GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.
but one doesn't have to be to get a state issued id card.
You asked "answers to what?"

I said "What purpose will an ID serve for voting?"

You respond with More questions.

Do you see the problem? You have no answers but a shit ton of questions

You ask the question, what purpose will an ID serve for voting? My response was and still is, the ID will provide proof of identification. In response to my answer you ask again what purpose will an ID serve for voting.

Again I ask, what part of the phrase "proof of identification" is confusing you?

Currently there isnt a problem with people not proving who they are. Back to the Hula Hoop. A Hula Hoop will prove you followed directions to get a Hula Hoop but it does nothing other than place a burden on people since there is no "Hula Hoop voting problem".

Unless you're saying voting fraud is a problem. No one can show that it is but maybe you have the secret evidence.

Identity Theft exists. Correct? Mistakes are made correct?

One means to curb identity theft and voting errors is to require proof of identification. Any lack of any evidence of identity theft in elections that you may believe exists, is not proof that there is no identity theft. That would be like saying rapes don't take place without physical evidence. Just because there has been NO EFFORT to catch voter fraud, just because people get away with it because it's considered a minor offense, is not proof that there has never been voter fraud due to a decided lack of proof of identification.

I can remember NY snow birds living in FL bragging about being able to vote twice, once in FL and also as an absentee voter in NY. Not just one person, ... dozens. It was a regular thing for them to brag about it.
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cuckoo all you want, but at least in theory Obamacare applies equally to all citizens. I admit I get a queasy feeling to both Obamacare and disenfranchising the poor and stupid ... even though I object to freeloaders without insurance running up my HC costs, and I'm not a big fan of the people the stupid and lazy are electing down here.

Obamacare does not apply equally to all citizens.

Oh, but I recall the RW contending it forced citizens to actually buy something so all were covered.

How would they know? We had to pass the law to know what was in the law.....:lol:
Voter ID is a great way to make sure every citizen meets the requirements of the national identity papers program the GOP Congress forced all the states to implement. Funny, I don't recall any cries of secession over that at the time...

Voter ID does not stop voter fraud, but it does a bang-up job of getting the sheep acclimated to obeying authority and producing their papers for doing something as foolish as exercising their freedoms.
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Voter ID is a great way to make sure every citizen meets the requirements of the national identity papers program the GOP Congress forced all the states to implement. Funny, I don't recall any cries of secession over that at the time...

Voter ID does not stop voter fraud, but it does a bang-up job of getting the sheep acclimated to obeying authority and producing their papers for doing something as foolish as exercising their freedoms.

Like gun registration?
proof: something which shows that something else is true or correct; an act or process of showing that something is true.

identification: the act of finding out who someone is or what something is : the act of identifying someone or something.

This is not that hard ClosedCaption. Not sure why you keep asking what purpose proof of identification provides. The phrase is self defining.

You are saying this like there is a problem with voting fraud. Can you show me where this problem exists and how ID would stop it?

When you cant could you be sure to at least include a funny gif in your response to increase the comedic value?


No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

that is simply not correct. The only justification for voter ID was fraud. If I show up at the wrong precint and say "I'm bendog" they say, "you are not on the roll, where do you live" I say I live in my backyard doghose. They say go to X precint you dumb mutt.

The law is no doubt constitutional. There is some degree of fraud. However, there also is no argument that MOST fraud is/was with absentee ballots. Nevertheless, there is no legal requirement that a law be the absolutely best way to eliminate fraud. If it arguably eliminates some, then it's ok, so long as there isn't a less intrusive way to get at the exact same fraud. Still, if you are contending voter ID is about something OTHER than suppressing the vote of the lazy and stupid, you are being disingenuous. If it was really about fraud, they'd go after the absentees.

Again, the busload of mentally impaired people showing up to vote. No doubt their caretakers told them who to vote for, and it wasn't the small govt party, but then again those individuals had a valid interest in getting more taxpayer services. The question comes down to whether you support the lazy and stupid voting that you have to provide them with govt services.
Voter ID is a great way to make sure every citizen meets the requirements of the national identity papers program the GOP Congress forced all the states to implement. Funny, I don't recall any cries of secession over that at the time...

