GOP tax proposals tilt to rich despite populist rhetoric

Thanks for the link.

Even some conservatives expressed concerns after Bush released his proposed tax cut this past week. Then there was the analysis Thursday from the Washington-based Tax Foundation that concluded his plan would initially help the top 1 percent of earners 10 times as much as it would those in the bottom 10 percent.

How would a tax proposal help people who don't pay taxes?

But experts note that any broad income tax cut inevitably will benefit the rich more than anyone else, because they pay much more in federal income taxes than the middle class or poor.

About 40 percent of the country does not pay federal income tax. The top 1 percent of earners pays about 35 percent of the income tax.

See, right there in the article.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.
Your socialist approach would work only within a homogeneous, undivided nation... It's not what we have here...
Thanks for the link.

Even some conservatives expressed concerns after Bush released his proposed tax cut this past week. Then there was the analysis Thursday from the Washington-based Tax Foundation that concluded his plan would initially help the top 1 percent of earners 10 times as much as it would those in the bottom 10 percent.

How would a tax proposal help people who don't pay taxes?

But experts note that any broad income tax cut inevitably will benefit the rich more than anyone else, because they pay much more in federal income taxes than the middle class or poor.

About 40 percent of the country does not pay federal income tax. The top 1 percent of earners pays about 35 percent of the income tax.

See, right there in the article.

I hate to say this but this recession won't stop until this socialist rhetoric stops. I guess we are going to get 4 more years of this. Hooray!
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
Your socialist approach would work only within a homogeneous, undivided nation... It's not what we have here...
We agree. I hate that its not. Sucks white folks are dragged down here in this country and most wouldn't mind fixing it if it was all white but with so many leeches sucking the life blood from actual workers its understandable. Course we wouldn't have kosher like political parties either in that kind of society I would hope.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

Hitler thought racial socialism might work to.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

Maybe your boss thinks you suck.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

Hitler thought racial socialism might work to.
That was National Socialism. Big difference.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

Maybe your boss thinks you suck.
And? Not my problem. Pay me more I might do better work or work harder. :) Day will come we will take what's ours.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...

Become an owner, then only the government would be stealing your profits.
I'm sure it would be easy for you.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.

Maybe your boss thinks you suck.
And? Not my problem. Pay me more I might do better work or work harder. :) Day will come we will take what's ours.

Day will come we will take what's ours.

What's ours? LOL!
That's a funny way to say you'll steal stuff.
GOP tax proposals tilt to rich despite populist rhetoric

So GOP is talking out of both sides of their mouth....and this is a surprise to who? Oh I know the POOR red staters like here in Georgia,SC,NC,Kentucky,Va,Tn that will STILL vote for these assholes.

Of course it does,,,lol!!!! The rich make 90% of the wealth and our middle class is collapsing because of policies just like this proposal. Doesn't fucking matter to the gop as they just don't care! Treasonous bastards.

It isn't because the corporations don't have the money to build here...It is because they can pay slave wages in asia. The gop will never make them happy in the current set up of "free trade".
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.


I wouldn't say pure socialism as that also doesn't work,,,but read up on the unions and break up of the monopolies in teh early part of the 20th century. This is what created our massive middle class. What we need is a regulated form of capitalism that we had between 1910-1970...

The ceo's need to pay their fucking taxes, the corporations need to grow some pride in this country and the market place better start allowing more competition. This happened in the early to mid 20th century!
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

The rich own the republican party and this is exactly what they want...Why? Because a strong middle class = competition as people start businesses within their "market" and take away market share.

The gop will end up wiping out what is left of our middle class and we'll have what africa and southern Asia has...This has been proven dozens of times throughout history.

I took a history class about the nobility and the serfs that they owned during the 10th to 15th century europe. Believe me, the rich are doing this for power...There hasn't been a change of heart with these bastards.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
I work,Wife works. We aren't getting paid high enough wages for the profit we bring to the bosses and owners...hell my wife is a manager at her work and is only making 1$ more than the regular workers..Its how I see it. Capitalism just doesn't work. Racial Socialism would work but only in a homogeneous society.


I wouldn't say pure socialism as that also doesn't work,,,but read up on the unions and break up of the monopolies in teh early part of the 20th century. This is what created our massive middle class. What we need is a regulated form of capitalism that we had between 1910-1970...

The ceo's need to pay their fucking taxes, the corporations need to grow some pride in this country and the market place better start allowing more competition. This happened in the early to mid 20th century!

This is what created our massive middle class. What we need is a regulated form of capitalism that we had between 1910-1970...

Great idea, reduce regulations to 1970 levels. Cut corporate taxes, we're currently highest in the world.
Only morons think that's a good idea.
Boot 12-20 million illegals. That'll help raise wages in many areas.
I am tired of this class envy bullshit... everybody "enjoys" the benefit of this country everybody should pay taxes equally... that's why a flat sales tax would work best...
That would still benefit the rich....poor would still be making shit pay but have to pay higher taxes on would still be stealing the labor of the poor workers and not having any problems paying a higher sales tax hell it actually allow them more access to more wealth to buy politicians and bills with.

"Stealing labor", "exploitation", was always how socialist saw people working for a living. I think if you are going to borrow from the communist manifesto then you should at least say so because plagiarism is highly unethical.
Socialism and Marxist Communism is not one in the same...

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