Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

No, what should happen is you should be reimbursed by the insurance company after you find the procedure and pay for it.....if you want lower cost, you cant have the patient dislodged from the's why consumer electronics are so cheap.......because people cant buy what they cant afford.
So I pay for my $400k heart issue &then hope the insurance company pays me? How does that help if the providers know you will get reimbursed?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
It depends on who's in charge at the moment. "Dr. Trump will see you now...."
So I pay for my $400k heart issue &then hope the insurance company pays me? How does that help if the providers know you will get reimbursed?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

Do you libtards not understand that there is a difference in health CARE and health INSURANCE?

You want a leftist to understand the difference between having something and having someone else pay for them to have it?

Be serious.
Yes because you Trumpettes are all employed with great jobs & always can afford health insurance & if not, just whip out your wallets & pay cash.

I have news, there are just as many, if not more, right wing people who are on Medicaid or get help affording their healthcare.

Quit being such a fucking asshole & pretend it is just liberals.
Moron, that's the point, you still have the insurance, but you get to see what the cost is

Think of it this way
If you didn't care about the cost would you eat at a 5 star Steak House or would choose the Steak, but if you had to pay you may look for something cheaper....and by doing brings down the price.....becasue the 5 start steak hour may be more expensive, but they have to be competitive.
So I pay for my $400k heart issue &then hope the insurance company pays me? How does that help if the providers know you will get reimbursed?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
It depends on who's in charge at the moment. "Dr. Trump will see you now...."
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

Callous conservatism on display ^^^.

Q. When did so many American citizens become so greedy, and have no concern for their fellow citizens

How is a female that is over 50, callous? Why should a person be forced to pay to cover health issues she will never have? That makes no sense? Can you actually answer the question?

Sure, insurance companies do not exist to pay claims, thus, most of us pay for surgeries and treatments we may never need.
Prior to Obamacare, females over 50 and men didn't pay for maternity coverage. The vast majority of them didn't pay for coverage for sex change operations either.

I can't fathom why it's such a difficult concept that people should be able to decide for themselves what insurance they want to pay for. We do it with car insurance, homeowners' insurance, every other damned insurance under the sun, but when it comes to health insurance, suddenly everyone has to have the same "minimum coverage" for every frigging organ system and possible illness under the sun, whether it has anything to do with you or not.
It's because pressure groups lobbied the Obama admin to make them required. Obviously, the LBGT communitied lobbied to get the sex change coverage required. I assume some "women's" groups lobbied to get the maternity coverage required. The same goes for every other mandatory coverage.
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
How in the world can the GOP "reduce what private insurance covers"? The whole A.P. story is a pathetic effort to give democrats aid and comfort and something, anything to hold on to in 2020 after they ...sniff...sniff failed in their effort to overturn the election

You end obamacare and it gets rid of many protections and coverages. You never did know anything about the ACA did you?

What protections and coverages? If you cannot afford the high premiums and huge deductibles, what difference do those mean?

Get a better job (LOL, that's how the right wingers argue against the minimum wage). The fact is, the PPACA (Obamare) subsidizes the cost for health care.
Only if you're a deadbeat. It sure as hell didn't subsidize mine.
sure it didn't.
You believe a premium of $1750/mo is subsidized?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
It depends on who's in charge at the moment. "Dr. Trump will see you now...."
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
LOL - have you been living under a rock?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
It depends on who's in charge at the moment. "Dr. Trump will see you now...."
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
Except every subject they touch,
It's ironic you said that, since you're the ones that say being against ClimateChange is politically bad, except some still are...hmmmmmmmm
Naive enough to not believe the insurance salesmen. It's mostly a scam.
I didn't need a salesman to know the value of health insurance. You had children & could have had a heart attack putting your family in the street So really, you are that stupid.
No, what should happen is you should be reimbursed by the insurance company after you find the procedure and pay for it.....if you want lower cost, you cant have the patient dislodged from the's why consumer electronics are so cheap.......because people cant buy what they cant afford.
So I pay for my $400k heart issue &then hope the insurance company pays me? How does that help if the providers know you will get reimbursed?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Most people choose dotors by reputation. I know of no one calling for quotes. You are lying as usual.

Yep. And that's exactly what's broken with the health care market. People don't get quotes because no one is paying for their own health care.
Quotes don’t matter for important surgeries. Nobody goes to the budget surgeon when it’s life and death.
What if they cant afford him?
Or what is they can get someone almost as good, but for much much cheaper....people do and would pick that option a lot. Otherwise there would be like one surgeon in the country.
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
So you are saying people look for the best surgeon and don’t shop price. I agree, that’s why markets don’t work in healthcare.
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
It depends on who's in charge at the moment. "Dr. Trump will see you now...."
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
LOL - have you been living under a rock?
What politically bad moves have they been making? Sure haven’t seen any spending cuts.
Oh, so you're against Medicare For ALL....good to know.......
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
So you are saying people look for the best surgeon and don’t shop price. I agree, that’s why markets don’t work in healthcare.

