GOP super PAC canceling ads in Arizona

MAGA candidate Blake Masters is tanking as a Senate candidate and a GOP super PAC affiliate would rather not spend a ton of money on a losing race. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania MAGA candidate Oz is trailing a stroke victim and in Georgia MAGA Herschel Walker won't accept any debate invitations and makes outrageous claims.

Republicans' slavish loyalties to The Don is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

A Republican super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is canceling advertisements in Arizona less than three months out from the midterm elections, a possible sign of problems for the Trump-backed GOP candidate challenging Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.).

The Senate Leadership Fund called off its advertisement reservations that were set to air in Arizona between Sept. 6 and Oct. 3, according to AdImpact.

Tanking?... last I checked both races are single digits... The polls are always wrong in democrat favor this far out....
The House will be Gerrymandered Republican but not the historic proportions Republicans bragged about

The House will be a nightmare for Republicans as MAGA Republicans battle with traditional Republucans

Won’t be pretty
Ought to be fun to watch. I still know some normal Republicans that still care about the country, rather than their defeated figurehead.
The neocons control the super PAC in question....They're tanking the election on purpose.

1) They would rather whine and complain about democrats than lead.

2) The power means more to them than anything else.
Trump is tanking the midterms to feed his bloated ego
The neocons control the super PAC in question....They're tanking the election on purpose.

1) They would rather whine and complain about democrats than lead.

2) The power means more to them than anything else.

Americas enemies know this quite well, they would much prefer the Dems.

The big test for the West will be once winter hits in Europe. Mark my words, don't forge an opinion about where the Wests influence lies before the winter.

Let's hope the full tunnel vision Green profiteers don't cost the West far more than our leaders estimated.
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Tanking?... last I checked both races are single digits... The polls are always wrong in democrat favor this far out....
Yeah, but he hates Trump with the heat of a thousand burning stars, so anything he can post talk shit about him is all good.

He has become as knee-jerk and emotionally incontinent when it comes to the God Emperor as every other moonbat.
Soooooo, a swamp group, who loved them some cheney, is not supporting a Trump candidate.

You think this bodes well for you?

Do tell?
Westwall, the fact is the GOP should win the Senate if they ran a candidate that could win!

When Rahm Emanuel said “ What, are fucking retarded “ the GOP should think about who he was screaming that at and why?

Back then the Democrat Party wanted all their politicians to agree with them 110% and Rahm tried to make them understand that someone that agree with you 51% of the time is a win…

Now you are wondering what the fuck I am getting at and that is Trump voting base need to take someone that will agree with them 51% of the time and win the House and Senate and not run those that can not win!

What will happen in November is the Senate will stay Blue and the Democrats might gain seats and I hate to tell you but the House may not flip either, and if not the GOP has to ask why and in my opinion Trump is the cancer that need to be purged…

I know Weatwall you will disagree with me…
Westwall, the fact is the GOP should win the Senate if they ran a candidate that could win!

When Rahm Emanuel said “ What, are fucking retarded “ the GOP should think about who he was screaming that at and why?

Back then the Democrat Party wanted all their politicians to agree with them 110% and Rahm tried to make them understand that someone that agree with you 51% of the time is a win…

Now you are wondering what the fuck I am getting at and that is Trump voting base need to take someone that will agree with them 51% of the time and win the House and Senate and not run those that can not win!

What will happen in November is the Senate will stay Blue and the Democrats might gain seats and I hate to tell you but the House may not flip either, and if not the GOP has to ask why and in my opinion Trump is the cancer that need to be purged…

I know Weatwall you will disagree with me…
The GOP has been "winning" more elections than not since Reagan with those "51%" republicans, and the nation is as bad off as it has ever been.

What you're doing isn't working, yet you insist that doing more of it will get a better result.
The GOP has been "winning" more elections than not since Reagan with those "51%" republicans, and the nation is as bad off as it has ever been.

What you're doing isn't working, yet you insist that doing more of it will get a better result.
Then hand the House and Senate to the Democrats and stay the minority party!

You ain’t winning with Trump Senate Candidates and you might even lose the House which you should win in a damn landslide!
Then hand the House and Senate to the Democrats and stay the minority party!

You ain’t winning with Trump Senate Candidates and you might even lose the House which you should win in a damn landslide!
That's what McTurtle wants...As I already said, he'd rather be in the minority with a cadre of dutiful ass swabs, than have to actually lead and come across on all the cynical promises made and positions taken over the decades.
Thank you, Brian Stelter.
I had to look him up to see who he was. Still don't know exactly what a Media Correspondent is. You are obviously confused somehow. He is 36, living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and works with some aspect of the news or media. I'm almost 68, living in West Tennessee and have no connection with the news media, other than reading a lot of it, if it is interesting.
I had to look him up to see who he was. Still don't know exactly what a Media Correspondent is. You are obviously confused somehow. He is 36, living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and works with some aspect of the news or media. I'm almost 68, living in West Tennessee and have no connection with the news media, other than reading a lot of it, if it is interesting.
No, you didn't have to look him up....You know exactly who I was referring to, and you blather one and on mindlessly just like him and all the other media lemmings.

In fact, bromide and cliche spewing schmucks like you are even more tiresome and banal than they are.
With "winners" like McTurtle and Kevin McCarty, what are you really winning?

They're the exact kind of assholes who caused me to drop out altogether after the 2000 election.
Well then I guess you and I should form our own Political Party and run candidates that will do something for this country!

Anyhoo, the fact is Trump isn’t helping either and is most likely going to give the Democrats another victory in November …

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