GOP soooo pissed: Iran deal working out much, much better than expected.




Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now Iran is taking the centrifuges apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?
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Thank u mistra obalma. I wuv u. Sign Deenie weenie


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Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now they are taking them apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?


Without quagmire?
When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it?
Yep, got it, that prick George W. Bush was either selling or giving centrifuges to Iran.

Iran deal working out much, much better than expected.
Yep, it sure is and I suspect it will continue to do so right up until the point that Iran successfully tests it's first nuclear weapon at which time I'm sure your story will change to something suitably partisan and divorced from anything resembling objectivity.
When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it?
Yep, got it, that prick George W. Bush was either selling or giving centrifuges to Iran.

Iran deal working out much, much better than expected.
Yep, it sure is and I suspect it will continue to do so right up until the point that Iran successfully tests it's first nuclear weapon at which time I'm sure your story will change to something suitably partisan and divorced from anything resembling objectivity.
How will they make nuclear weapons without nuclear material or centrifuges? Do keep up. Your lack of understanding anything scientific is appalling.
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Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now they are taking them apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?


Without quagmire?
Republicans love the taste of quagmire.
I am afraid the Republicans are going to run us up on someone that is going to attack back.

North Korea testing a nuke during the Bush administration was a warning and probably a bluff as well.To put it bluntly, if the Bush administration was against the NK having nukes, they really had no choice but to declare war and eradicate the regime once they demonstrated their nuclear capability.

Sounds crazy? But it was the only continuation to set the precedent that we were serious. Also, the chances of NK having nukes then were less likely than in the future. This is the dangerous road that the brave follows. Anyone thumping their chest but refusing to take this road can not be taking seriously.

Now we ave Iran on the precipice of nuclear war capability. In fact, they were fast approaching this since the Bush administration. What is the new precedent? Go ahead and create it and test it.

Do it during a Republican administration. Why? Because Republicans are most likely to back down and tap dance around a nuclear Iran. The Iranians can even insult the Republican president to his face and see no consequences, just acquiesence from him.

That is the new precedent---If you get caught, dont stop, build it and test it as fast as you can!!

Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now Iran is taking the centrifuges apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?

Yeah, some NaziCons are probably on suicide watch.
"House Republicans have abandoned their ambitions to sue the Obama administration over the nuclear deal with Iran."

They need to abandon being such ridiculous partisan hacks.
"House Republicans have abandoned their ambitions to sue the Obama administration over the nuclear deal with Iran."

They need to abandon being such ridiculous partisan hacks.
Following is so natural for lemmings, they don't even notice they are following.
Our men on their knees being used for propaganda, sounds so Carter like.

Of course Dean has to blame those taken capture, nothing else fits his apologetic tour.

Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now they are taking them apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?


Without quagmire?
Republicans love the taste of quagmire.

Like the lbj vietnam quagmire?
Our men on their knees being used for propaganda, sounds so Carter like.

Of course Dean has to blame those taken capture, nothing else fits his apologetic tour.
They admitted they ignored orders and sailed into Iranian territory. And that makes you an ignorant moron. Try to figure out why. So you don't look so stupid in the future. Unless it doesn't bother you. It didn't bother me.

Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now they are taking them apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?


Without quagmire?
Republicans love the taste of quagmire.

Like the lbj vietnam quagmire?
So that was over 50 year ago? And that's all you got? Pathetic.

Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now Iran is taking the centrifuges apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?
How God damn stupid are you? The deal JUST STARTED YESTERDAY. 30 years of terrorism & underhanded bullshit can be wiped away in ONE DAMN DAY?

You truly are a certifiable moron
A few days ago, the board was filled with Iran threads. Now they seem to be mostly gone. Why is that?

Now let's look at what actually happened.

When Bush took office, Iran has ZERO centrifuges. When he left, they had over 6,000. Get it? 0 at first, over 6,000 when he left. Rotten GOP foreign policies, failed again, just like always. Now Iran is taking the centrifuges apart.

Iran is giving it's low grade nuclear mess to Russia. Russia, one of the countries Iran made the deal with, has to be the one to dispose of it. That means we don't have to deal with that mess (Someone from the USMB actually said, "Can't they just destroy it?" I'm assuming with a blank face and wide eyes).


We now know our sailors, against the rules, took a "short cut" across Iranian waters. When they got in trouble, their mother ship released helicopters. The Iranians thought they were being attacked with boats and helicopters invading their territory. Didn't I tell you? Someone is gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right wingers are so stupid, they actually believe the US has the God given right to go anywhere it wants in the world without consequence, you know they do. All that fucking exceptionalism right wing propaganda teaches them to believe. The fools.

And look at that, our sailors where held less than 16 hours.

And now other Americans they hold has been let go. Who would have thunk it?

The GOP plan? Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran. Now don't you feel stupid?

The best part of all, Iran can now sell it's oil on a market that's so depressed, there really is not much of a market. This will only make the price go down. As in good for US consumers.

Another stunning Obama success out of the ashes of a terrible GOP failure. And failure is all the GOP can see. Because it's all they know, right?

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

But now, on the eve of the deal’s implementation, the dream has drifted away, and been supplanted by a handful of legislative efforts designed to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions against Iran.

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

Gee, I wonder why???? Don't you?
How God damn stupid are you? The deal JUST STARTED YESTERDAY. 30 years of terrorism & underhanded bullshit can be wiped away in ONE DAMN DAY?

You truly are a certifiable moron
Was the GOP's Iraq invasion terrorism?

Was the GOP and their Ebola threat terrorism?

Was threatening Americans with Isis terrorism.

Republicans are experts on terrorism. They do their best to scare the GOP base.

Remember Crispie: THIS WORLD IS ON FIRE!

And let me say it one more time:

GOP abandons push to sue Obama over Iran

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