GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

that is simply not correct. The only justification for voter ID was fraud. If I show up at the wrong precint and say "I'm bendog" they say, "you are not on the roll, where do you live" I say I live in my backyard doghose. They say go to X precint you dumb mutt.

The law is no doubt constitutional. There is some degree of fraud. However, there also is no argument that MOST fraud is/was with absentee ballots. Nevertheless, there is no legal requirement that a law be the absolutely best way to eliminate fraud. If it arguably eliminates some, then it's ok, so long as there isn't a less intrusive way to get at the exact same fraud. Still, if you are contending voter ID is about something OTHER than suppressing the vote of the lazy and stupid, you are being disingenuous. If it was really about fraud, they'd go after the absentees.

Again, the busload of mentally impaired people showing up to vote. No doubt their caretakers told them who to vote for, and it wasn't the small govt party, but then again those individuals had a valid interest in getting more taxpayer services. The question comes down to whether you support the lazy and stupid voting that you have to provide them with govt services.

You have to have proof of identification to register to vote, providing your proof of identification again when you vote merely ensures that you vote won't be used in your absence. It is a courtesy to the voter that his vote won't be stolen by criminals. No different than requiring identification when someone writes a check against your bank account.

You anti-ID folks are being re-ridiculous. Don't like ID? Fine make it signature based. Scan the signature used during voter registration where you proved your proof of identification, then compare that to the signature used to vote.

I don't know that's true everywhere that you need ID to register
So far 10 pages in republicans are for ID they just dont know why or what it will do. Will it prevent something? Yes it will prevent people from voting.

And thats why they want it. Unless on page 10 they come up with a reason all of a sudden
You are saying this like there is a problem with voting fraud. Can you show me where this problem exists and how ID would stop it?

When you cant could you be sure to at least include a funny gif in your response to increase the comedic value?


No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

You seem to believe that ID will prevent something. Only you dont know what that "something" is. Just like requiring everyone to get a Hula Hoop.

You dont know why but seem to think its a good idea. You would think that your inability to come up with a reason why would be enough.

If voting fraud isnt a problem then why change laws to require an extra step before being able to vote?

Proof of identification is not an extra step before being able to vote. You already have to provide proof of identification before being able to register to vote. Why are you pretending proof of citizenship and address is some unnecessary part of voting? Do you trust me to not drive up to Ohio at the end of the day look at the roles and pick out a name and address of someone that has not voted yet? If so, why? You don't even trust me to have my own opinion on proof of identification, why would you trust everyone in the country to be honest voters?
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I am not kidding. Please, if you have the mental capacity to do so, spend a minute of your time to figure out why in-person voter fraud is so rare.

If you are unable to understand why this simple fact is true, then you are beyond all hope and are just a credulous rube.

Instead of desperately trying to believe in-person voter fraud is easy, face the very real fact it is not. It happens extremely rarely for a reason. You are trying to prevent a crime which almost never happens. So you have to ask yourself what the REAL motive behind Voter ID is. Because it most certainly is not what you have so gullibly swallowed.
Tweets? That's all you have?

Now I want you to spend ten seconds to think about how in-person voter fraud is impossible to perpetrate on any kind of scale large enough to swing the election of a dogcatcher, much less a President.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you will know why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

Please disregard the voice in your head telling you I just said there is no voter fraud. That voice is lying to you.

If it saves just one voter from being disenfranchised via fraud, isn't it worth it? Won't somebody please think of the voters? It's just common sense legislation.

Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Now apply the same thought to guns.
So far 10 pages in republicans are for ID they just dont know why or what it will do. Will it prevent something? Yes it will prevent people from voting.

And thats why they want it. Unless on page 10 they come up with a reason all of a sudden

You want people who care enough about this country to vote and if they cannot show proof that they are who they say they are than I for one do not want there lack of caring about the future of my grandchildren to be reflected in there vote.
They do not want to keep people from voting they want to keep people who do not care enough from voting.
For Christ sakes I had to show ID the other day to buy a can of engine starting fluid..
I bet they have ID to cash a government check.
No, I'm not saying there is a problem with voting fraud. You are making that up.

