GOP super PAC canceling ads in Arizona

No, you didn't have to look him up....You know exactly who I was referring to, and you blather one and on mindlessly just like him and all the other media lemmings.

In fact, bromide and cliche spewing schmucks like you are even more tiresome and banal than they are.
Never read or watched him in my life. You appear to know and watch him a lot, as you know him well or think you do. That says more about you, than me.
‘In Kentucky last week, McConnell told reporters Republicans had a better chance of winning control of the House than the Senate, pointing to “candidate quality” — a veiled reference to Masters, Vance and Trump-backed nominees in Pennsylvania and Georgia.’ ibid

As in poor candidate quality.

Republicans failing to win the Senate would mean no ‘red wave.’
‘In Kentucky last week, McConnell told reporters Republicans had a better chance of winning control of the House than the Senate, pointing to “candidate quality” — a veiled reference to Masters, Vance and Trump-backed nominees in Pennsylvania and Georgia.’ ibid

As in poor candidate quality.

Republicans failing to win the Senate would mean no ‘red wave.’

Democrats are passing as much legislation as they can while they control Congress
If the GOP loses and all of Trump candidates for the Senate lose will you admit Trump is the problem and not the solution?
I'll admit no such thing, as I've never claimed Trump was a solution to anything.

But if, as some sort of alleged "alternative", all you can come up with are establishmentarian ass kissers and yes-men, you have no alternative at all.
If the GOP loses and all of Trump candidates for the Senate lose will you admit Trump is the problem and not the solution?
The system is the problem, not Trump.

Both parties signed an agreement, an understanding, to keep out third parties, and manipulate the debates, so that certain policy areas could not, and would not be covered.

While Trump's economic counsel was having the Treasury department negotiate with the FED, and Blackrock, to take over the entire American economy, the press was focused on that killing of Soleimani. This? Would have been the same, whether it was Trump, Obama, Biden, Bush, etc.

I'm not sure any leader in that position would have had much of a choice. I mean, they could have had a choice, but if they had known what had happened to Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, or JFK when they try to mess with the plans of the international money men, you sort of. . . play along on that one.

Now, the entire system is run by Blackrock, for the interests of billionaire global elites, and ESG investing metrics, not for the interests of the free market.

Trump is not the problem, authoritarians who want to tell you how to live your life, and have made you a slave, are the problem. Folks that watch TEE VEE, keep their noses buried in big tech social media (which is conveniently censored by that same establishment,) and only read big MSM are the problem.

Politicians are figure heads only.

government reality.png

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Tanking?... last I checked both races are single digits... The polls are always wrong in democrat favor this far out....
Really? Because the NY-19 election favored the Republican in every single poll and he lost, but feel free to keep perpetuating that myth if that’s what you need to sleep at night
MAGA candidate Blake Masters is tanking as a Senate candidate and a GOP super PAC affiliate would rather not spend a ton of money on a losing race. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania MAGA candidate Oz is trailing a stroke victim and in Georgia MAGA Herschel Walker won't accept any debate invitations and makes outrageous claims.

Republicans' slavish loyalties to The Don is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

A Republican super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is canceling advertisements in Arizona less than three months out from the midterm elections, a possible sign of problems for the Trump-backed GOP candidate challenging Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.).

The Senate Leadership Fund called off its advertisement reservations that were set to air in Arizona between Sept. 6 and Oct. 3, according to AdImpact.

It does increasingly appear as if the promised "red wave" will be turning into a colorless trickle. But that's what GOP shall reap for selling what little soul they had left to Trump...

Trumpublicans could fuck up a wet dream.

Hell, they make me want to vote for Democrats...

Really? Because the NY-19 election favored the Republican in every single poll and he lost, but feel free to keep perpetuating that myth if that’s what you need to sleep at night
So his argument is that the polls are unreliable, then you point to an instance that the polling was totally unreliable, and that somehow is supposed to prove what?

Man, the Orange Man has totally rotted your brain.
So his argument is that the polls are unreliable, then you point to an instance that the polling was totally unreliable, and that somehow is supposed to prove what?

Man, the Orange Man has totally rotted your brain.

Polls predicted Biden would beat Trump Bigly

He did
Westwall, the fact is the GOP should win the Senate if they ran a candidate that could win!

When Rahm Emanuel said “ What, are fucking retarded “ the GOP should think about who he was screaming that at and why?

Back then the Democrat Party wanted all their politicians to agree with them 110% and Rahm tried to make them understand that someone that agree with you 51% of the time is a win…

Now you are wondering what the fuck I am getting at and that is Trump voting base need to take someone that will agree with them 51% of the time and win the House and Senate and not run those that can not win!

What will happen in November is the Senate will stay Blue and the Democrats might gain seats and I hate to tell you but the House may not flip either, and if not the GOP has to ask why and in my opinion Trump is the cancer that need to be purged…

I know Weatwall you will disagree with me…

I hate to break it to ya, but we no longer care to have RINO's in the government. The demofascists are taking us to socialist ruin at 100 miles per hour, and the RINO's at 80 miles per hour.

The end is still socialism.

We would much rather a Trumper gets in, or that the dems start the civil war. Either way we ultimately win. If the Trumper gets in we have a chance to avoid the war. If the turtle gets his way, then the demofascists start the civil war when we are still able to fight it.
Really? Because the NY-19 election favored the Republican in every single poll and he lost, but feel free to keep perpetuating that myth if that’s what you need to sleep at night
Who knows what happens in NY elections... NY is not a reflection of anyplace but NY....
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So his argument is that the polls are unreliable, then you point to an instance that the polling was totally unreliable, and that somehow is supposed to prove what?
If that was his argument you'd have a point.
Swing district in which everyone was expecting the GOP to win given the alleged "red wave" coming.
Oh please... expected?.... hang that press clipping on the ceiling above your bed and have a ball.... its going down hill for your progressive butt from here out....
Trump is costing Republicans the Senate in 2022
Just like he did in 2020

Mitch NcConnell is pissed that he doesn’t control the Senate
It’s not the Don costing them seats, it’s the RINOs running the GOP. Don’t forget who sits as the RNC chair. They would happily lose the election to the Dems so they can remain in office.

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