GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

again what does operating a vehicle have to do with voting?

Why must you register to vote? Are you supposed to be able to vote without being registered? Once registered, the folks checking the voter roll don't know you from Adam. They don't know if you are registered or not or if you are the registered voter you claim to be. It's really pretty simple. Kind of like having to show your ticket to get into the movie. Why should the theatre take your word for it?

Your registration is your ticket. The only way someone can vote when they arent supposed to is to know the name or names of the registered voter and the polling location.

Maybe its a huge network of people who go from poll to poll with a list of voters registered in that area. And Maybe those same people already know that those "registered voters" havent voted yet. And Maybe they will risk jail time over and over to do so.

And maybe they will do it on the backs of a glorious unicorn...or maybe. Thats too many maybes to be a "thing".

All that information is public record.

I have the name, address, birth date, phone # (if provided) etc. of every voter in the state of Florida on my pc. Actually it's on my skydrive and I can access it from anywhere.
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

It is the first step

Once voter ID is in place, the next step will be making it more difficult to get an ID. Throw up enough roadblocks and people will get frustrated and stop trying

They've already closed down ones in heavily populated areas making it more difficult to get one. So you're right. First they'll require an ID, then they'll choke off the places that you can get the ID. Then they'll charge a "small" fee..

The whole time neglecting to say...Like 4 pages right here. Why the ID is needed in the first place.
Well, we'll see, but one thing is not debateable .... the id's ain't being issued.

What strikes me as interesting is the gop's view is that if you're too stupid/lazy to get to a county circuit court clerk to get an ID, they don't want you to vote. And, as I said in an effort to be honest, that argument has some appeal to me, but it's certainly undemocratic.

ps, but there's no charge for the id. It is also a fact that people who don't have a driver's license, esp old rural and poor, don't have an easy way to get to the county circuit court clerk's office.
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We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

It is the first step

Once voter ID is in place, the next step will be making it more difficult to get an ID. Throw up enough roadblocks and people will get frustrated and stop trying

Funny but you say the opposite when it comes to guns,but its the same.
Why must you register to vote? Are you supposed to be able to vote without being registered? Once registered, the folks checking the voter roll don't know you from Adam. They don't know if you are registered or not or if you are the registered voter you claim to be. It's really pretty simple. Kind of like having to show your ticket to get into the movie. Why should the theatre take your word for it?

Your registration is your ticket. The only way someone can vote when they arent supposed to is to know the name or names of the registered voter and the polling location.

Maybe its a huge network of people who go from poll to poll with a list of voters registered in that area. And Maybe those same people already know that those "registered voters" havent voted yet. And Maybe they will risk jail time over and over to do so.

And maybe they will do it on the backs of a glorious unicorn...or maybe. Thats too many maybes to be a "thing".

All that information is public record.

I have the name, address, birth date, phone # (if provided) etc. of every voter in the state of Florida on my pc. Actually it's on my skydrive and I can access it from anywhere.

Is it public record when of if they voted? Because once you go to the polling area and someone already voted you'll be in trouble
Your registration is your ticket. The only way someone can vote when they arent supposed to is to know the name or names of the registered voter and the polling location.

Maybe its a huge network of people who go from poll to poll with a list of voters registered in that area. And Maybe those same people already know that those "registered voters" havent voted yet. And Maybe they will risk jail time over and over to do so.

And maybe they will do it on the backs of a glorious unicorn...or maybe. Thats too many maybes to be a "thing".

As usual, you're wrong. The registration means you have the ability to go to the polls and vote. Showing your ID to prove you are the actual person registered is the ticket. Are you really this stoopid or just pretending for some odd reason?

Why do they need proof? Is this a problem? Or just because you want it?

I just showed how someone couldnt vote in someone elses name.

All you showed was your stupidity.

Without a valid Photo ID, anybody can take any voter registration and go vote.

How do you think so many 'dead people' vote? How many people vote for their imprisoned 'cousin'? How many people vote for their disinterested friends? How many people vote for their relatives because their relatives are somewhere else.... Like in prison or the cemetery?

You're just a dishonest scumbag who knows for a fact that voter fraud is a way of life in dimocrap land. And you don't want it to stop.

What happens when Granny Jemima has to go the Hospital?

What if she has no ID? How do the people at the Hospital know it's actually her they're working on instead of some illegal immigrant from Uganda?

Or how about when the Queen of the Trailer Park, all 300lbs of her, needs to go on Welfare?

Do you think the gubmint office that issues Welfare Checks, subsidized housing, Food Stamps and AFDC will just take her word that she is Mrs Closed Caption?

Are you trying to tell us that?

No, you're not. You're just another lying, cheating, scumbag, piece of shit libturd, dimocrap asswipe that wants to continue the practice of voter fraud.

There are no people without IDs. Not in this Country. And if there are, they're too stupid to vote anyway.

Kinda like you.

Sell your shit to the kindergartners you're cleaning up after.

And stop throwing your dirty Pampers in the Parking Lot

Lying bitch
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Bill of Rights

Liberals! Gotta love them. Always good for a laugh. They like to throw around buzz words like Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution like they've actually read them and understand them. Tell is Professor CC, where exactly in the Bill of Rights does it guarantee anyone a right to vote....especially without a hula hoop? Go on, we'll wait while you prepare to address this.

