GOP working on legislation to strip Twitter of federal liability protections

"Terms of service"

They set the rules. It's the way of the internet world. I can't even call you dopes, dopes without the Mods deleting my posts.

Their own TOS does not justify the US govt protecting them from accountability while they prevent free / fair discussions and exchanges of ALL ideas....

Let's see how committed they are to their ideals / actions / TOS when that protection is removed.
the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.
At least you recognize the media as fake with this statement even though you may not realize it.

They can CHOOSE how to report.....

So essentially you admit that they can put any spin on it they like.
Remember when news was just news? No slant, minimal bias....just straight reporting.
When was news just news with no slant and just straight news with minimal bias?
We are in the midst of a pandemic. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's confirmed cases. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's deaths from the virus.

What is our President doing?

He is attacking Twitter.

Trump got hostile when Twitter attempted to correct Trump's outright lies in a tweet.

Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order that could open the door for federal regulators to punish Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they police content online.

Trump prefers Twitter allow his lies to stand unchallenged.

The Post writes, "Trump has portrayed the expected order, the early details of which were first reported by The Washington Post late Wednesday, as an attempt to stamp out political bias on the part of the country’s largest social media platforms. His directive comes days after Twitter steered viewers of some of the president’s tweets to news articles that fact-checked his claims, a move Trump said was a form of censorship.

"But advocates for the tech sector, lawmakers in Congress and a variety of legal experts from across the political spectrum Thursday doubted the legality of Trump’s draft proposal and feared its implications for free speech. Others questioned whether the U.S. government even could carry out the order as the president intended."

Trump has been stupid enough to make the news media the enemy, calling it "fake news." That is beyond stupid because the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.

Now the fool is taking on the tech sector, which may have even more influence on how Americans think.

In the meantime, over 100,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.


  • tenorram.gif
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Gaetz is virtue signaling. His little hissy fit has no chance at doing anything.

Second, if his bill did pass, the result would be the immediate removal of Trump from the platform.

The sole intention of this episode is to intimidate Twitter like the thugs they are.
Like what LGBTQRSTUVs do with bakeries? Intimidate them like the thugs they are?
This has nothing to do with that
So legislation has nothing to do with other legislation built off the same premise?
Lol ok
The rationale for public accommodation laws does not apply to social media websites.

This is not the same premise.
The argument is Twitter owns this site to Twitter can do what the fuck they want.

That argument doesn't also apply to other businesses wanting to do what they want?

Just like every other commie leftist out there, you have played both sides of the issue. How perfect.

Every business retains the right to toss out people based on a multitude of factors, especially individual behavior. That’s no different than what Twitter is doing. People have attempted to sue Twitter on grounds of title 2 of the Civil Rights Act and I believe they’ve always failed.

The only reason you support twitter in this is you know they only seem to gun for views you disagree with.

Fucking fascist.
If your side wasn't posting so many lies and so much hate they wouldn't be getting banned.

Follow the rules.

Yes, because progressive losers like you never post "hateful" or "lying" tweets.

Fuck off.
Twitter removes an enormous amount of tweets for being hateful. No one removed Trump’s lying tweet. They just posted a link below it stating why they thought it wasn’t true. What’s ironic is that you’re all outraged that Twitter is using their freedom of expression to reply to Trump’s tweet.


They claim to be an open forum, accepting all viewpoints, and yet the only viewpoints they seem to delete with any consistency are those from the right.

If they want to take a side, they should have to say it, in writing. If they want to be a forum for open exchange they shouldn't be banning people for content based on their politics.

Twitter has never stated there are no limits to what you can post. You’re either lying or just making shut up.

Being an open forum and having no limits on what you can post are two different things, and you know that.

Twitter's own missions statement:

Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely.

As their statement says, moderation is essential to keeping the platform viable.

That’s precisely why they wrote section 230 in the first place. That’s why these websites even exist.


So that's how you explain content based bans and filtering.

Uh, yes. That’s exactly what it means. If someone posts something with content that is unacceptable, the moderators remove it. It’s how it works on this forum too.