Voter ID does not stop voter fraud, but it does a bang-up job of getting the sheep acclimated to obeying authority and producing their papers for doing something as foolish as exercising their freedoms.

Like gun registration?

Yes, like gun registration. So why are you in favor of Voter ID? Why are you not opposed to it, as any true conservative should be?
Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

They are even so retarded as to point to cases of absentee voter fraud as evidence we need Voter ID! They have even pointed to cases of absentee voter fraud in states that already have Voter ID as evidence we need Voter ID!

You can't make this shit up.

For some reason, they really, really, really, really want more totally ineffective government involvement in our lives.

This is beyond bizarre. This is Twilight Zone stuff.

What a load of horseshit. Enlarge the size and scope of government? Pulling out your existing ID and showing it to the poll working at the existing polling place enlarges government? :lmao: Who knew that the equivilant to a convenience store looking at your ID to sell you a pack of cigarettes was like adding a trillion dollar entitlement program that forces you to purchase a service you may not desire. It's amusing how liberals keep considering themselves to be superior when they use preschool logic to support their arguments. Are you and closed caption in the same kindergarten and does the teacher know you're using her PC?

Tweets? That's all you have?

Now I want you to spend ten seconds to think about how in-person voter fraud is impossible to perpetrate on any kind of scale large enough to swing the election of a dogcatcher, much less a President.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you will know why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

Please disregard the voice in your head telling you I just said there is no voter fraud. That voice is lying to you.
proof: something which shows that something else is true or correct; an act or process of showing that something is true.

identification: the act of finding out who someone is or what something is : the act of identifying someone or something.

This is not that hard ClosedCaption. Not sure why you keep asking what purpose proof of identification provides. The phrase is self defining.

You are saying this like there is a problem with voting fraud. Can you show me where this problem exists and how ID would stop it?

When you cant could you be sure to at least include a funny gif in your response to increase the comedic value?


No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

You seem to believe that ID will prevent something. Only you dont know what that "something" is. Just like requiring everyone to get a Hula Hoop.

You dont know why but seem to think its a good idea. You would think that your inability to come up with a reason why would be enough.

If voting fraud isnt a problem then why change laws to require an extra step before being able to vote?

Tweets? That's all you have?

Now I want you to spend ten seconds to think about how in-person voter fraud is impossible to perpetrate on any kind of scale large enough to swing the election of a dogcatcher, much less a President.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you will know why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

Please disregard the voice in your head telling you I just said there is no voter fraud. That voice is lying to you.

If it saves just one voter from being disenfranchised via fraud, isn't it worth it? Won't somebody please think of the voters? It's just common sense legislation.

Tweets? That's all you have?

Now I want you to spend ten seconds to think about how in-person voter fraud is impossible to perpetrate on any kind of scale large enough to swing the election of a dogcatcher, much less a President.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you will know why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

Please disregard the voice in your head telling you I just said there is no voter fraud. That voice is lying to you.

If it saves just one voter from being disenfranchised via fraud, isn't it worth it? Won't somebody please think of the voters? It's just common sense legislation.

Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting
You are saying this like there is a problem with voting fraud. Can you show me where this problem exists and how ID would stop it?

When you cant could you be sure to at least include a funny gif in your response to increase the comedic value?


No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

that is simply not correct. The only justification for voter ID was fraud. If I show up at the wrong precint and say "I'm bendog" they say, "you are not on the roll, where do you live" I say I live in my backyard doghose. They say go to X precint you dumb mutt.

The law is no doubt constitutional. There is some degree of fraud. However, there also is no argument that MOST fraud is/was with absentee ballots. Nevertheless, there is no legal requirement that a law be the absolutely best way to eliminate fraud. If it arguably eliminates some, then it's ok, so long as there isn't a less intrusive way to get at the exact same fraud. Still, if you are contending voter ID is about something OTHER than suppressing the vote of the lazy and stupid, you are being disingenuous. If it was really about fraud, they'd go after the absentees.

