GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

What purpose will an ID serve for voting? Feel free to be amazed once again

I'm thinking you are not understanding what the phrase "proof of identification" means. What does "proof of identification" mean to you?

You asked "answers to what?"

I said "What purpose will an ID serve for voting?"

You respond with More questions.

Do you see the problem? You have no answers but a shit ton of questions

You ask the question, what purpose will an ID serve for voting? My response was and still is, the ID will provide proof of identification. In response to my answer you ask again what purpose will an ID serve for voting.

Again I ask, what part of the phrase "proof of identification" is confusing you?
Message to any person who does not have ID- get an ID and stop your whining......

and a Hula Hoop. Dont ask why just do it

I've assumed it happens in other states too, but when I saw bus from one of the residential facilities for the mentally retarded (developmentally disabled) pull up to a polling station and a bunch of people get out to vote, "assisted" by their state employed caretakers, I was a bit shocked.
I'll start you with this one. Link

Why? That doesnt show who voted that day this is a link to absentee voters

It's also a link to who voted early. Between early voting and absentee it is common for over half of the votes to be in before election day.

From the link I provided I can tell who has voted either absentee or early and who has an absentee ballot but hasn't returned it.

Now on election day if a county has electronic poll books I can login to get a report of who has voted and who hasn't voted.

I already have the past voting history of the registered voters.

Do I have to spell it all out for you?

thats a lot of "ifs". Even if you had the list of who voted early and who hasnt returned theirs where are you going to get their absentee ballots from? Even if you accomplished all that and had extra absentee ballots and those people havent returned it to that polling station what are we looking at? 1 or 2 per location?

And no indication if they voted in person or not either?
I'm thinking you are not understanding what the phrase "proof of identification" means. What does "proof of identification" mean to you?

You asked "answers to what?"

I said "What purpose will an ID serve for voting?"

You respond with More questions.

Do you see the problem? You have no answers but a shit ton of questions

You ask the question, what purpose will an ID serve for voting? My response was and still is, the ID will provide proof of identification. In response to my answer you ask again what purpose will an ID serve for voting.

Again I ask, what part of the phrase "proof of identification" is confusing you?

Currently there isnt a problem with people not proving who they are. Back to the Hula Hoop. A Hula Hoop will prove you followed directions to get a Hula Hoop but it does nothing other than place a burden on people since there is no "Hula Hoop voting problem".

Unless you're saying voting fraud is a problem. No one can show that it is but maybe you have the secret evidence.
Why? That doesnt show who voted that day this is a link to absentee voters

It's also a link to who voted early. Between early voting and absentee it is common for over half of the votes to be in before election day.

From the link I provided I can tell who has voted either absentee or early and who has an absentee ballot but hasn't returned it.

Now on election day if a county has electronic poll books I can login to get a report of who has voted and who hasn't voted.

I already have the past voting history of the registered voters.

Do I have to spell it all out for you?

thats a lot of "ifs". Even if you had the list of who voted early and who hasnt returned theirs where are you going to get their absentee ballots from? Even if you accomplished all that and had extra absentee ballots and those people havent returned it to that polling station what are we looking at? 1 or 2 per location?

And no indication if they voted in person or not either?

But where has this happened?
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

They are even so retarded as to point to cases of absentee voter fraud as evidence we need Voter ID! They have even pointed to cases of absentee voter fraud in states that already have Voter ID as evidence we need Voter ID!

You can't make this shit up.

For some reason, they really, really, really, really want more totally ineffective government involvement in our lives.

This is beyond bizarre. This is Twilight Zone stuff.
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It's also a link to who voted early. Between early voting and absentee it is common for over half of the votes to be in before election day.

From the link I provided I can tell who has voted either absentee or early and who has an absentee ballot but hasn't returned it.

Now on election day if a county has electronic poll books I can login to get a report of who has voted and who hasn't voted.

I already have the past voting history of the registered voters.

Do I have to spell it all out for you?

thats a lot of "ifs". Even if you had the list of who voted early and who hasnt returned theirs where are you going to get their absentee ballots from? Even if you accomplished all that and had extra absentee ballots and those people havent returned it to that polling station what are we looking at? 1 or 2 per location?

And no indication if they voted in person or not either?

But where has this happened?

Only in the imagination of Defiant
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......

Why? That doesnt show who voted that day this is a link to absentee voters

It's also a link to who voted early. Between early voting and absentee it is common for over half of the votes to be in before election day.

From the link I provided I can tell who has voted either absentee or early and who has an absentee ballot but hasn't returned it.

Now on election day if a county has electronic poll books I can login to get a report of who has voted and who hasn't voted.

I already have the past voting history of the registered voters.

Do I have to spell it all out for you?

thats a lot of "ifs". Even if you had the list of who voted early and who hasnt returned theirs where are you going to get their absentee ballots from? Even if you accomplished all that and had extra absentee ballots and those people havent returned it to that polling station what are we looking at? 1 or 2 per location?

And no indication if they voted in person or not either?

The election day reports will tell you who has voted and who hasn't.

In Florida if you have not returned your absentee ballot you can still vote at the polls.

This information is available because of the pressure from Get Out the Vote groups.
In order to get out the vote on election day you need to know who hasn't voted.
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......


So if a completely ineffective government program is smaller than ObamaCare, it is a good thing? That's your new rule of thumb?

"As long as my retarded plan is less retarded than ObamaCare, we should go forward with it." :cuckoo:
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Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......


cuckoo all you want, but at least in theory Obamacare applies equally to all citizens. I admit I get a queasy feeling to both Obamacare and disenfranchising the poor and stupid ... even though I object to freeloaders without insurance running up my HC costs, and I'm not a big fan of the people the stupid and lazy are electing down here.
How can Zander be pro ID and Anti Obamacare but compares them to each other?

Zander 1 disagrees with Zander 2?
proof: something which shows that something else is true or correct; an act or process of showing that something is true.

identification: the act of finding out who someone is or what something is : the act of identifying someone or something.

This is not that hard ClosedCaption. Not sure why you keep asking what purpose proof of identification provides. The phrase is self defining.

You are saying this like there is a problem with voting fraud. Can you show me where this problem exists and how ID would stop it?

When you cant could you be sure to at least include a funny gif in your response to increase the comedic value?


No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......


So if a completely ineffective government program is smaller than ObamaCare, it is a good thing? That's your new rule of thumb?

"As long as my retarded plan is less retarded than ObamaCare, we should go forward with it." :cuckoo:

Requiring ID for voters is not a "Government Program". It's a common sense regulation- like requiring employees at restaurants to wash their hands after taking a shit. It may not stop every disease transmission but it will stop some. Voter ID may not stop all Voter Fraud, but it will stop some.....
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......


cuckoo all you want, but at least in theory Obamacare applies equally to all citizens. I admit I get a queasy feeling to both Obamacare and disenfranchising the poor and stupid ... even though I object to freeloaders without insurance running up my HC costs, and I'm not a big fan of the people the stupid and lazy are electing down here.

Obamacare does not apply equally to all citizens.
yes, this is far worse than something like Obamacare.......


cuckoo all you want, but at least in theory Obamacare applies equally to all citizens. I admit I get a queasy feeling to both Obamacare and disenfranchising the poor and stupid ... even though I object to freeloaders without insurance running up my HC costs, and I'm not a big fan of the people the stupid and lazy are electing down here.

Obamacare does not apply equally to all citizens.

Oh, but I recall the RW contending it forced citizens to actually buy something so all were covered.

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