And of course, to you, unacceptable means "anything I disagree with politically"

Just admit it, you favor banning speech of people you don't like.

Twitter has a ton of speech on it that I disagree with. I have no desire to see it banned.

Have you ever seen a platform with the lack of moderation that you desire? They’re cesspools of racism, anti-semitism and generally fringe nonsense. No one wants that.


You are a censoring lying twat. FOAD.
And you’re a fascist thug. Nice to meet you.

Twitter has no obligation to pay to propagate idiots speech.

What am i doing to stop you from spreading your idiocy?

Twitter claims to be a discussion forum, and then takes sides in the discussion.

You don't care because it takes your side, filth.
You’re supporting a government action for force Twitter to support your dear leader.

Right now government action gives them immunity from liability because they claim people's posts are not "their content".

They then claim the right to moderate content based on whatever they feel like because it is 'their site", and thus their content.

They want the best of both worlds, and they should have to choose. Claim all content as theirs, moderate as they see fit, and then be liable for whatever they let through, or keep their protections as "not their content" and not moderate based on political, cultural, or moral viewpoints of their own.
That’s exactly the point of section 230 as I’ve been trying to tell you.

You don’t want to take away their ability to moderate. You really don’t want that. Go to an unmoderated forum. It’s garbage. It’s an absolute cesspool.

Section 230 was to prevent something like someone tweeting "I am going to blow up a bridge" and then twitter being sued because they didn't do anything about it.

It wasn't designed for Twitter to take sides in political debates and still claim the content isn't theirs.

That doesn’t make any sense. Why would the goal be to allow internet companies immunity from reporting specific identifiable threats?

You don’t really know what you’re talking about.

It's to stop someone from suing twitter for the threat made by another person.

Tweeter: "I am going to kill X"
20 min later, person X is killed by said tweeter.

230 stops the victim's family from suing twitter because they didn't call the cops.

You really think that the government wrote legislation that permitted internet companies to ignore individual specific threats?

That makes absolutely no sense.

It's exactly why they wrote it. Why do you think they wrote it?

Prodigy was sued for defamation by a bank because a poster on their message board accuses that bank of fraud. Prodigy was liable for that defamation.

What made Prodigy liable? They had moderators who removed posts that were insulting, off topic or harassment.

So it created a perverse incentive. The only way to avoid liability for the posts is to allow people to post basically whatever they wanted. It stopped anyone from trying to keep their Internet forums civil and that’s not what anyone wants.

Progressives are the kings of "this is why we can't have nice things". Section 230 works when only used to weed out criminal or completely vulgar postings. But now you want to use it to silence opponents.

Thus it has to go. All on you, none on us.

Alright then. Show me what has been censored.

Certainly not President Snowflake. No one took down his idiotic tweets even when they do constitute harassment.

You Can’t Say That on Twitter | National Review
"Sen. Josh (R-Mo.) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Wednesday separately announced they were both working on legislation to strip Twitter of federal protections that ensure the company is not held liable for what is posted on its platform.

Both Hawley and Gaetz argued that Twitter’s decision to flag the tweets called its legal liability protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act into question. Section 230 protects social media platforms from facing lawsuits over what users post.

Hawley sent a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday questioning why the platform should be given Section 230 protections and tweeted that he would soon introduce legislation to end “government giveaways” under the legal shield.

“If @Twitter wants to editorialize & comment on users’ posts, it should be divested of its special status under federal law (Section 230) & forced to play by same rules as all other publishers”

IMO subsidies and / or government protections should not be given to companies that engage in trampling on Freedom of Speech. Yes, Twitter (and Facebook) is a privately owned and run company and can operate as they see fit ... but they can do so without tax dollars or protections from a government that supports and defends the Constitution which affords the right of Freedom of Speech to all Americans.


It's funny because just had a left-winger telling me "they can scream and yell all they want.... they won't do anything!"