Two different issues.

Issue one - providing proof of identification to prove you are who you say you are when you vote, ensure you are voting for the correct district etc., no different than any other system where you provide proof of identification.

Issue two - identifying voter fraud and convicting the criminals.

You appear to believe we should not be required to prove we are who we say we are when we vote unless we are first convicted of committing voter fraud. That would be like saying you should not have to provide proof of identification when taking out a loan unless there is proof you are not who you say you are when taking the money out the bank. It makes no sense to invite identity theft, when it's a simple matter to ask for proof of identification.

You seem to believe that ID will prevent something. Only you dont know what that "something" is. Just like requiring everyone to get a Hula Hoop.

You dont know why but seem to think its a good idea. You would think that your inability to come up with a reason why would be enough.

If voting fraud isnt a problem then why change laws to require an extra step before being able to vote?

Proof of identification is not an extra step before being able to vote.
Wrong, it is.

You already have to provide proof of identification before being able to register to vote. Why are you pretending proof of citizenship and address is some unnecessary part of voting?

ID is an unnecessary part of voting because it does nothing but satisfy your wants.

Do you trust me to not drive up to Ohio at the end of the day look at the roles and pick out a name and address of someone that has not voted yet? If so, why? You don't even trust me to have my own opinion on proof of identification, why would you trust everyone in the country to be honest voters?

Because you would be arrested for voter fraud
So far 10 pages in republicans are for ID they just dont know why or what it will do. Will it prevent something? Yes it will prevent people from voting.

And thats why they want it. Unless on page 10 they come up with a reason all of a sudden

Stop making up lies. 1) I'm not republican. 2) I provided a reason. You provide ID to provide proof of identification.

Proof of identification is used to prove you are who you say you are. If you don't have identification that does not mean you are not who you say you are, it simply means you don't have proof. People lie and cheat all the time every day. Lying and cheating is typically done when someone is likely to benefit from the act, and even more so when under peer pressure. Irregardless, the reason we require proof of identification is to discourage the crime. Fake IDs are easy to make, why do kids get em? So they can buy booze. Fake votes are easy to make, why would people do it? So their side will win.

Is voter fraud rampant? Who knows, we don't do anything to stop it, investigate it, or curb it.
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

You can't just use your drivers license like you do when you use your EBT card to get your food stamps?

Oh and those old people with no license, how do they deposit their SS check or use Medicare benefits, since both require photo ID?

One reason to oppose voter ID - and only one, it stops fraud.

And we all know it - every last one of us.
I am not kidding. Please, if you have the mental capacity to do so, spend a minute of your time to figure out why in-person voter fraud is so rare.

If you are unable to understand why this simple fact is true, then you are beyond all hope and are just a credulous rube.

Instead of desperately trying to believe in-person voter fraud is easy, face the very real fact it is not. It happens extremely rarely for a reason. You are trying to prevent a crime which almost never happens. So you have to ask yourself what the REAL motive behind Voter ID is. Because it most certainly is not what you have so gullibly swallowed.

Still promoting election fraud, I see.

The party appreciates your efforts. democrats demand election fraud as your sacred right!
I am not kidding. Please, if you have the mental capacity to do so, spend a minute of your time to figure out why in-person voter fraud is so rare.

If you are unable to understand why this simple fact is true, then you are beyond all hope and are just a credulous rube.

Instead of desperately trying to believe in-person voter fraud is easy, face the very real fact it is not. It happens extremely rarely for a reason. You are trying to prevent a crime which almost never happens. So you have to ask yourself what the REAL motive behind Voter ID is. Because it most certainly is not what you have so gullibly swallowed.

What proof do you have that in-person voter fraud is non-existent? Can you explain how some districts got to above 100% of the voters voting? Can you explain how dead people vote? Can you explain why someone can't simply look at the voting roles and say that guy right there.. that's me? Can you explain how in a district where the election is extremely close between two candidates a comedian can be elected to congress by a trunk full of late votes that somehow only included votes for the comedian? That's like winning fifty lotteries in a row with the same number in fifty different states.

