GOP, Vice-Presidential Candidacies???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Come on, wouldn't it be a bit more honest if potential GOP presidential candidates would openly admit that they're really running for the republican vice-presidential slot?

Examples: Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Perry, et al.

(before right wingers get set to criticize, YES, on the Dems side, so is Sanders.....)
Come on, wouldn't it be a bit more honest if potential GOP presidential candidates would openly admit that they're really running for the republican vice-presidential slot?

Examples: Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Perry, et al.

(before right wingers get set to criticize, YES, on the Dems side, so is Sanders.....)
This is where things usually go horribly wrong for the GOP.

They always try to play to part of their base.

Why not play to the independent? You know, the people who actually decide the outcome of the elections.

Why not play to the conservative Dem.?

The party of fear and division is actually terrified of losing their base -- their poor white, old and angry base.
Just me, but I don't see a governor running for VP. They're used to being #1, and I don't know if the average governor ego could handle #2.

Regarding the Democrats, Warren has made it clear she's not running for President, but.....

The party of fear and division is actually terrified of losing their base -- their poor white, old and angry base.

Couldn't agree more......
That devoted, ultra-right-wing "base" has NO WHERE ELSE TO GO,........................ so....why not appeal to the more "undecided?".....

Some would say that candidates always run to the base during primaries and then quickly slide to the "middle"....and that is true. However, those candidates usually come off as hypocritical, flip-floppers.
GOP nominees have moved from picking ambitionless boobs who will never challenge the president's authority to picking ambitious boobs who set up their own unaccountable branch of government. Let's never forget the lesson of Dick Cheney and what republicans will do with executive power.
Come on, wouldn't it be a bit more honest if potential GOP presidential candidates would openly admit that they're really running for the republican vice-presidential slot?

Examples: Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Perry, et al.

(before right wingers get set to criticize, YES, on the Dems side, so is Sanders.....)

You never know, you can be a race baiting, empty suit Senator from Illinois who just learned where the Senate Men's room is without an original idea in your head who votes "present" on every significant bill and end up winning the thing.

The answer to your question though is that running for President does two things. First, you may not win but your name becomes more widely known and you may have more of a chance in the future because of it. Second, it puts you through the vetting process, so the winning candidate is more comfortable picking you. You also get exposed to the public and they can tell if you're going to be more of an asset or a liability. Think Palin. Her voice left her open to misogynistic attacks from the left. They didn't vet her voice
Just me, but I don't see a governor running for VP. They're used to being #1, and I don't know if the average governor ego could handle #2.

True....I can only think of Spiro Agnew....and we all know how THAT turned out. LOL
Of course that is what some are doing and sometimes that works for them. Same with Democrats did anyone really think Joe Biden was going to win the Democratic nomination in 2008 including Biden? He was not even close but he got the number two spot.
You never know, you can be a race baiting, empty suit Senator from Illinois without an original idea in your head who votes "present" on every significant bill who just learned where the Senate Men's room is and end up winning the thing

Cheap shot.....with all of the little "mantras" that you learned from FOX.....

But, Kaz, aren't you also being a bit too harsh on Rubio?
You never know, you can be a race baiting, empty suit Senator from Illinois without an original idea in your head who votes "present" on every significant bill who just learned where the Senate Men's room is and end up winning the thing

Cheap shot.....with all of the little "mantras" that you learned from FOX.....

But, Kaz, aren't you also being a bit too harsh on Rubio?

The Daniel Webster of playground arguments you are
Of course that is what some are doing and sometimes that works for them. Same with Democrats did anyone really think Joe Biden was going to win the Democratic nomination in 2008 including Biden? He was not even close but he got the number two spot.

Perhaps, but Biden proved himself sending Rudy Giuliani back to the gutters where he truly belongs.
You never know, you can be a race baiting, empty suit Senator from Illinois without an original idea in your head who votes "present" on every significant bill who just learned where the Senate Men's room is and end up winning the thing

BTW, Kaz.....did Obama really "race-baited" all those half-black/half-white citizens?
Or, did he just "baited" all those Kenyan, Muslims, Communist folks without a birth certificate?

.....Just asking......
You never know, you can be a race baiting, empty suit Senator from Illinois without an original idea in your head who votes "present" on every significant bill who just learned where the Senate Men's room is and end up winning the thing

BTW, Kaz.....did Obama really "race-baited" all those half-black/half-white citizens?

No, the black ones, Einstein. Who calls him half and half? The left always call him the black President.

Or, did he just "baited" all those Kenyan, Muslims, Communist folks without a birth certificate?

.....Just asking......

I'm not a birther, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. He just lied and said he was born in Kenya. He was the original birther, patient zero of the idiotic birther movement.

Furthermore, even if he had been born in Kenya, he was born an American, he's naturally born since his mother was an American. The physical location of his birth is irrelevant
Come on, wouldn't it be a bit more honest if potential GOP presidential candidates would openly admit that they're really running for the republican vice-presidential slot?

Examples: Jindal, Fiorina, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Perry, et al.

(before right wingers get set to criticize, YES, on the Dems side, so is Sanders.....)
Hmm, what's that smell? Smells like troll.
The presidential candidates havent all announced and you're yammering about VP candidates?

What about the Dems? Will Raoul Castro be able to beat out Kim Jung Eun for the post?
What about the Dems? Will Raoul Castro be able to beat out Kim Jung Eun for the post?

Oh come on, rabbit, you forgot to mention the Ayatollah......Fox and Breibart will begin deducting points from you.
He just lied and said he was born in Kenya. He was the original birther, patient zero of the idiotic birther movement

Oh, I now see, Obama actually convinced morons like Trump about the Kenyan birth ...Kind of clever of Obama, don't you think?.

He just lied and said he was born in Kenya. He was the original birther, patient zero of the idiotic birther movement

Oh, I now see, Obama actually convinced morons like Trump about the Kenyan birth ...Kind of clever of Obama, don't you think?.

No, he was just being pretentious, not clever

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