Ooooh..... well.... geee..... looks like they are doing something 0.o
Who woulda thunk it?
We are in the midst of a pandemic. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's confirmed cases. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's deaths from the virus.

What is our President doing?

He is attacking Twitter.

Trump got hostile when Twitter attempted to correct Trump's outright lies in a tweet.

Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order that could open the door for federal regulators to punish Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they police content online.

Trump prefers Twitter allow his lies to stand unchallenged.

The Post writes, "Trump has portrayed the expected order, the early details of which were first reported by The Washington Post late Wednesday, as an attempt to stamp out political bias on the part of the country’s largest social media platforms. His directive comes days after Twitter steered viewers of some of the president’s tweets to news articles that fact-checked his claims, a move Trump said was a form of censorship.

"But advocates for the tech sector, lawmakers in Congress and a variety of legal experts from across the political spectrum Thursday doubted the legality of Trump’s draft proposal and feared its implications for free speech. Others questioned whether the U.S. government even could carry out the order as the president intended."

Trump has been stupid enough to make the news media the enemy, calling it "fake news." That is beyond stupid because the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.

Now the fool is taking on the tech sector, which may have even more influence on how Americans think.

In the meantime, over 100,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.

The President is able to address more than 1 item at a time, the job definition requires multitasking.

Mr. Trump was addressing electoral and voting procedures in the upcoming election. There has been fraud with mail in ballots before, it certainly could happen again. I was reading earlier today about a mail carrier in the Tremendous State of West Virginia who was just accused of tampering with ballots.

Twitter said "no"

I guess they can have their opinion, but that just puts them in a different legal category if they are creating content.
"President Trump is set to roll out a new executive order designed to punish Twitter for daring to attach a mild fact-check to his false tweets about vote-by-mail. This debate will get thorny, so let’s first state clearly exactly what Trump is trying to accomplish here:
  • Trump wants to be able to lie on Twitter and other platforms with total impunity, free of any fact-checking.
  • Trump doesn’t want Twitter to inform people of options for voting safely amid a pandemic, in hopes that fear of sickness and death will discourage voting and keep turnout low, to his benefit.
Now that Trump is trying to use the power of the state toward those profoundly corrupt goals, this marks a new low for Trump’s legacy of lies."

We are in the midst of a pandemic. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's confirmed cases. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's deaths from the virus.

What is our President doing?

He is attacking Twitter.

Trump got hostile when Twitter attempted to correct Trump's outright lies in a tweet.

Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order that could open the door for federal regulators to punish Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they police content online.

Trump prefers Twitter allow his lies to stand unchallenged.

The Post writes, "Trump has portrayed the expected order, the early details of which were first reported by The Washington Post late Wednesday, as an attempt to stamp out political bias on the part of the country’s largest social media platforms. His directive comes days after Twitter steered viewers of some of the president’s tweets to news articles that fact-checked his claims, a move Trump said was a form of censorship.

"But advocates for the tech sector, lawmakers in Congress and a variety of legal experts from across the political spectrum Thursday doubted the legality of Trump’s draft proposal and feared its implications for free speech. Others questioned whether the U.S. government even could carry out the order as the president intended."

Trump has been stupid enough to make the news media the enemy, calling it "fake news." That is beyond stupid because the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.

Now the fool is taking on the tech sector, which may have even more influence on how Americans think.

In the meantime, over 100,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.

It is a little known concept for libtards called "freedom of speech"!

Trump has the same freedom of speech rights that every American has: he can criticize the government without fear of arrest. That is the ONLY freedom of speech any American has.

Twitter does not have the right to censor political posts simply because it disagrees with the content. They are violating the very laws by which they are allowed to conduct business as social media.
We are in the midst of a pandemic. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's confirmed cases. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's deaths from the virus.

What is our President doing?

He is attacking Twitter.

Trump got hostile when Twitter attempted to correct Trump's outright lies in a tweet.

Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order that could open the door for federal regulators to punish Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they police content online.

Trump prefers Twitter allow his lies to stand unchallenged.