Saying convicted criminals won't commit voter fraud is just ridiculous.
Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Voter ID has never prevented a single legitimate voter from casting a ballot. The ID shown to use food stamps and a cash grant for the EBT is fine for voting. The ID that must be shown when using Medicare is fine for voting.

You're throwing a hissy fit because ID stops illegals from casting proxy votes for dead people that your corrupt party sued to keep from being purged from registration rolls.

Opposition to voter ID is support of election fraud - pure and simple - no matter what lies you tell, it boils down to this.
You seem to believe that ID will prevent something. Only you dont know what that "something" is. Just like requiring everyone to get a Hula Hoop.

You dont know why but seem to think its a good idea. You would think that your inability to come up with a reason why would be enough.

If voting fraud isnt a problem then why change laws to require an extra step before being able to vote?

Proof of identification is not an extra step before being able to vote.
Wrong, it is.

ID is an unnecessary part of voting because it does nothing but satisfy your wants.

Because you would be arrested for voter fraud

Well the same can said for no ID,it satisfies your wants
Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Voter ID has never prevented a single legitimate voter from casting a ballot. The ID shown to use food stamps and a cash grant for the EBT is fine for voting. The ID that must be shown when using Medicare is fine for voting.

You're throwing a hissy fit because ID stops illegals from casting proxy votes for dead people that your corrupt party sued to keep from being purged from registration rolls.

Opposition to voter ID is support of election fraud - pure and simple - no matter what lies you tell, it boils down to this.

If a voter was legitimately on the rolls and voted before ID was required, but then was prevented from voting because he had no ID it "prevented a legit voter from voting."

One can be for voter ID, but still call a spade a spade. (-:
Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Voter ID has never prevented a single legitimate voter from casting a ballot. The ID shown to use food stamps and a cash grant for the EBT is fine for voting. The ID that must be shown when using Medicare is fine for voting.

You're throwing a hissy fit because ID stops illegals from casting proxy votes for dead people that your corrupt party sued to keep from being purged from registration rolls.

Opposition to voter ID is support of election fraud - pure and simple - no matter what lies you tell, it boils down to this.

If a voter was legitimately on the rolls and voted before ID was required, but then was prevented from voting because he had no ID it "prevented a legit voter from voting."

One can be for voter ID, but still call a spade a spade. (-:

Once a rule changes not everything gets grandfathered in
So far 10 pages in republicans are for ID they just dont know why or what it will do. Will it prevent something? Yes it will prevent people from voting.

And thats why they want it. Unless on page 10 they come up with a reason all of a sudden

Stop making up lies. 1) I'm not republican. 2) I provided a reason. You provide ID to provide proof of identification.

Proof of identification is used to prove you are who you say you are. If you don't have identification that does not mean you are not who you say you are, it simply means you don't have proof. People lie and cheat all the time every day. Lying and cheating is typically done when someone is likely to benefit from the act, and even more so when under peer pressure. Irregardless, the reason we require proof of identification is to discourage the crime. Fake IDs are easy to make, why do kids get em? So they can buy booze. Fake votes are easy to make, why would people do it? So their side will win.

Is voter fraud rampant? Who knows, we don't do anything to stop it, investigate it, or curb it.

Usually a law is created when a problem exists. You are saying we should make laws even when there is no problem and impose requirements for the non existent problem too?

And the reason thousands (or millions) have to go out and abide by this new law is because you want them too?
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

If there are no cases of documented 'fraud' changing the outcome of any election, then this measure manifests an undue burden.
If a voter was legitimately on the rolls and voted before ID was required, but then was prevented from voting because he had no ID it "prevented a legit voter from voting."

One can be for voter ID, but still call a spade a spade. (-:

Yep, and it has never happened.

You know why? Because everyone has ID.

The only reason anyone opposes voter ID is because it stops fraud. Opposition to voter ID is opposition to honest elections - and every last one of us knows it - including you.

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