GOP Voter Suppression Plan: Seven Tactics To Block Your Vote in 2012

To some extent, you're right. It's a numbers thing. High voter turnout helps Democrats. Low voter turnout helps Republicans.

That's true. The more people voting, the more stupid people voting. Smart people always vote. The kind of people who vote intermittently are always the stupid kind. In other words, they are Democrats.

Don't for a second think that the overwhelming support of voter ID laws from the right is coming from anything other than that too, though.

They know a lot of legal, likely Dem voters won't have the proper ID.

If you're too stupid to get something as trivial as an ID, then you are too stupid to vote, but that isn't the reason for voter ID laws. We all know that Democrats are essentially crooks. They've been caught trying to stuff the ballot box so often that only the terminally gullible believe they are capable of running an honest election.
Please re-read the thread title. I don't care who votes - as long as everyone eligible and wanting to vote is allowed to vote - without having to suffer voter suppression from wingnuts.

In other words, you don't want to prevent illegals, cons, cartoon characters and dead people from voting.
I didn't say they were being "suppressed".

Nor was I attempting to excuse lazy people for not getting their shit together to vote.

But, just like the claims of "suppression" coming from the left, claims of "voter fraud" are equally bullshit.

The rhetoric from both sides about this issue are complete bullshit. The truth of the matter is very simple - the left wants high voter turnout, the right wants low voter turnout.

Liberal Dictionary:
Voter Suppression - preventing illegal aliens and dead people from voting.


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I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

It is rather strange that the average progressive on this board thinks conservatives have the IQ's of a summer squash and liberals are freakin' MENSA candidates...but when it comes to something as simple as voting...suddenly conservatives seem to be able to do it and liberals can't figure out the whole process without someone holding their hands and guiding them through. Gotta love it!

Check out the tactics. Why do these conservatives pretend to be so fucking stupid? They know what's going on. Why can't they just be honest for once? I prefer outright racist Republicans than those that try to look all "wide eyed" and say, "ME?" I like the ones who use the "N" word instead of code like "man child" and "boy king". At least you know where they are coming from.
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

To some extent, you're right. It's a numbers thing. High voter turnout helps Democrats. Low voter turnout helps Republicans.

Don't for a second think that the overwhelming support of voter ID laws from the right is coming from anything other than that too, though.

They know a lot of legal, likely Dem voters won't have the proper ID.
Why wouldn't they?

It doesn't matter "why". It just "is".

Younger people and minorities are less likely to have ID, and more likely to vote Democrat, so it's in the best interests of Republicans to make it harder for them to vote, and in the best interests of Democrats to make it easier.

It's as simple as that.
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

You summed it up. Good thing Republicans understand the complicated process of keeping one's ID current, registering to vote (which is generally done at the same time one renews their driver's license or ID) and then voting on election day. Perhaps I should go over those difficult steps again for the Obama supporters who worry they will miss out. Come on, koolaid drinkers, you have nearly a year to do the ID thing. I'm sure there is a hotline set up somewhere to walk liberals through the process. Better get started now.

I know some prefer to let ACORN help people cast their votes. The same people who can't figure out how to obtain proper ID and cast a vote need ACORN to do it for them. Last election, a fight broke out in an old folks' home when one of those helpful ACORN workers checked off the wrong candidate on the ballot. The woman didn't want to vote for Obama, but the ACORN lady knew best and overruled the voter's choice. How many of those elderly residents didn't look at the ballots and trusted the workers?

The message Republicans are sending is get your shit together so you can cast a legal vote. Not difficult. No one needs to hold your hand or do everything for you. Disabled people and military, etc. are allowed to cast an absentee ballot.

For years, it's been the Dems who cheated military out of voting. They sent absentee ballots late and didn't allow enough time for them to send the ballots back in time. It was necessary for military to send their ballots via expensive overnight mail, which was difficult when they were in the field. I'll find the links that I know will be requested, but it's Dems who don't give a damn about likely Republican voters and they've pulled this shit for years.

Getting the voter rolls updated, which means purging the names of deceased, those who moved out of state, illegals and those that are fake registrations is needed and only the Dems object to ensuring accuracy of the rolls.

Illegals can go back to their own country if they want to vote. People will have to stop casting votes on behalf of their dead relatives. These things have happened and we'll never know to what extent.