The Post writes, "Trump has portrayed the expected order, the early details of which were first reported by The Washington Post late Wednesday, as an attempt to stamp out political bias on the part of the country’s largest social media platforms. His directive comes days after Twitter steered viewers of some of the president’s tweets to news articles that fact-checked his claims, a move Trump said was a form of censorship.

"But advocates for the tech sector, lawmakers in Congress and a variety of legal experts from across the political spectrum Thursday doubted the legality of Trump’s draft proposal and feared its implications for free speech. Others questioned whether the U.S. government even could carry out the order as the president intended."

Trump has been stupid enough to make the news media the enemy, calling it "fake news." That is beyond stupid because the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.

Now the fool is taking on the tech sector, which may have even more influence on how Americans think.

In the meantime, over 100,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.

I'm not sure what point he's trying to make other than to point out the fact that he posted something that Twitter said needed to be fact checked. They didn't remove or delete his tweets. Just pointed out that they needed to be fact checked. Sounds like a temper tantrum to me. So what's his solution? Bring back the Fairness Doctrine? :)
I didn't see anything wrong with the Fairness Doctrine, but that was before social media, and I don't see how it could be applied to FB or anywhere else. I'd love to see Ann Coulter or Candace Owens or Hannity forced to give "Fair Time" to anyone though. lol
We are in the midst of a pandemic. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's confirmed cases. The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's deaths from the virus.

What is our President doing?

He is attacking Twitter.

Trump got hostile when Twitter attempted to correct Trump's outright lies in a tweet.

Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order that could open the door for federal regulators to punish Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they police content online.

Trump prefers Twitter allow his lies to stand unchallenged.

The Post writes, "Trump has portrayed the expected order, the early details of which were first reported by The Washington Post late Wednesday, as an attempt to stamp out political bias on the part of the country’s largest social media platforms. His directive comes days after Twitter steered viewers of some of the president’s tweets to news articles that fact-checked his claims, a move Trump said was a form of censorship.

"But advocates for the tech sector, lawmakers in Congress and a variety of legal experts from across the political spectrum Thursday doubted the legality of Trump’s draft proposal and feared its implications for free speech. Others questioned whether the U.S. government even could carry out the order as the president intended."

Trump has been stupid enough to make the news media the enemy, calling it "fake news." That is beyond stupid because the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.

Now the fool is taking on the tech sector, which may have even more influence on how Americans think.

In the meantime, over 100,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.
I believe you are so sick, so delusional, you actually believe the imbecilic nonsense you spew..... For the record sweetie-pie, Jack Dorsey, and his twitter crew are the ones attacking, they target America with their evil fascist political agenda, which because of your mental illness, you accept as wholesome and healthy... The rest of us hate them, the fascist youth, the fascist industrialists, the fascist Marxist educators, and the fascist democratic party media operation who use it to level ruin upon the United States and advance the cause of one party fascist authoritarian evil upon the earth! You don't understand just how close you fascists are, literally your fate hangs by a thread, you have destroyed yourselves, utterly outed yourselves as evil, and as bad as Trump may look these last two months, you and the filth at whose feet you lick, make him look like the greatest thing since the Winchester repeating rifle..... :banana:
Weird how PROGS think the owners of social media should report "lies" by people they don't agree with, but it's perfectly OK they don't do the same for those who ride the same boat, and it's OK they don't report on truthfulness either.

One might think social media is trying to sway voters under a dubious and unequal agenda, weird.

I'd still like to see PROG-news report on "says some tangible / truth ratio". Trump talks so fucking much I'd bet the house he'd come out the most honest of all.

PROGS R sooooooooooooooo smart. I know cuz their emotional rants tell me so.
Trump's a multi-tasker, all right: He can eat a "hamberder", Tweet and watch Fox News all at the same time.....all day long.

You forgot what else he proved coud do, snowflake:

View attachment 342106

In January of 2018, Trump was apologizing for the lowest rate of job creation in the past 7 years. 2017 was the first year since 2010 that job creation hadn’t averaged 200,000 plus jobs per month.
Gaetz is virtue signaling. His little hissy fit has no chance at doing anything.

