GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

Don't see anything there. I don't see where this guy has ever said he wanted to be tasered.

Where is it?

Ya gotta read between the lines Willy. I understand it thwarts the point you are attempting to make, but this guy intended to make create a spectacle and when the opportunity arose to get tasered on camera, he played it to the hilt.

I know that the guy was just there to be a spectacle. No doubt he meant to cause a scene, film it and all that.

That's not the issue.

The issue is that Divecon frequently tells lies. Said the guy had said himself that he wanted to be tasered. Never heard that before. Don't think it's true.
because you are politically inept doesnt mean everyone else is
the asshole put it on his website that he was intentionally trying to get tasered and he had people there to video tape it
Since this is still going on, a question:

Since all the protests the left did over teh years were organized, why is that good, but if the right organizes, its bad?

That is not only stupid its hypocritcal.

Accept that people can disagree and not be evil or pawns.

The left look like four star jerks trying to demonize protests, very Nixonian.

It's bad because the right has said it was bad for many years. No need to change the rules in the middle game, is there? Protesters get to stand in the rain, outside the hall. We don't allow protesters inside the meeting. It's so darn cute to see the right learning all this!
Ya gotta read between the lines Willy. I understand it thwarts the point you are attempting to make, but this guy intended to make create a spectacle and when the opportunity arose to get tasered on camera, he played it to the hilt.

I know that the guy was just there to be a spectacle. No doubt he meant to cause a scene, film it and all that.

That's not the issue.

The issue is that Divecon frequently tells lies. Said the guy had said himself that he wanted to be tasered. Never heard that before. Don't think it's true.
because you are politically inept doesnt mean everyone else is
the asshole put it on his website that he was intentionally trying to get tasered and he had people there to video tape it

I'm sorry. I don't know if that is true.

Can you provide us with the information or not? THere are a ton of interviews and stories and videos about the whole thing and not one mentions that he ever said he wanted to be tasered.

I don't believe you.
I know that the guy was just there to be a spectacle. No doubt he meant to cause a scene, film it and all that.

That's not the issue.

The issue is that Divecon frequently tells lies. Said the guy had said himself that he wanted to be tasered. Never heard that before. Don't think it's true.
because you are politically inept doesnt mean everyone else is
the asshole put it on his website that he was intentionally trying to get tasered and he had people there to video tape it

I'm sorry. I don't know if that is true.

Can you provide us with the information or not? THere are a ton of interviews and stories and videos about the whole thing and not one mentions that he ever said he wanted to be tasered.

I don't believe you.
cause you are a fucking moron

and NO, i'm not even gonna bother to try to look for it
because you are politically inept doesnt mean everyone else is
the asshole put it on his website that he was intentionally trying to get tasered and he had people there to video tape it

I'm sorry. I don't know if that is true.

Can you provide us with the information or not? THere are a ton of interviews and stories and videos about the whole thing and not one mentions that he ever said he wanted to be tasered.

I don't believe you.
cause you are a fucking moron

and NO, i'm not even gonna bother to try to look for it

Ok. So let's get this straight for the record.

You lied. Again.

He never said that, did he?
Protests that are organized require a permit, authorization...solely for city planning and organizational and protection reasons...

I think if I were against something that my representative was going to speak about at a town hall meeting, I would be certain to be there, and be certain to be prepared with a list of my concerns that I could get him to explain or discuss.

I know I would not disrupt this meeting or try to stop it in any way, because that would defeat my purpose of being there, but others may feel this will serve their own purpose, just fine....and i guess I would have to just "deal" with the cards dealt if something disruptive like this happened when I was at one of these meetings.

I hated it when Code pink disrupted congressional meetings, which I had mentioned it is not a partisan thing with me....just proper UP BRINGING, imo! ;)

that being said, to each their own, when it comes to personal expression or freedom of speech.
Doesn't seem to bother ACORN does it? And these people aren't protesting. They have gone to town hall meetings and asked legitimate questions and voiced their concerns to their elected representatives - you know the assclowns with the (D) after their names - and they aren't ready to settle for the warmed over BS the Dems are trying to feed them.

America didn't move hard left when it voted for Obama it moved from one guy's left wing solutions (Bush and TARP) to someone else whom they hoped would be less inclined to give shit loads of tax dollars to the assholes that screwed the pooch in the first place. They were as it is now obvious wrong and they are increasingly pissed about it out here between the mountains.
Protests that are organized require a permit, authorization...solely for city planning and organizational and protection reasons...

THis is the kind of thing that just makes me laugh at the right. They really just DON"T KNOW about this stuff. That's what makes me laugh a little about it. Many haven't had to protest in their LIVES. They really don't seem to get that protesting will often lead to some of your group being arrested. That's just so dang heart warming and naive I want to give 'em a hot coco and pat them on the bottom on their way out to the demonstration. By God I hope the little ones get their fair share of abuse.
Doesn't seem to bother ACORN does it? And these people aren't protesting. They have gone to town hall meetings and asked legitimate questions and voiced their concerns to their elected representatives - you know the assclowns with the (D) after their names - and they aren't ready to settle for the warmed over BS the Dems are trying to feed them.

