GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?
There are no genuine rights that exist in some places and not others.
I said it is a right in OTHER COUNTRIES.

And, I asked why American citizens get it so much worse.

I don't care if it is a "right".

I DO think it's bad when America can't do as well for our own citizens as other countries do for theirs.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

Does Obamacare cover everyone? No? Then what are you whining about, you enormous hypocrite?
Not being perfect isn't a reason for tossing the progress away - obviously.

I agree the ACA isn't perfect. I'm not opposed to improving what Americans get, when we get less than citizens of other countries get. I don't see why we have to suck.

So, the R's SHOULD propose something.

But, until that gets turned into an actual plan, killing what we have is HUGELY irresponsible and TOTALLY stupid.
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.

Well that's what these lefty idiots think. They also think the rest of us should pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

Hell. I need a new car. Any of these lefty idiots going to pony up to buy me one?? I ain't holding my breath.

H/C is not a right and it never has been. You want H/C then you better have the money to pay for it.

The ACA is a disaster. A very expensive disaster except for those the rest of us are forced to pay for.
You come across as a fucking selfish, greedy, nasty unAmerican and unChristian asshole. Did I get that wrong?
Republicans have no intention of replacing Obamacare

They just want to kill it

Their base will never support a GOP health plan
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
There are plenty of us out here now that are not covered so the ACA is truly just more bs being fed to everyone as the cure all that really is not helping a bad situation that has been allowed to develop throughout the nation.
What would the ACA have to do to include all Americans?

Which of these main ACA features do you think should be dropped:
1 Allows young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26

2 Eliminates out-of-pocket costs for many preventive services

3 Closes the Medicare prescription drug “doughnut hole” so people on Medicare will no longer be required to pay the full cost of their medications

4 Creates health insurance exchanges where small businesses and people can shop for insurance and compare prices and benefits

5 Provides financial help to low- and moderate-income Americans who don’t get insurance through their jobs to help them purchase coverage

6 Gives states the option of expanding their existing Medicaid program to cover more low-income, uninsured adults

7 Prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person’s medical history

8 Requires employers with 50 or more employees to pay a fine if they don’t offer health insurance

From: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: November 2016
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
Medicare/Medicaid exists

Stfu you stupid troll
You can't get on Medicare or Medicaid simply by being unable to buy coverage.

AND, Republicans have been working to cut both those programs.

Watch who you call a troll without having some form of evidence.
I know who the fuck I'm talking to, do you? jackass
Republicans call Obamacare a Trainwreck

Now they already admit they can't do better?
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

Maobamacare doesn't cover all, so what's you point. It's not the feds job to provide health insurance, it's yours.
I agree with OKT, it is not the federal government's job to provide or demand that everyone has insurance. It is their job to protect the citizens from enemies foriegn or domestic though and fraudsters and racketeers have been allowed to run wild under some of the agencies of the federal government. Instead of protection some of us have have merely been severely abused and buried under the many schemes and scams of keeping 'their' so so called commerce going.

GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
There are plenty of us out here now that are not covered so the ACA is truly just more bs being fed to everyone as the cure all that really is not helping a bad situation that has been allowed to develop throughout the nation.
What would the ACA have to do to include all Americans?

Which of these main ACA features do you think should be dropped:
1 Allows young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26

2 Eliminates out-of-pocket costs for many preventive services

3 Closes the Medicare prescription drug “doughnut hole” so people on Medicare will no longer be required to pay the full cost of their medications

4 Creates health insurance exchanges where small businesses and people can shop for insurance and compare prices and benefits

5 Provides financial help to low- and moderate-income Americans who don’t get insurance through their jobs to help them purchase coverage

6 Gives states the option of expanding their existing Medicaid program to cover more low-income, uninsured adults

7 Prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person’s medical history

8 Requires employers with 50 or more employees to pay a fine if they don’t offer health insurance

From: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: November 2016
You are asking me to address things in a program which I believe is an abomination being perpetrated and forced onto a people that are supposed to be free to make their own choices. To add more insult on top of that you have used a link from an unethical company that uses other people children as guinea pigs for profits while supporting themselves with tax payer dollars.
FYI, I knew the Kaiser hospital system prior to its big sell out. Forty years ago they provided the best care available anywhere. The name is nothing more than cover now for that spirit of the old nasi regime.
Having everyone covered is not a right. It is, however, good economics. For example:
  1. Who do you think is paying for it when millions have to use the ER for their primary care?
  2. Who do you think is paying for it when minor health conditions deteriorate into major health conditions because the patient can't afford access to preventive and diagnostic care?
  3. Who do you think is paying for it when people with HSAs can't pay the high deductible on their plan (also an issue with the stupid ACA plan)?
  4. Who do you think is paying for the inefficiencies of a health care "system" (ha) that has SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment structures, NONE of which work directly with the other?
We don't HAVE to mindlessly knee-jerk away from having the government involved in something because we're politically obligated to; it's something we CHOOSE to do.
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Having everyone covered is not a right. It is, however, good economics.