Second, if his bill did pass, the result would be the immediate removal of Trump from the platform.

The sole intention of this episode is to intimidate Twitter like the thugs they are.
Like what LGBTQRSTUVs do with bakeries? Intimidate them like the thugs they are?
This has nothing to do with that
So legislation has nothing to do with other legislation built off the same premise?
Lol ok
The rationale for public accommodation laws does not apply to social media websites.

This is not the same premise.
The argument is Twitter owns this site to Twitter can do what the fuck they want.

That argument doesn't also apply to other businesses wanting to do what they want?

Just like every other commie leftist out there, you have played both sides of the issue. How perfect.

Every business retains the right to toss out people based on a multitude of factors, especially individual behavior. That’s no different than what Twitter is doing. People have attempted to sue Twitter on grounds of title 2 of the Civil Rights Act and I believe they’ve always failed.

The only reason you support twitter in this is you know they only seem to gun for views you disagree with.

Fucking fascist.
If your side wasn't posting so many lies and so much hate they wouldn't be getting banned.

Follow the rules.

Yes, because progressive losers like you never post "hateful" or "lying" tweets.

Fuck off.
Twitter removes an enormous amount of tweets for being hateful. No one removed Trump’s lying tweet. They just posted a link below it stating why they thought it wasn’t true. What’s ironic is that you’re all outraged that Twitter is using their freedom of expression to reply to Trump’s tweet.


They claim to be an open forum, accepting all viewpoints, and yet the only viewpoints they seem to delete with any consistency are those from the right.

If they want to take a side, they should have to say it, in writing. If they want to be a forum for open exchange they shouldn't be banning people for content based on their politics.

Twitter has never stated there are no limits to what you can post. You’re either lying or just making shut up.

Being an open forum and having no limits on what you can post are two different things, and you know that.

Twitter's own missions statement:

Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely.

As their statement says, moderation is essential to keeping the platform viable.

That’s precisely why they wrote section 230 in the first place. That’s why these websites even exist.


So that's how you explain content based bans and filtering.

Uh, yes. That’s exactly what it means. If someone posts something with content that is unacceptable, the moderators remove it. It’s how it works on this forum too.

And of course, to you, unacceptable means "anything I disagree with politically"

Just admit it, you favor banning speech of people you don't like.

Twitter has a ton of speech on it that I disagree with. I have no desire to see it banned.

Have you ever seen a platform with the lack of moderation that you desire? They’re cesspools of racism, anti-semitism and generally fringe nonsense. No one wants that.


You are a censoring lying twat. FOAD.
And you’re a fascist thug. Nice to meet you.

Twitter has no obligation to pay to propagate idiots speech.

What am i doing to stop you from spreading your idiocy?

Twitter claims to be a discussion forum, and then takes sides in the discussion.

You don't care because it takes your side, filth.
You’re supporting a government action for force Twitter to support your dear leader.

Right now government action gives them immunity from liability because they claim people's posts are not "their content".

They then claim the right to moderate content based on whatever they feel like because it is 'their site", and thus their content.

They want the best of both worlds, and they should have to choose. Claim all content as theirs, moderate as they see fit, and then be liable for whatever they let through, or keep their protections as "not their content" and not moderate based on political, cultural, or moral viewpoints of their own.
That’s exactly the point of section 230 as I’ve been trying to tell you.

You don’t want to take away their ability to moderate. You really don’t want that. Go to an unmoderated forum. It’s garbage. It’s an absolute cesspool.

Section 230 was to prevent something like someone tweeting "I am going to blow up a bridge" and then twitter being sued because they didn't do anything about it.

It wasn't designed for Twitter to take sides in political debates and still claim the content isn't theirs.

That doesn’t make any sense. Why would the goal be to allow internet companies immunity from reporting specific identifiable threats?

You don’t really know what you’re talking about.

It's to stop someone from suing twitter for the threat made by another person.