America didn't move hard left when it voted for Obama it moved from one guy's left wing solutions (Bush and TARP) to someone else whom they hoped would be less inclined to give shit loads of tax dollars to the assholes that screwed the pooch in the first place. They were as it is now obvious wrong and they are increasingly pissed about it out here between the mountains.
Thats just it.

Some people are too stupid to realize that these are not protests but the free exercise of citizens rights to redress grievances with their government.
Doesn't seem to bother ACORN does it? And these people aren't protesting. They have gone to town hall meetings and asked legitimate questions and voiced their concerns to their elected representatives - you know the assclowns with the (D) after their names - and they aren't ready to settle for the warmed over BS the Dems are trying to feed them.

America didn't move hard left when it voted for Obama it moved from one guy's left wing solutions (Bush and TARP) to someone else whom they hoped would be less inclined to give shit loads of tax dollars to the assholes that screwed the pooch in the first place. They were as it is now obvious wrong and they are increasingly pissed about it out here between the mountains.

Why do you lie?

Their purpose was to disrupt political meetings by shouting down speakers.

That is the opposite of freedom of speech.
Funny, when leftist students shout down conservative speakers in our universities, it is called the very foundation of freedom. And this from the places that allegedly believe in a diversity of ideas.

I guess demanding answers from your elected representative only applies to progressives when they are out of power.
the whole idea of "Protest" is so that you are disruptive enough, civil disobedience, if that's what it takes to get your government to hear you....

viet nam war protests is an example of such...

I realize that making things uncomfortable for the others present at the meeting is probably the goal of the protesters...gotta make it newsworthy or the protest isn't worth a darn I suppose?

In today's world though, it will be sensationalized for ratings in an 8 second spot in the the old days this would have lead to a documentary on health care, or a 15 minute news spot! :(

today, instead of focusing on what the protest is about the focus is on the protester...and what they are wearing... for some (pink) or (well dressed), or what lobbying group are behind them...but not really the meat behind the story of the protest....this just leaves civil unrest imo...and a complete failure on what is suppose to be the watchdog of our Congress, and government in general, the press.

I don't agree with much on what these protesters are protesting and believe most of it are based on twisted, context removed facts...but I do believe that if our press did their job, then the protest issues/concerns would be covered in the news and we all would be better informed about them....we just need the facts from the news, then we can make up our own minds.
I'm sorry. I don't know if that is true.

Can you provide us with the information or not? THere are a ton of interviews and stories and videos about the whole thing and not one mentions that he ever said he wanted to be tasered.

I don't believe you.
cause you are a fucking moron

and NO, i'm not even gonna bother to try to look for it

Ok. So let's get this straight for the record.

You lied. Again.

He never said that, did he?
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it
Funny, when leftist students shout down conservative speakers in our universities, it is called the very foundation of freedom. And this from the places that allegedly believe in a diversity of ideas.

I guess demanding answers from your elected representative only applies to progressives when they are out of power.

Coming to a meeting with the purpose of shouting down speakers is not "demanding answers," it is the opposite of freedom of speech.

And what are they opposing? Healthcare for sick people!


Is this a great country or what?
Doesn't seem to bother ACORN does it? And these people aren't protesting. They have gone to town hall meetings and asked legitimate questions and voiced their concerns to their elected representatives - you know the assclowns with the (D) after their names - and they aren't ready to settle for the warmed over BS the Dems are trying to feed them.

America didn't move hard left when it voted for Obama it moved from one guy's left wing solutions (Bush and TARP) to someone else whom they hoped would be less inclined to give shit loads of tax dollars to the assholes that screwed the pooch in the first place. They were as it is now obvious wrong and they are increasingly pissed about it out here between the mountains.

Why do you lie?

Their purpose was to disrupt political meetings by shouting down speakers.

That is the opposite of freedom of speech.
he's not lying you moron
Funny, when leftist students shout down conservative speakers in our universities, it is called the very foundation of freedom. And this from the places that allegedly believe in a diversity of ideas.

I guess demanding answers from your elected representative only applies to progressives when they are out of power.

Coming to a meeting with the purpose of shouting down speakers is not "demanding answers," it is the opposite of freedom of speech.

And what are they opposing? Healthcare for sick people!


Is this a great country or what?
wrong, moron
they are opposing a takeover of our healthcare
cause you are a fucking moron

and NO, i'm not even gonna bother to try to look for it

Ok. So let's get this straight for the record.

You lied. Again.

He never said that, did he?
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it

Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.
Ok. So let's get this straight for the record.

You lied. Again.

He never said that, did he?
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it

Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.

Dive never provides support for his opinions. He just calls people morons over and over and over again. I think their is something wrong with his brain.
Ok. So let's get this straight for the record.

You lied. Again.

He never said that, did he?
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it

Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.
then you dont understand the fluid nature of it
things change
i dont even know if the guy still has his website
no, moron, i didnt lie
you are just too fucking stupid to know it

Sorry. It's a common thing on this here new fangled internets. I guess you're new to this place eh? Well, we usually ask for people to provide support for the things they state as facts. Opinions are free but the rest....oh well.

You lie.

Dive never provides support for his opinions. He just calls people morons over and over and over again. I think their is something wrong with his brain.
another moron chimes in

and lies again

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