No, that's why too much reliance on insurance destroys markets. If people were paying for the bulk of their health care themselves, they would price shop health care, despite your denials.
I didn't need a salesman to know the value of health insurance. You had children & could have had a heart attack putting your family in the street So really, you are that stupid.
No, what should happen is you should be reimbursed by the insurance company after you find the procedure and pay for it.....if you want lower cost, you cant have the patient dislodged from the's why consumer electronics are so cheap.......because people cant buy what they cant afford.
So I pay for my $400k heart issue &then hope the insurance company pays me? How does that help if the providers know you will get reimbursed?
Well easy, you shop for it, if the doctor says 400k, you say Ill keep looking and maybe find one for 320k.....Do you not know how to shop for a deal? Is this new? Right now, that doesn't happen.....
Most people don’t want budget surgery...
Most people choose dotors by reputation. I know of no one calling for quotes. You are lying as usual.

Yep. And that's exactly what's broken with the health care market. People don't get quotes because no one is paying for their own health care.
Quotes don’t matter for important surgeries. Nobody goes to the budget surgeon when it’s life and death.
What if they cant afford him?
Or what is they can get someone almost as good, but for much much cheaper....people do and would pick that option a lot. Otherwise there would be like one surgeon in the country.
Anyone almost as good is charging almost as much.
Take away healthcare from 20 million Americans and what you have are 20 million voters who show up.

No, they won't.

Again, you don't even understand the terms you are using. You don't take away healthcare. You take away expensive health INSURANCE that none of them are able to afford anyway!
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.

So you think if someone else doesn't pay for it for you, you have no access at all?

Not at all. But hey you make it sound like someone is trying to get something for nothing.
I guess you don't have insurance. You obviously must pay cash for your medical care because certainly you don't want someone else paying for it, like your insurance company.

Try to get care without insurance.

No, not someone. YOU. Was I not being specific enough about that?

You are deliberately misunderstanding, as so many freeloading leftists do when they get called on their greed and mooching. The "person paying for other people's stuff" I'm referring to is NOT the voluntary-on-both-sides agreement between my insurance company and me. It would be YOUR asshat plans to have taxpayers pay for every fucking thing under the sun for every fucking person, whether that person contributes jack shit to it.
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
So you are saying people look for the best surgeon and don’t shop price. I agree, that’s why markets don’t work in healthcare.

No, that's why too much reliance on insurance destroys markets. If people were paying for the bulk of their health care themselves, they would price shop health care, despite your denials.
They can shop all they want, there is no insentive to decrease prices. They have you by the balls.
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
LOL - have you been living under a rock?
What politically bad moves have they been making? Sure haven’t seen any spending cuts.

Let's start with the glaringly obvious: women's reproductive health care. Do you think Republicans would try to limit insurance coverage for abortion or birth control? You know they would. What about mental health? Most of them think it's fake news. Services for homosexuals? AIDS research? I could go on and on, but you either get it already, or are so deep in denial you'll never face reality.

Making health care a government responsibility will make it a political football, that will be whipped out every single elections to scare and coerce voters. Let's not.
Isn’t everything covered in Medicare for all?
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
So you are saying people look for the best surgeon and don’t shop price. I agree, that’s why markets don’t work in healthcare.

No, that's why too much reliance on insurance destroys markets. If people were paying for the bulk of their health care themselves, they would price shop health care, despite your denials.
So with no insurance, what happens when you get cancer? Few people have the money laying around for those bills.
I haven't seen all the details.....but lets assume it is......the government isn't going to let a surgeon charge what he wants, so that's budget surgery, correct?
Not if they are all charging the same $$.
Wow, you don't think do you. So all surgeons are the same? Maybe you get the really experienced one or maybe you get the joker just out of MedSchool who finished last in his class......
Oh and since it's the government, and you cant get fired....why try and learn new techniques, you cant monetize get zero out of trying to improve yourself
So you are saying people look for the best surgeon and don’t shop price. I agree, that’s why markets don’t work in healthcare.

No, that's why too much reliance on insurance destroys markets. If people were paying for the bulk of their health care themselves, they would price shop health care, despite your denials.
So with no insurance, what happens when you get cancer? Few people have the money laying around for those bills.

Catastrophic insurance is fine. That's actual insurance. But this conception of insurance as a club you join to score free health care is childishly naive.
Unlikely politicians would play games with it. They stay away from anything politically bad.
LOL - have you been living under a rock?
What politically bad moves have they been making? Sure haven’t seen any spending cuts.

Let's start with the glaringly obvious: women's reproductive health care. Do you think Republicans would try to limit insurance coverage for abortion or birth control? You know they would. What about mental health? Most of them think it's fake news. Services for homosexuals? AIDS research? I could go on and on, but you either get it already, or are so deep in denial you'll never face reality.

Making health care a government responsibility will make it a political football, that will be whipped out every single elections to scare and coerce voters. Let's not.

Unlikely, they don’t want to lose votes. Same reason nothing gets cut. You seen our deficits?

You must have an example of this happening with some other countries healthcare?

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