Tweeter: "I am going to kill X"
20 min later, person X is killed by said tweeter.

230 stops the victim's family from suing twitter because they didn't call the cops.

You really think that the government wrote legislation that permitted internet companies to ignore individual specific threats?

That makes absolutely no sense.

It's exactly why they wrote it. Why do you think they wrote it?

Prodigy was sued for defamation by a bank because a poster on their message board accuses that bank of fraud. Prodigy was liable for that defamation.

What made Prodigy liable? They had moderators who removed posts that were insulting, off topic or harassment.

So it created a perverse incentive. The only way to avoid liability for the posts is to allow people to post basically whatever they wanted. It stopped anyone from trying to keep their Internet forums civil and that’s not what anyone wants.

Progressives are the kings of "this is why we can't have nice things". Section 230 works when only used to weed out criminal or completely vulgar postings. But now you want to use it to silence opponents.

Thus it has to go. All on you, none on us.

Alright then. Show me what has been censored.

Certainly not President Snowflake. No one took down his idiotic tweets even when they do constitute harassment.

You Can’t Say That on Twitter | National Review
So the complaint is that you can’t use twitter to express your discrimination of transgendered individuals which is against the terms of service?
Twitter does not have the right to censor political posts simply because it disagrees with the content.
What scares me about that is, the underlying law apparently sees them as a "platform," not a "publisher" responsible for content. If the law is changed, FB and Twitter have a choice: Be drowned in lawsuits as a publisher, which would put them out of business, or stop regulating content at all.

Is that really what you want? You want Storm Front on FB, joining in on all the forums? You want ISIS on there, pushing for jihad? You want kids posting vids of torturing another kid and laughing about it?
That is the thing that scares me. How far would this "not regulating content" go? Who decides what is "decency?" Will it be the government now?

You see what I mean?
It is a little known concept for libtards called "freedom of speech"!

So restricting Twitters' speech is freedom of speech?

Trump cultists used to at least pretend to not be Stalinists. The've stopped pretending. Now, they want to shut down any speech that doesn't praise DearLeader.
Twitter can be a forum or they can report and publish the can't do both...especially in a biased way....
Twitter does not have the right to censor political posts simply because it disagrees with the content.
I think we can all agree with that. This isn't a matter of disagreement. It's a matter of fact in Trump's tweet contained a demonstrable lie.
the media always has the last word, and it can pick and chose how it covers Trump, his statements and his deeds.
At least you recognize the media as fake with this statement even though you may not realize it.

They can CHOOSE how to report.....

So essentially you admit that they can put any spin on it they like.
Remember when news was just news? No slant, minimal bias....just straight reporting.
When was news just news with no slant and just straight news with minimal bias?

Well, it started getting sticky when Ronald Reagan repealed the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.
The FD required that news agencies and journalism provide equal time to a political topic or politician.
So if say "Meet the Press" or a newspaper article interviewed a Republican, then they had to give equal time to a Democrat.
That only meant sides could have competing "slants".

That meant that both sides could present their slanted views in the same venue.
Reagan gave us Hannity, Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham when he repealed the Fairness Doctrine.
It is a little known concept for libtards called "freedom of speech"!

So restricting Twitters' speech is freedom of speech?

Trump cultists used to at least pretend to not be Stalinists. The've stopped pretending. Now, they want to shut down any speech that doesn't praise DearLeader.
Twitter can be a forum or they can report and publish the can't do both...especially in a biased way....

They aren't trying to do both.
Twitter has never presented itself as a news outlet.
It's called SOCIAL MEDIA, idiot.
The reason they are tacking notices to DiaperLoad Donnie's posts is because his account is held by the POTUS and can be MISCONSTRUED as news by their users.
He's doing exactly what he was hired to do....Spend his days bitch-slapping the living fuck out of the fucked in the head filthy Left...Simple shit.
That isn't the president's job............but I understand acting like a authoritarian, partisan, hack with no regard for the beliefs of over half the citizens in the country is why you love him.

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