Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Indeed. These should under strict control of the benevolent state.
The OP smells like bullshit to me......


Yep. It's opinion......:cuckoo:
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".

Enslaved by whom?
All the people coming forward with their horror stories
that happened because of ObamaCare.
And the best response the left has is that they are all liars...

have you forgotten when people died due to insurance companies denying them care?
bone marrow transplants and such.....seems people have forgotten those things
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".

bingo, notice he says they need it to ALLOW people to be "productive"...He speaks of people as if they are robots
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Just amazing.

It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.

Obama's fundamental transformation of America and your support for it as he oversteps his authority, lies to us, uses govt. agencies to enforce his partisan political strong arming and law breaking (to mention just a few) is what's crazy!

Let's not lose perspective.

Oversteps his authority?

He's the President of the United States.

NOTHING and I mean NOTHING he has done so far is different from every other President this country has had. In fact he plays more by the rules than REAGAN or GEORGE W. BUSH did.

And he's had unprecedented opposition.

It's the conservative playbook, alrighty, obstruct, witchhunt, close the government down, but they added a new twist.

They made making this President fail a mission statement, thus exposing that this is all a deliberate attempt to unseat a Democratically elected leader of this country.

so was Bush and you all wailed how he was acting a dictator, should be jailed, was overstepping his authority, lied people died , blah blah blah

now look at you who are Democrats, making excuses for Obama's abuse of power, groveling at the feet of the man acting like he can do wrong ....
it's creepy like a cult member
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Gee, coming from a party...

Never mind the cowardly and failed attempt to deflect, address the issue in the OP.

From the linked article:

Quiet as it's kept, most Americans support keeping Obamacare, despite the relentless pounding it has taken from Republicans. (And despite a website rollout that was infuriatingly incompetent.) A new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 56 percent of Americans favor keeping it in place, while just 31 percent want to repeal it. (Twelve percent want to replace it with a GOP plan.)

And the reason the pubs STILL have not come up with a plan is just as the OP said -

The plan all along has been to make sure the poor don't get any health care at all. Period.

Some will just go on whining about ObamaCare but that's because they don't have the courage to look at their own party. Its easier for them to bitch and whine about ObamaCare than it is to demand that it be made workable for ALL US citizens - including the enemies of the Republican party - women, children, gays, blacks, Hispanics and the poor.
All the people coming forward with their horror stories
that happened because of ObamaCare.
And the best response the left has is that they are all liars...

have you forgotten when people died due to insurance companies denying them care?
bone marrow transplants and such.....seems people have forgotten those things

It is stunning to see people all worried about insurance companies when they have never spent a moment worrying about us.

You'd never know that insurance companies routinely cancel when there's a claim, raised premiums after a claim, disallowed valid claims and just generally screwed over the people who pay them.

(@strollingbones, hope you're doing well.)
The left like Cliff, and the people who stands with Obama and the Democrat party are scumbags...Please don't vote for them to run our lives and country again
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All the people coming forward with their horror stories
that happened because of ObamaCare.
And the best response the left has is that they are all liars...

have you forgotten when people died due to insurance companies denying them care?
bone marrow transplants and such.....seems people have forgotten those things

It is stunning to see people all worried about insurance companies when they have never spent a moment worrying about us.

You'd never know that insurance companies routinely cancel when there's a claim, raised premiums after a claim, disallowed valid claims and just generally screwed over the people who pay them.

(@strollingbones, hope you're doing well.)

so it's back to insurance companies are the villains...and I guess we are suppose to believe NO one will die again because of Obama and ObamaCare...

All hail Obama
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In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".
Your providing it anyway, it just needs to be done in a dignified manor for all peoples who are involved as Americans here, and that is not the situation to date sad to say. It is a class system, and that needs to change, but as Clayton says, not all systems need to follow suit, and we should make sure that they don't. We need free markets of course, but we need a healtcare system that ensures all equal access, and affordability, and proper treatment when it is accessed by all. We need a fair way to pay for this for all, and so far I have not seen some that are the biggest complainers bring about a plan that adresses it all properly.
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".
Your providing it anyway, it just needs to be done in a dignified manor for all ...

Welfare is "dignified"?
have you forgotten when people died due to insurance companies denying them care?
bone marrow transplants and such.....seems people have forgotten those things

It is stunning to see people all worried about insurance companies when they have never spent a moment worrying about us.

You'd never know that insurance companies routinely cancel when there's a claim, raised premiums after a claim, disallowed valid claims and just generally screwed over the people who pay them.

(@strollingbones, hope you're doing well.)

so it's back to insurance companies are the villains...and I guess we are suppose to believe NO one will die again because of Obama and ObamaCare...

All hail Obama
Until you can counter these arguments properly, then you might as well not add your two cents worth, because it stumps you as shown in your counter comments, and we all see it.
Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".
Your providing it anyway, it just needs to be done in a dignified manor for all ...

Welfare is "dignified"?
It should be if you can't help it, and you need the assistance, but if you are a cheat then who is the creep (not the welfare system that is there to help), but instead you are.
It is stunning to see people all worried about insurance companies when they have never spent a moment worrying about us.

You'd never know that insurance companies routinely cancel when there's a claim, raised premiums after a claim, disallowed valid claims and just generally screwed over the people who pay them.

(@strollingbones, hope you're doing well.)

so it's back to insurance companies are the villains...and I guess we are suppose to believe NO one will die again because of Obama and ObamaCare...

All hail Obama
Until you can counter these arguments properly, then you might as well not add your two cents worth, because it stumps you as shown in your counter comments, and we all see it.

Which "arguments"? I, for one, have a hard time reconciling complaints about the insurance industry from supporters of ACA, which serves us up to the insurance companies as captive customers.
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".
Your providing it anyway, it just needs to be done in a dignified manor for all peoples who are involved as Americans here, and that is not the situation to date sad to say. It is a class system, and that needs to change, but as Clayton says, not all systems need to follow suit, and we should make sure that they don't. We need free markets of course, but we need a healtcare system that ensures all equal access, and affordability, and proper treatment when it is accessed by all. We need a fair way to pay for this for all, and so far I have not seen some that are the biggest complainers bring about a plan that adresses it all properly.

We all need a unicorn provided by the government too

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