Gop would bar poor from health care altogether


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Just amazing.


During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die. That infamous outburst, among others, has prompted GOP bigwigs to try to cut back on primary season debates, hoping to limit appearances that might expose the party's baser impulses.

But that mean-spirited and contemptuous attitude toward the sick is alive and well in the Grand Old Party, as its maniacal (and futile) resistance to Obamacare has made clear. Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.


It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.
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Gee, coming from a party who pushed through a law that made it harder for the poor to get healthcare due to rising premiums, AND stripped 6.3 million people of their insurance?

Not exactly a stellar track record there, my friend.

Oh, and this concept isn't new. Hillary was doing the same thing with her stab at universal healthcare. First it was Hillarycare, and that same lie pops up. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" (if not in those exact words).

You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice. ... It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice. And that’s exactly what this line does. I am very worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.


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No worries, dude!

The ACA will have everyone insured in no time at all.

Nothing to worry about, everyone will be taken care of in the ER.

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]

Let him die, alrighty.
[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

Grayson was right.
Nope. You completely dodged my point. Your title was all I needed to see to know how full of crap you are. Your party beat everyone to the punch!


What point?

You are floating a fairy tale.

And it's been explained to you over and over again.
All the people coming forward with their horror stories
that happened because of ObamaCare.
And the best response the left has is that they are all liars...
Nope. You completely dodged my point. Your title was all I needed to see to know how full of crap you are. Your party beat everyone to the punch!


What point?

You are floating a fairy tale.

And it's been explained to you over and over again.

No it hasn't. You're the one floating the fairytales. Now, address my original point, or admit defeat.
Wow to think people can't afford it now and the GOP hasn't gotten involved yet.
[ame=]Let Them DIE!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Just amazing.


During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die. That infamous outburst, among others, has prompted GOP bigwigs to try to cut back on primary season debates, hoping to limit appearances that might expose the party's baser impulses.

But that mean-spirited and contemptuous attitude toward the sick is alive and well in the Grand Old Party, as its maniacal (and futile) resistance to Obamacare has made clear. Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay. "It came as a result of bad facts," Deal said, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "And we have a saying that bad facts make bad law."

Deal says that many people use emergency rooms unnecessarily, and those patients inflate health care costs. He is factually correct. But there are other facts that undercut his arguments and reveal his hypocrisy.

First off, Deal is among those red-state Republicans who have vociferously opposed the Affordable Care Act, which makes health insurance available to hundreds of thousands of people who couldn't otherwise afford it. If more people had health insurance policies that paid for doctors' visits, fewer would use emergency rooms for routine complaints.

Second, Deal, like many Republican governors, has refused the Medicaid expansion made possible by Obamacare, even though the federal government would pick up 100 percent of the cost for the first three years and 90 percent until the year 2022. That expansion is the best chance many Georgians without means have for getting health insurance.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?

It's no wonder that GOP strategists shuddered when audience members responded so cruelly during the CNN/Tea Party Express debate in September 2011. It portrays the party as pitiless -- a reputation unlikely to attract a majority of voters.

Quiet as it's kept, most Americans support keeping Obamacare, despite the relentless pounding it has taken from Republicans. (And despite a website rollout that was infuriatingly incompetent.) A new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 56 percent of Americans favor keeping it in place, while just 31 percent want to repeal it. (Twelve percent want to replace it with a GOP plan.)

That's likely because most voters, no matter their reservations about Obamacare, know that the Republican Party has no good solution for the millions of Americans who work every day but still don't earn enough money to buy a health care plan. Americans have struggled with the nation's dysfunctional health care "system," and they know it's overdue for an overhaul.

Meanwhile, as the mid-term elections draw closer, the GOP struggles to come up with a plan that pretends to overhaul the health care system. Looking to avoid being painted as mere obstructions, House Republican honchos are working to draw their caucus together behind a bill that would replace Obamacare with a workable alternative.

But the most sincere plan so far -- one offered by Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., Tom Coburn, R-Okla. and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah -- would probably offer policies too skimpy to do any good once a policy-holder gets sick.

Besides, even that replacement idea seems unlikely to draw broad support among the far-right tea partiers, who believe that allowing the uninsured poor to die is the appropriate government response to the health care crisis.

That's a hulking bit of hypocrisy for a party that advertises itself as "pro-life." Deal's latest proposal is one more reminder of how little that label means.


It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.

Obama's fundamental transformation of America and your support for it as he oversteps his authority, lies to us, uses govt. agencies to enforce his partisan political strong arming and law breaking (to mention just a few) is what's crazy!

Let's not lose perspective.
All the people coming forward with their horror stories
that happened because of ObamaCare.
And the best response the left has is that they are all liars...

I had a thread on this exact topic.

Almost each one of the "horror stories" turns to vapor when you have a look.

However..the GOP horror Jan Brewer's are cold and in the ground.

You folks fail to ever address them.
Just amazing.


During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die. That infamous outburst, among others, has prompted GOP bigwigs to try to cut back on primary season debates, hoping to limit appearances that might expose the party's baser impulses.

But that mean-spirited and contemptuous attitude toward the sick is alive and well in the Grand Old Party, as its maniacal (and futile) resistance to Obamacare has made clear. Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay. "It came as a result of bad facts," Deal said, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "And we have a saying that bad facts make bad law."

