GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

Since when is giving people free will and allowing them to govern themselves a bad thing? Why is it the governments responsibility to take care of people who won't take care of themselves?
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?

Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
How many Americans are left out of Obamacare? A federal court has ruled the subsidies are unconstitutional unless Congress appropriates money specifically for them, so how many Americans will be left out of Obamacare once the government comes into compliance with the Court's decision?
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?

Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.

I now have a $2000 medical debt because of Obamacare, so rdean, you can go fuck yourself.
OK, just state how that happened.

I'm curious.
Enormous deductible which means I can't afford to go to the hospital, even if I'm sick or injured.

The doctor recommended I stay overnight for observation, but I refused because I knew Obamacare would leave me with a huge debt if I did that.

Just going there for a few hours left me with $2000 I can't pay.
Yes, I agree with you totally.

That's why I don't like the ACA OR the previous system - both of which have this problem.

It's also why the US has ALWAYS been rated so low in terms of delivering health care to citizens.

We're a little too proud of providing a way to get coverage when the coverage can't actually be used.

Of course, I don't see it as better to create a system that simply drops tens of millions of citizens who can't afford it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?

Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.
Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.
Obamacare should be a crime...
Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.

I think living in and being a citizen of the USA is far better than "Europe, Japan, or whatever". That is my "OPINION".

You have your OPINION. Good for you! You are entitled to it!

Of course, you know what they say about "opinions"....:rofl:

Bottom line - Health insurance is not a right. Obamacare is a failure. Not an opinion. FACT. It must be tossed. Having nothing, is better than this POS.

Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.

The unaca was not put into place overnight; undoing it will take time. The Dems made it intentionally difficult to undo. It has many long reaching tentacles.

I'll believe the Rs are willing to give up big gov't control over heathcare when I see it.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

This is the problems with liberals.

They just never get there isn't a perfect utopian solution for every problem.

If there is a problem out there, the only answer (for liberals) is throw money at it until a perfect utopia exists.

Only problem is, it's impossible.

They have tried to cover everyone. They can't.

Hell *I* don't have insurance right now because Obamacare was going to cost me $400 a month with a $6000 deductible. That's paying $400 a month (an amount I can't pay) just so Obama can SAY I have insurance.

I would NEVER reach a $6000 deductible in a year UNLESS I was dying of cancer!

In an attempt to make a one-size fits all insurance for everyone, they could not do it, and it made the premiums and the deductibles just beyond many people's budget.

Was the old system perfect, absolutely no.

Has Obama care made it 10 times worse? ABSOLUTELY.

Getting rid of a "solution" that didn't work is not going to solve all the problems.

But it's a first step.
And that is the problem with Republicans. When it comes to a problem they don't even want to try to figure it out unless it involves tax cuts for needy billionaires.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

This is the problems with liberals.

They just never get there isn't a perfect utopian solution for every problem.

If there is a problem out there, the only answer (for liberals) is throw money at it until a perfect utopia exists.

Only problem is, it's impossible.

They have tried to cover everyone. They can't.

Hell *I* don't have insurance right now because Obamacare was going to cost me $400 a month with a $6000 deductible. That's paying $400 a month (an amount I can't pay) just so Obama can SAY I have insurance.

I would NEVER reach a $6000 deductible in a year UNLESS I was dying of cancer!

In an attempt to make a one-size fits all insurance for everyone, they could not do it, and it made the premiums and the deductibles just beyond many people's budget.

Was the old system perfect, absolutely no.

Has Obama care made it 10 times worse? ABSOLUTELY.

Getting rid of a "solution" that didn't work is not going to solve all the problems.

But it's a first step.
You think Obamacare was a Utopian solution. It was compromise after compromise. It increased the number of insured by 20 million, did away with preexisting conditions, allowed young people to stay on the parents insurance, and eliminated partial coverage policies. However it increased deductibles to a point that most people hardly used their policy benefits for routine medical care, force people to purchase coverage they didn't believe they needed, and reduced choice for most people. I certainly wouldn't call that Utopian.

The closest thing to Utopian will be single payer which I figure will come after the Republicans present their botched up healthcare plan.
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.

Well that's what these lefty idiots think. They also think the rest of us should pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

Hell. I need a new car. Any of these lefty idiots going to pony up to buy me one?? I ain't holding my breath.

H/C is not a right and it never has been. You want H/C then you better have the money to pay for it.

The ACA is a disaster. A very expensive disaster except for those the rest of us are forced to pay for.
If they scrap it which is fine, keep the pre existing conditions part and kids on policies until age 26. Those make total sense. Then sit down and figure a new system out. Perhaps telling big pharma to reel in their costs is a start. Everyone wants to rail on the govt, but private industry for some reason should not be touched. I say bull to that.
Trump has stated the prez existing conditions and kids on policies until 26 atre parts he likes so that's a good thing.
If they scrap it which is fine, keep the pre existing conditions part and kids on policies until age 26. Those make total sense. Then sit down and figure a new system out. Perhaps telling big pharma to reel in their costs is a start. Everyone wants to rail on the govt, but private industry for some reason should not be touched. I say bull to that.

You don't get that's part of why premiums are so high.
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.

Well that's what these lefty idiots think. They also think the rest of us should pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

Hell. I need a new car. Any of these lefty idiots going to pony up to buy me one?? I ain't holding my breath.

H/C is not a right and it never has been. You want H/C then you better have the money to pay for it.

The ACA is a disaster. A very expensive disaster except for those the rest of us are forced to pay for.

And the tax penalty (burden on the poor) gets higher every year for those of us who can't afford to buy Obamacare!

That's just wrong!
If they scrap it which is fine, keep the pre existing conditions part and kids on policies until age 26. Those make total sense. Then sit down and figure a new system out. Perhaps telling big pharma to reel in their costs is a start. Everyone wants to rail on the govt, but private industry for some reason should not be touched. I say bull to that.

You don't get that's part of why premiums are so high.
For most people, premiums have not increased any faster since the ACA went into effect than prior to it. 50% of American get their insurance through their employer where the average family plan premium has risen at only 3%/year. 39% get of the insured get their insurance through Medicaid and Medicare where premiums are not effected by the ACA. The remain 11% get individual policies through the healthcare exchanges or other sources. These premiums paid after any subsidy have had small to huge increases depending on family income and region. Thus less than only 1 in every 10 families have had large increases in premiums.

If Republicans concentrate on lowering premiums, they'll be missing the ball. The problem most people have is higher deductibles, coinsurance, and copays, particular in individual policies which are the result of increased coverage of plans, higher medical costs of covering sicker people and providing additional coverage required by law.

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