The sanctity of our voting process needs to be protected or we are all disenfranchised. We have the right to vote, but it's our responsibility. If it's too tough to figure out how to do it in accordance with laws and without someone doing it for you, then maybe you're not ready to help shape the country.
I still find it highly amusing that the left thinks that the only people who would be negatively affected by voter ID laws... are the left.

I guess they think their own kind are too lazy or stupid to get the proper ID ahead of time, properly register, and actually go to the polling place.

You summed it up. Good thing Republicans understand the complicated process of keeping one's ID current, registering to vote (which is generally done at the same time one renews their driver's license or ID) and then voting on election day. Perhaps I should go over those difficult steps again for the Obama supporters who worry they will miss out. Come on, koolaid drinkers, you have nearly a year to do the ID thing. I'm sure there is a hotline set up somewhere to walk liberals through the process. Better get started now.

I know some prefer to let ACORN help people cast their votes. The same people who can't figure out how to obtain proper ID and cast a vote need ACORN to do it for them. Last election, a fight broke out in an old folks' home when one of those helpful ACORN workers checked off the wrong candidate on the ballot. The woman didn't want to vote for Obama, but the ACORN lady knew best and overruled the voter's choice. How many of those elderly residents didn't look at the ballots and trusted the workers?

The message Republicans are sending is get your shit together so you can cast a legal vote. Not difficult. No one needs to hold your hand or do everything for you. Disabled people and military, etc. are allowed to cast an absentee ballot.

For years, it's been the Dems who cheated military out of voting. They sent absentee ballots late and didn't allow enough time for them to send the ballots back in time. It was necessary for military to send their ballots via expensive overnight mail, which was difficult when they were in the field. I'll find the links that I know will be requested, but it's Dems who don't give a damn about likely Republican voters and they've pulled this shit for years.

Getting the voter rolls updated, which means purging the names of deceased, those who moved out of state, illegals and those that are fake registrations is needed and only the Dems object to ensuring accuracy of the rolls.

Illegals can go back to their own country if they want to vote. People will have to stop casting votes on behalf of their dead relatives. These things have happened and we'll never know to what extent.

The sanctity of our voting process needs to be protected or we are all disenfranchised. We have the right to vote, but it's our responsibility. If it's too tough to figure out how to do it in accordance with laws and without someone doing it for you, then maybe you're not ready to help shape the country.

That's all bullshit.

The Bush administration spent years and millions of dollars trying to find evidence of voter fraud, and all they could only come up with 160 cases in the entire country. And most of those were people who voted in the wrong district by accident.

No, the people get it. This will backfire on the Republicans....

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Now that Maine voters have made clear their support for same-day voter registration, the focus shifts to another hot election-related proposal that will come up during the 2012 legislative session: voter ID.

The bill requiring voters to show photo identification in order to cast ballots comes up after voters rejected by a 3-2 margin Tuesday another move to tighten the state's election laws.

That vote repealed a law requiring voters to register at least two days before an election. In doing so, voters reinstated Maine's long-standing same-day registration policy.

After Maine vote, focus shifts to voter ID bill | Sun Journal
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand

We should help the elderly in nursing homes or disabled obtain them if they cannot do so or have family to help them. As for the rest on your list, they need to get their shit together. An ID is cheap if a person would rather have that instead of a driver's license. There is no excuse. How do these people intend to write checks, get through airport security, get a loan, get a job, etc. if they have no valid ID? If they can't get one because they have no social security number, then something is really wrong.

Instead of sacrificing the integrity of the ballots, why don't Democrats address the reason why so many are not being more responsible when it comes to something so basic?

We know there is voter fraud and we all need to step up and ensure the sanctity of our voting rights. I don't trust ACORN, or COI, as they are now called.

While the leftie sights are claiming that Repubs have some evil plot to force responsibility on the part of voters, the left has consistently denied military members the right to vote for years.

Illinois missed the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to military overseas.

CNN) - Several Republican lawmakers Wednesday urged Attorney General Eric Holder to immediately force states and counties which missed the deadline for mailing military absentee ballots to act promptly to ensure men and women in uniform can vote in time for the November election.

Democrats Suppress Military Vote… Again

I think the Dems cornered the market when it comes to disenfranchising the military voters.

Did Minnesota really give absentee voters a chance? I say no.

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