Bill of Rights Transcript Text

You're right, it doesnt. Happy?

Yep. It proves that you're uninformed and don't know what the hell you're talking about. But most of us knew that anyway.
Your registration is your ticket. The only way someone can vote when they arent supposed to is to know the name or names of the registered voter and the polling location.

Maybe its a huge network of people who go from poll to poll with a list of voters registered in that area. And Maybe those same people already know that those "registered voters" havent voted yet. And Maybe they will risk jail time over and over to do so.

And maybe they will do it on the backs of a glorious unicorn...or maybe. Thats too many maybes to be a "thing".

All that information is public record.

I have the name, address, birth date, phone # (if provided) etc. of every voter in the state of Florida on my pc. Actually it's on my skydrive and I can access it from anywhere.

Is it public record when of if they voted? Because once you go to the polling area and someone already voted you'll be in trouble

Well, again, in Mississippi there simply was no evidence that citizen A was voting twice at the polls as both Citizen A and as Citizen B. So, in looking for the motivation for the law .... look elsewhere if you are looking for a real reason.
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

It is the first step

Once voter ID is in place, the next step will be making it more difficult to get an ID. Throw up enough roadblocks and people will get frustrated and stop trying

They've already closed down ones in heavily populated areas making it more difficult to get one. So you're right. First they'll require an ID, then they'll choke off the places that you can get the ID. Then they'll charge a "small" fee..

The whole time neglecting to say...Like 4 pages right here. Why the ID is needed in the first place.

1. Start putting ID locations at Motor Vehicle agencies where you have to drive to get there
2. Make documentation requirements more stringent
3. Tie voters up in red tape about their ID
4. Charge an increasingly higher fee
5. Time ID cards to expire right before the election

Won't chase everyone away but every vote that is not cast counts
As usual, you're wrong. The registration means you have the ability to go to the polls and vote. Showing your ID to prove you are the actual person registered is the ticket. Are you really this stoopid or just pretending for some odd reason?

Why do they need proof? Is this a problem? Or just because you want it?

I just showed how someone couldnt vote in someone elses name.

All you showed was your stupidity.

Without a valid Photo ID, anybody can take any voter registration and go vote.

thats true only if you know the persons name, where they vote and if they've already voted or not.

How do you think so many 'dead people' vote? How many people vote for their imprisoned 'cousin'? How many people vote for their disinterested friends? How many people vote for their relatives because their relatives are somewhere else.... Like in prison or the cemetery?

Studies show that this doesnt happen. But go ahead....Show me how many dead people vote? How many people vote for their disinterested friends? How many people vote for their relatives because their relatives are somewhere else.... Like in prison or the cemetery?

Go ahead.
Liberals! Gotta love them. Always good for a laugh. They like to throw around buzz words like Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution like they've actually read them and understand them. Tell is Professor CC, where exactly in the Bill of Rights does it guarantee anyone a right to vote....especially without a hula hoop? Go on, we'll wait while you prepare to address this.

Bill of Rights Transcript Text

You're right, it doesnt. Happy?

Yep. It proves that you're uninformed and don't know what the hell you're talking about. But most of us knew that anyway.

Voting is a privilege granted to us by our individual States. There is no affirmative right to vote in the US Constitution. Only limits on who the State can exclude.

libturds are stupid
We should require photo Identification, an IQ test, and a basic Civics test prior to voting......Democrats would never win another election.
Liberals! Gotta love them. Always good for a laugh. They like to throw around buzz words like Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution like they've actually read them and understand them. Tell is Professor CC, where exactly in the Bill of Rights does it guarantee anyone a right to vote....especially without a hula hoop? Go on, we'll wait while you prepare to address this.

Bill of Rights Transcript Text

You're right, it doesnt. Happy?

Yep. It proves that you're uninformed and don't know what the hell you're talking about. But most of us knew that anyway.

Awesome. Did you figure out why an ID would be needed yet or you need more time?
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

What legal argument would prevail to award reparations, generations removed from any tort? Those that wish to received reparations might properly receive one-way transportation to the country of their ancestry if they so choose, but only if they no longer want to be citizens of the United States.
You're right, it doesnt. Happy?

Yep. It proves that you're uninformed and don't know what the hell you're talking about. But most of us knew that anyway.

Voting is a privilege granted to us by our individual States. There is no affirmative right to vote in the US Constitution. Only limits on who the State can exclude.

libturds are stupid

Yep. I wasn't going to go that far in explaining voting rights to him. I was kind of hoping he'd turn to the Constitution next.
Your registration is your ticket. The only way someone can vote when they arent supposed to is to know the name or names of the registered voter and the polling location.

Maybe its a huge network of people who go from poll to poll with a list of voters registered in that area. And Maybe those same people already know that those "registered voters" havent voted yet. And Maybe they will risk jail time over and over to do so.

And maybe they will do it on the backs of a glorious unicorn...or maybe. Thats too many maybes to be a "thing".

All that information is public record.

I have the name, address, birth date, phone # (if provided) etc. of every voter in the state of Florida on my pc. Actually it's on my skydrive and I can access it from anywhere.

Is it public record when of if they voted? Because once you go to the polling area and someone already voted you'll be in trouble

Yes, it is.

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