Deal says that many people use emergency rooms unnecessarily, and those patients inflate health care costs. He is factually correct. But there are other facts that undercut his arguments and reveal his hypocrisy.

First off, Deal is among those red-state Republicans who have vociferously opposed the Affordable Care Act, which makes health insurance available to hundreds of thousands of people who couldn't otherwise afford it. If more people had health insurance policies that paid for doctors' visits, fewer would use emergency rooms for routine complaints.

Second, Deal, like many Republican governors, has refused the Medicaid expansion made possible by Obamacare, even though the federal government would pick up 100 percent of the cost for the first three years and 90 percent until the year 2022. That expansion is the best chance many Georgians without means have for getting health insurance.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?

It's no wonder that GOP strategists shuddered when audience members responded so cruelly during the CNN/Tea Party Express debate in September 2011. It portrays the party as pitiless -- a reputation unlikely to attract a majority of voters.

Quiet as it's kept, most Americans support keeping Obamacare, despite the relentless pounding it has taken from Republicans. (And despite a website rollout that was infuriatingly incompetent.) A new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 56 percent of Americans favor keeping it in place, while just 31 percent want to repeal it. (Twelve percent want to replace it with a GOP plan.)

That's likely because most voters, no matter their reservations about Obamacare, know that the Republican Party has no good solution for the millions of Americans who work every day but still don't earn enough money to buy a health care plan. Americans have struggled with the nation's dysfunctional health care "system," and they know it's overdue for an overhaul.

Meanwhile, as the mid-term elections draw closer, the GOP struggles to come up with a plan that pretends to overhaul the health care system. Looking to avoid being painted as mere obstructions, House Republican honchos are working to draw their caucus together behind a bill that would replace Obamacare with a workable alternative.

But the most sincere plan so far -- one offered by Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., Tom Coburn, R-Okla. and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah -- would probably offer policies too skimpy to do any good once a policy-holder gets sick.

Besides, even that replacement idea seems unlikely to draw broad support among the far-right tea partiers, who believe that allowing the uninsured poor to die is the appropriate government response to the health care crisis.

That's a hulking bit of hypocrisy for a party that advertises itself as "pro-life." Deal's latest proposal is one more reminder of how little that label means.


It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.

Obama's fundamental transformation of America and your support for it as he oversteps his authority, lies to us, uses govt. agencies to enforce his partisan political strong arming and law breaking (to mention just a few) is what's crazy!

Let's not lose perspective.

Oversteps his authority?

He's the President of the United States.

NOTHING and I mean NOTHING he has done so far is different from every other President this country has had. In fact he plays more by the rules than REAGAN or GEORGE W. BUSH did.

And he's had unprecedented opposition.

It's the conservative playbook, alrighty, obstruct, witchhunt, close the government down, but they added a new twist.

They made making this President fail a mission statement, thus exposing that this is all a deliberate attempt to unseat a Democratically elected leader of this country.
Gee, coming from a party who pushed through a law that made it harder for the poor to get healthcare due to rising premiums, AND stripped 6.3 million people of their insurance?

Not exactly a stellar track record there, my friend.

Oh, and this concept isn't new. Hillary was doing the same thing with her stab at universal healthcare. First it was Hillarycare, and that same lie pops up. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" (if not in those exact words).

You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice. ... It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice. And that’s exactly what this line does. I am very worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.


So actually what Barack has done, was adopt Hillary Care as his own, and then went forward with it because he knew it would sell finally under his reign of deceit maybe ? So Hillary has been in the back drop all along, just like with her husband while she was pushing the buttons, yet meanwhile her husband was undoing the buttons ? Hmmm, so she is in the back drop of Obama, and was pushing his buttons as well ?

It seems that healthcare is the one thing that has the ability to break people with the obscene prices that are attached to it, so taking control of the health care, also takes control of the wealthy and the middle of the road wealthy (working class), in which in turns takes that wealth, and then redistributes it to the government in order for them to take care of the ones who are not wealthy but are poor and dependent instead. The sad thing, is that the poor and dependent are gaining in numbers like a wildfire streaking across an open plane of under brush out of control. Somehow things have been allowed to get way out of balance over time, and now everyone is trying to hold on against the onslaught of these wild eyed plans in which assumes that everyone below a certain level has been wronged in the system of things.

Now for the defense of my compassion for human beings having dignity, even in their sickness where as everyone needs dignity in healthcare, and their sickness no matter what age they are in their life, and the one thing we all know is that people absolutely need healthcare, and if I was in charge healthcare would be the one thing that is taken off of the table, and out of the profit making business forever. Period!

To make extreme profits or worry about not making huge profits when it comes to someone either living or dying (imho) is an evil thing. Now back in the day it wasn't as bad, but it has gotten to the point that it went all out crazy now, and now we have people jumping all over it, and then taking advantage of it whether in some form or another while they can. As long as the profits are involved, then sick people will be judged by the lack of profiteering in which the industry thinks will be lost in each case or gained in each case, and this could determine whether people may live or die all depending. It is an unacceptable thing, and we as a nation can do better than this. Period!
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