Who do you think is paying for it when millions have to use the ER for their primary care?

Who do you think is paying for it when minor health conditions deteriorate into major health conditions because the patient can't afford access to preventive and diagnostic care?

Who do you think is paying for it when people with HSAs can't pay the high deductible on their plan (also an issue with the stupid ACA plan)?

Who do you think is paying for the inefficiencies of a health care "system" (ha) that has SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment structures, NONE of which work directly with the other?

We don't HAVE to mindlessly knee-jerk away from having the government involved in something because we're politically obligated to; it's something we CHOOSE to do.
Who is paying for it depends on the area, or state in which you live. Kaiser took on all the free money they could get back when they sold out. The place turned into a literal medical shithole within a few short years. It must have been 'good economics' for them.

The big insurance companies just like all other profit driven beasts put as much cost as they can onto the taxpayer or someone else in order to keep their profit margins up. I do not consider that 'good economics' for the taxpayer although for the shareholders, owners and managers of those companies its probably good for them.

Personally I know the insurance company who covered the employer where I worked when I was covered in their chemicals spent a whole hell of a lot more attempting to cover up what happen than it would have cost to actually just take care of me when that all went down. They assisted in causing more health issues by sending me to a known psychopath druggy doctor. Instead of trying to mitigate the physical damages caused by the chemicals that ass tried to push his drugs on me. Upon refusing his drugs for being chemically poisoned it was claimed that I refused medical treatment. So if patients are not totally dense and ignorant sheeple they are just used as fodder to help feed the beast.

In a case of a person we knew fairly well the taxpayer also footed the bill for medical negligence after being maltreated for a WC injury. Poor soul was sent through hell as the WC carrier refused to take responsibility and the same incompetent medical firm that screwed the guy up put him in and out of their hospital system all while filing and collecting off of his disability insurance (SSI). That all started from a broken toe. Before it was all said and done his whole leg was taken off (That took awhile as it went off in pieces per doc instructions).
^^ the good thing that came from knowing about that and what took place at that hospiital care facility was I was able to get my son to get away from that shithole before they did a very similar type thing to him (same type of bs infection caught at that same faciliity) Son's income and insurance looked really good to those creeps up there.

The problem is not just people going into emergency rooms for sniffles. It runs a hell of a lot deeper than that.
Having everyone covered is not a right. It is, however, good economics. For example:
  1. Who do you think is paying for it when millions have to use the ER for their primary care?
  2. Who do you think is paying for it when minor health conditions deteriorate into major health conditions because the patient can't afford access to preventive and diagnostic care?
  3. Who do you think is paying for it when people with HSAs can't pay the high deductible on their plan (also an issue with the stupid ACA plan)?
  4. Who do you think is paying for the inefficiencies of a health care "system" (ha) that has SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment structures, NONE of which work directly with the other?
We don't HAVE to mindlessly knee-jerk away from having the government involved in something because we're politically obligated to; it's something we CHOOSE to do.

Sorry Mac, you have hit a rode bump in my opinion. The government does NOTHING well because of its inefficiencies, and to allow them to take care of our healthcare would be stupid. Everyone need ask themselves this----->what does the government do better than the private sector, in any area in which they compete? Post office? Schools? Anywhere they compete, they fail!

Not only that, but suppose we all got together and made the perfect government healthcare system. (that is correct, I said perfect that worked for everyone) How long would it be before one, or both of the political entities said something wasn't fair, and screwed it up? 6 months? A year? And then you know what! Right now, we can SCREAM at our government because insurance companies are involved. Go ahead and try that when it is 100% government.

No, we had the best healthcare in the world before Ocare, as seen by all these wealthy socialist coming here for procedures. If you do not believe it, then explain why they came here, and not to somewhere else. And again----------->these single pay countries have control over doctors and nurse wages. Have you told the medical field yet that YOU are going to dictate what they are going to make? I am all for it if YOU can convince the medical community to become our slaves, but I say----->good luck with that!
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?
There are no genuine rights that exist in some places and not others.
I said it is a right in OTHER COUNTRIES.

And, I asked why American citizens get it so much worse.

I don't care if it is a "right".

I DO think it's bad when America can't do as well for our own citizens as other countries do for theirs.
It comes down to priorities

Our priorities are maintaining the largest military and prison system in the world

Theirs are the health and education of their citizens
Health insurance is not a right.

Get over it.
It is in every other country.

So, why is being an American citizen so much worse?
There are no genuine rights that exist in some places and not others.
I said it is a right in OTHER COUNTRIES.

And, I asked why American citizens get it so much worse.

I don't care if it is a "right".

I DO think it's bad when America can't do as well for our own citizens as other countries do for theirs.
Apparently my post didn't penetrate your thick skull. Genuine rights don't vary from place to place. They are the same for all people.

If it didn't matter whether you called it a right, then you wouldn't call it a right.
So you LWNJ's are unhappy about Obamacare getting gutted?

"get out there and win an election"

Until then, get in the back of the bus.

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