of you.

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