GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

Since this is still going on, a question:

Since all the protests the left did over teh years were organized, why is that good, but if the right organizes, its bad?

That is not only stupid its hypocritcal.

Accept that people can disagree and not be evil or pawns.

The left look like four star jerks trying to demonize protests, very Nixonian.

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

Attending a town hall meeting with your representative for the express purpose of getting answers to your questions is what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they set up our particular brand of freedom.

It is the height of arrogance and no small amount of ignorance to believe to know the motivation of the people who are attending these meetings.

Funny but no where have I ever read that the freedom of speech says that you have the right to express your opinion in absolute silence.

But if someone can find that clause in our Bill of Rights, I'll certainly entertain the notion that shouting somehow infringes upon the rights of others.
Since this is still going on, a question:

Since all the protests the left did over teh years were organized, why is that good, but if the right organizes, its bad?

That is not only stupid its hypocritcal.

Accept that people can disagree and not be evil or pawns.

The left look like four star jerks trying to demonize protests, very Nixonian.

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.
yup, i bet a lot of them actually voted for Obama and the rest of the dems
i bet they are having buyers remorse about now
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it

Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.

Dive never provides support for his opinions. He just calls people morons over and over and over again. I think their is something wrong with his brain.

If it were an opinion, I'd let her slide.

It's a lie. Said that this guy stated that he wanted to be tasered. Claims he said this after the incident. Don't believe it for a minute. Diver has lied to me several times. It's a habit.
Since this is still going on, a question:

Since all the protests the left did over teh years were organized, why is that good, but if the right organizes, its bad?

That is not only stupid its hypocritcal.

Accept that people can disagree and not be evil or pawns.

The left look like four star jerks trying to demonize protests, very Nixonian.

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...
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The leftist assclowns as usual just don't get it. These people don't oppose health care for sick people you lying ignorant sack of shit. What they oppose is the government placing itself in a position where it will, 'ere long, be in the position of deciding who lives and who dies. That has been, whether you leftist tools like it or not, the European experience. And that is where over the long haul Obama care is headed whether you like it or not. So you'd better pull your heads out of the warm, dark, moist place in which it usually resides and figure out whether or not you are comfortable with the government bureaucrats making life and death decisions for every one.
It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...
You mean kind of like they are right now with Mr. Obama as with every President for the past 60 years?
It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...

Prescreened big time!
Since this is still going on, a question:

Since all the protests the left did over teh years were organized, why is that good, but if the right organizes, its bad?

That is not only stupid its hypocritcal.

Accept that people can disagree and not be evil or pawns.

The left look like four star jerks trying to demonize protests, very Nixonian.

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.


Protester were kept blocks away from Bush appearances. There were multiple court cases and NONE of them won.
Who here believes that when Mr. Obama holds an alleged town hall meeting, the people are prescreened nine ways to Sunday and every person in attendance has to submit their questions prior to being admitted?

Not to mention that everyone's political leanings are well known ahead of time.

And this has been going on for decades.
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...
You mean kind of like they are right now with Mr. Obama as with every President for the past 60 years?

Oh, i can remember quite a few times Clinton took it on the chin....and other presidents as well...

Obama seems to be following the Bush administration, for "security reasons"....and I suppose the hatred was/is enough that anyone in the public could have killed bush or tried the same with obama.

I don't have a problem with these protests...I wouldn't act like some of them and I would personally try to be more productive, but we live in a free country and I don't expect everyone to walk in lock step with me....

I don't know what you find disagreeable with this...if that is what you are doing, trying to disagree with me regarding my opinion on political protest being protected speech?

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...
uh, no, that was at the DEM convention
They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...
You mean kind of like they are right now with Mr. Obama as with every President for the past 60 years?

Oh, i can remember quite a few times Clinton took it on the chin....and other presidents as well...

Obama seems to be following the Bush administration, for "security reasons"....and I suppose the hatred was/is enough that anyone in the public could have killed bush or tried the same with obama.

I don't have a problem with these protests...I wouldn't act like some of them and I would personally try to be more productive, but we live in a free country and I don't expect everyone to walk in lock step with me....

I don't know what you find disagreeable with this...if that is what you are doing, trying to disagree with me regarding my opinion on political protest being protected speech?

Really? I don't ever remember Clinton holding a town hall meeting let alone allowing someone to ask a question they were not prepared to answer.

I don't find anything disagreeable with protesters. Even the ones I disagree with. The problem here is that these are not protesters. They are citizens exercising their right to redress grievances with their government. Politics, and Q&A's usually get heated. The problem as I see it is that the Dems have made an art form of dodging hard questions.
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And senators, and representatives, ass clown aren't presidents. If these tools don't want or more likely can't answer the questions we the people are posing to them then they better start looking for a way out because if this thing gets voted through in anything like it's current form You'll be able to count the number of Democratice representatives from out here between the mountains on the fingers of a quadruple amputee.
As I am involved in these, I know this is not true, and protestors were not barred during the Bush years, and I know that too because I protested him also.

The majority of the protestors are enderly, they aern't blocking anybody, and trying to demonize them is a HUGE mistake.

They were not allowed near Bush Xeno...they were put in to caged zones at a distance...

and all of his meetings with the public(in the usa) were prescreened...

Prescreened big time!
more lies
The leftist assclowns as usual just don't get it. These people don't oppose health care for sick people you lying ignorant sack of shit. What they oppose is the government placing itself in a position where it will, 'ere long, be in the position of deciding who lives and who dies. That has been, whether you leftist tools like it or not, the European experience. And that is where over the long haul Obama care is headed whether you like it or not. So you'd better pull your heads out of the warm, dark, moist place in which it usually resides and figure out whether or not you are comfortable with the government bureaucrats making life and death decisions for every one.

You are repeating the talking points that your corporate masters have prepared for you.

How sad.

Why does every industrialized country in the world except the U.S. have a national healthcare system?
The leftist assclowns as usual just don't get it. These people don't oppose health care for sick people you lying ignorant sack of shit. What they oppose is the government placing itself in a position where it will, 'ere long, be in the position of deciding who lives and who dies. That has been, whether you leftist tools like it or not, the European experience. And that is where over the long haul Obama care is headed whether you like it or not. So you'd better pull your heads out of the warm, dark, moist place in which it usually resides and figure out whether or not you are comfortable with the government bureaucrats making life and death decisions for every one.

You are repeating the talking points that your corporate masters have prepared for you.

How sad.

Why does every industrialized country in the world except the U.S. have a national healthcare system?
wow, how ironic
you are nothing but dem talking points
Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.

Dive never provides support for his opinions. He just calls people morons over and over and over again. I think their is something wrong with his brain.

If it were an opinion, I'd let her slide.

It's a lie. Said that this guy stated that he wanted to be tasered. Claims he said this after the incident. Don't believe it for a minute. Diver has lied to me several times. It's a habit.

Just because someone cannot prove something with a link doen't make it a lie.

I tried to research this and many links to news article were broken... as this is and old story.

I had this happen the other day and I admitted that I could not find proof of the claim I had posted, something I heard on a news program.

Point being, you cannot prove it is a lie, unless you have a credible link that states "Andrew Meyers unequivocally never, ever, under any circumstances stated he intentional provoked the police tasing".

Do you have such a link?

Then judge yourself by your own standard.

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