GOP Tears Into Biden Over Potential Deal to Spare 9/11 Plotters From Death Penalty


They have been 'awaiting trial' for 20 years. Clearly seeking the death penalty is not even remotely relevant as they will die of old age long before such is carried out.

What are we supposed to get out of this deal anyway? What the hell do they have to offer? Is Biden just trying to get a good headline about sentencing them?
Leftists: Save the whales, save the Islamo-Fascists
Kill the babies

Fetuses aren't babies.

Um, yeah, we should save the whales.

As for the Islamic terrorists, we should lock them up for the rest of their lives... And then maybe stop creating new ones by dumb foreign policy dictated by the Zionists.
Fetuses aren't babies

and teenagers aren't adults, and toddlers aren't senior citizens, but they are all human beings and killing any of them is murder you half-baked imbecile.

What does the B in JoeB stand fore, Bullshit or Bonehead?

Have you ever heard of human rights? Those most fundamental of them all is the Right to Life.

and teenagers aren't adults, and toddlers aren't senior citizens, but they are all human beings and killing any of them is murder you half-baked imbecile.

Teenagers and Toddlers don't need to be attached to another human being to survive.

Have you ever heard of human rights? Those most fundamental of them all is the Right to Life.

Awesome. But since fetuses can't survive outside the womb, it's a moot point. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Roe didn't make abortion legal, it recognized it was going to happen if you like it or not.

If your side was serious about less abortions, then you'd be in favor of universal health care, paid family leave, sex education, and availability of contraception. But then you might have to pay more in taxes, or even worse, make the rich pay more in taxes.

Prostitution is against the law. But clearly, while the cops will pick up the strung out crack whore, they won't bother the Happy Ending Massage Parlors, Escort Services, Strip Joints with a back room, etc. They got better things to do. Do you think they are going to crack down on abortion providers?
Fetuses aren't babies.

Um, yeah, we should save the whales.

As for the Islamic terrorists, we should lock them up for the rest of their lives... And then maybe stop creating new ones by dumb foreign policy dictated by the Zionists.

The thing about imprisoning these Evil Doers is that it can't be done here in America.

Too risky for American women and children.

Do we really want to put these Americans in danger of being killed and/or forcibly sodomized by KSM et al?
GOP Tears Into Biden Over Potential Deal to Spare 9/11 Plotters From Death Penalty

"Republicans are criticizing President Joe Biden over a plan to offer plea deals to the 9/11 plotters — including admitted mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed — to avoid the death penalty.
Talks between prosecutors and defense attorneys for Mohammed and his four co-defendants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they have been held for two decades awaiting trial, could end up prohibiting prosecutors from seeking the death penalty, the Washington Examiner reports."

Joe Biden is genetically prevented from making good decisions.

“Joe Biden’s allies are negotiating lesser sentences for 9/11 attackers,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted. “If they won’t punish terrorists, how can we trust them to lock up criminals in your neighborhood?”

The thing about imprisoning these Evil Doers is that it can't be done here in America.

Too risky for American women and children.

Do we really want to put these Americans in danger of being killed and/or forcibly sodomized by KSM et al?

Actually, you kill KSM, you create a hundred new ones. Our problem has always been our policies are creating terrorist faster than we can kill them, as Donald Rumsfeld himself observed.

“Joe Biden’s allies are negotiating lesser sentences for 9/11 attackers,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted. “If they won’t punish terrorists, how can we trust them to lock up criminals in your neighborhood?”

The point is, they WILL be punished. That's not such a sure thing in a trial where all your evidence was gathered either illegally or through methods you don't want discussed in open court. This is why Trump, Obama and Bush never brought these guys to trial.
These goatfuckers should have been dead six seconds after they were captured, as should ALL terrorists. NO QUARTER needs to be the US policy towards terrorists, period.

Okay, we've been at war with them for, what, 21 years now. We've killed far more than we've captured.

779 people have been locked up at Gitmo. Today, there are still 39 prisoners there. Most of the rest were returned to their home countries.

We've killed 37,000 enemy combatants in Iraq, and 52,000 enemy combatants in Afghanistan. Civilian casualties have been 600,000 in Iraq and 241,000 in Afghanistan.

Do you feel any safer? I don't. At the end of the day, we pulled out with nothing really resolved, and yes, we killed Bin Laden and Zawahiri, we probably can't convict KSM because all the evidence against him is unusable in an American court.

Here's a crazy idea.

Stop trying to play hall monitor in the middle east.
Stop antagonizing the Islamic world by blindly supporting anything the Zionist Entity does.
Take those hundreds of billions we are currently investing overpriced military hardware and invest it in energy independence instead. (We might even end up saving the planet from climate change! Bonus!)
Okay, we've been at war with them for, what, 21 years now. We've killed far more than we've captured.

779 people have been locked up at Gitmo. Today, there are still 39 prisoners there. Most of the rest were returned to their home countries.

We've killed 37,000 enemy combatants in Iraq, and 52,000 enemy combatants in Afghanistan. Civilian casualties have been 600,000 in Iraq and 241,000 in Afghanistan.

Do you feel any safer? I don't. At the end of the day, we pulled out with nothing really resolved, and yes, we killed Bin Laden and Zawahiri, we probably can't convict KSM because all the evidence against him is unusable in an American court.

Here's a crazy idea.

Stop trying to play hall monitor in the middle east.
Stop antagonizing the Islamic world by blindly supporting anything the Zionist Entity does.
Take those hundreds of billions we are currently investing overpriced military hardware and invest it in energy independence instead. (We might even end up saving the planet from climate change! Bonus!)
Maybe you should get a blow-up Taliban doll that you can have sex with.
Maybe you should get a blow-up Taliban doll that you can have sex with.

I'm betting you didn't rush down to your recruiting station on Sept. 12th, 2001 and sign up. (I didn't either, because I had enlisted in 1981 and stayed in until 1992.

Do you understand the topic?
Can you actually read above the third grade level?
The idiot was insisting we should make abortion illegal... I've pointed out that you can't make something illegal unless you get a super-majority to agree it SHOULD be illegal.

probably about only half the country thinks abortion should be against the law. That's not enough to sustain a law.
The thing about imprisoning these Evil Doers is that it can't be done here in America.

Too risky for American women and children.

Do we really want to put these Americans in danger of being killed and/or forcibly sodomized by KSM et al?

When did America become too scared to hold pieces of shit like that prisoner?
When did America become too scared to hold pieces of shit like that prisoner?

The problem here is that we have a conundrum.

If the prisoners at Gitmo are Prisoners of war, then the Geneva conventions SHOULD apply to them.

If they are not. then they are owed due process under our court system with our rules of evidence... which wouldn't pass muster.
The problem here is that we have a conundrum.

If the prisoners at Gitmo are Prisoners of war, then the Geneva conventions SHOULD apply to them.

If they are not. then they are owed due process under our court system with our rules of evidence... which wouldn't pass muster.

Interesting. One of Obama's first EO's was to close down Gitmo. That effort was stopped in bipartisan fashion even though both candidates in 2008 campaigned on closing it down.


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