Again, the busload of mentally impaired people showing up to vote. No doubt their caretakers told them who to vote for, and it wasn't the small govt party, but then again those individuals had a valid interest in getting more taxpayer services. The question comes down to whether you support the lazy and stupid voting that you have to provide them with govt services.

You have to have proof of identification to register to vote, providing your proof of identification again when you vote merely ensures that you vote won't be used in your absence. It is a courtesy to the voter that his vote won't be stolen by criminals. No different than requiring identification when someone writes a check against your bank account.

You anti-ID folks are being re-ridiculous. Don't like ID? Fine make it signature based. Scan the signature used during voter registration where you proved your proof of identification, then compare that to the signature used to vote.
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Voter ID does not stop the type of voter fraud which occurs. Voter ID proponents are stone blind to this simple fact. They are so eager to enlarge the size and scope of government in our lives they fail to see the obvious.

They are even so retarded as to point to cases of absentee voter fraud as evidence we need Voter ID! They have even pointed to cases of absentee voter fraud in states that already have Voter ID as evidence we need Voter ID!

You can't make this shit up.

For some reason, they really, really, really, really want more totally ineffective government involvement in our lives.

This is beyond bizarre. This is Twilight Zone stuff.

What a load of horseshit. Enlarge the size and scope of government? Pulling out your existing ID and showing it to the poll working at the existing polling place enlarges government? :lmao:

Requiring everyone to acquire national identity papers is enlargeing the size and scope of government, yes. Why does this truth elude you?

Who knew that the equivilant to a convenience store looking at your ID to sell you a pack of cigarettes was like adding a trillion dollar entitlement program that forces you to purchase a service you may not desire.

Wow. You are really trying to cram as many logical fallacies into one sentence as you can!

First, comparing ID for cigarettes to ID for voting is comparing apples to oranges. The reason is because there is no other valid way to prevent or stop a minor from buying cigarrettes than by making people show an ID. However, it has been proven time and again that producing Voter ID has virtually no effect at preventing or stopping the type of fraud which most frequently occurs. As I pointed out, some people are so retarded they have pointed to cases of absentee voter fraud in states which already have Voter ID as evidence of the need for Voter ID! :lol:

Next, you continue to justify one retarded program (Voter ID) by saying we have another retarded program (ObamaCare). This is the classic "two wrongs make a right" argument.

It's amusing how liberals keep considering themselves to be superior when they use preschool logic to support their arguments.

Irony, considering the horrible logical fallacies you are employing.

And now you have employed the strawman logical fallacy by assuming I am a liberal.
Tweets? That's all you have?

Now I want you to spend ten seconds to think about how in-person voter fraud is impossible to perpetrate on any kind of scale large enough to swing the election of a dogcatcher, much less a President.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you will know why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

Please disregard the voice in your head telling you I just said there is no voter fraud. That voice is lying to you.

If it saves just one voter from being disenfranchised via fraud, isn't it worth it? Won't somebody please think of the voters? It's just common sense legislation.

Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Now you're starting to sound like a gun owner. Before you know it you'll be ready to join the NRA.
Voter ID is a great way to make sure every citizen meets the requirements of the national identity papers program the GOP Congress forced all the states to implement. Funny, I don't recall any cries of secession over that at the time...

Voter ID does not stop voter fraud, but it does a bang-up job of getting the sheep acclimated to obeying authority and producing their papers for doing something as foolish as exercising their freedoms.

Like gun registration?

Yes, like gun registration. So why are you in favor of Voter ID? Why are you not opposed to it, as any true conservative should be?

For pragmatic reasons.

It's simply not a big deal. We use ID in every aspect of our lives. I do not see it as a huge hurdle- it's not like the "poll tax" of the past.

If you want to "exercise your right" to visit Congress you'll be required to show ID.

To me it's like regulations restaurant employees washing their hands after shitting..... common sense.

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