Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

Gee, coming from a party who pushed through a law that made it harder for the poor to get healthcare due to rising premiums, AND stripped 6.3 million people of their insurance?

Not exactly a stellar track record there, my friend.

Oh, and this concept isn't new. Hillary was doing the same thing with her stab at universal healthcare. First it was Hillarycare, and that same lie pops up. "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period" (if not in those exact words).

You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice. ... It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice. And that’s exactly what this line does. I am very worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.


So actually what Barack has done, was adopt Hillary Care as his own, and then went forward with it because he knew it would sell finally under his reign of deceit maybe ? So Hillary has been in the back drop all along, just like with her husband while she was pushing the buttons, yet meanwhile her husband was undoing the buttons ? Hmmm, so she is in the back drop of Obama, and was pushing his buttons as well ?

It seems that healthcare is the one thing that has the ability to break people with the obscene prices that are attached to it, so taking control of the health care, also takes control of the wealthy and the middle of the road wealthy (working class), in which in turns takes that wealth, and then redistributes it to the government in order for them to take care of the ones who are not wealthy but are poor and dependent instead. The sad thing, is that the poor and dependent are gaining in numbers like a wildfire streaking across an open plane of under brush out of control. Somehow things have been allowed to get way out of balance over time, and now everyone is trying to hold on against the onslaught of these wild eyed plans in which assumes that everyone below a certain level has been wronged in the system of things.

Now for the defense of my compassion for human beings having dignity, even in their sickness where as everyone needs dignity in healthcare, and their sickness no matter what age they are in their life, and the one thing we all know is that people absolutely need healthcare, and if I was in charge healthcare would be the one thing that is taken off of the table, and out of the profit making business forever. Period!

To make extreme profits or worry about not making huge profits when it comes to someone either living or dying (imho) is an evil thing. Now back in the day it wasn't as bad, but it has gotten to the point that it went all out crazy now, and now we have people jumping all over it, and then taking advantage of it whether in some form or another while they can. As long as the profits are involved, then sick people will be judged by the lack of profiteering in which the industry thinks will be lost in each case or gained in each case, and this could determine whether people may live or die all depending. It is an unacceptable thing, and we as a nation can do better than this. Period!

To address some of your points:

1. This isn't "HillaryCare" which is employer based. This was the Heritage's foundation's alternative. It was floated by Bob Dole at the time and adopted by Mitt Romney. It includes the "Individual Mandate" which places the requirement on the person to secure their own health care.

2. The "somehow allowed" was a very deliberate strategy by corporate heads to lower taxes, get rid of protections on labor, and get rid of regulations. In other words, to undo the New Deal.

3. Personally? I agree with you about getting healthcare out of the private sector.
what a piece of crap article from Yahoo and the idiot talking head, Cynthia Tucker

the left wing is such scum to use one incident to say Republicans would BLOCK poor from health care
During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance --

we already pay for medicaid, medicare, welfare for the poor to get food, housing, HEALTH CARE..ETC

so they don't need Oscamcare because they won't be buying or paying for it ANYWAY..They will get subsidized by who, well taxpayers of course

People need to write off Yahoo as an unbiased new source...and the op as a hateful person to push this bs
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It's a shame that the radical left assumes the greatest Country in the world would "leave the uninsured to die" but that's leftie politics. Not only does (or did) the US health care system treat persons illegally in the Country but the fragmented system before the ironically named AHC was a hundred times superior than the mess the democrat party created literally in the dead of night. Wait until the little army of IRS agents come knocking on your door demanding that you contribute o the graft and negligence inherent in Obama/care. By they way in case you forgot your guy is in the drivers seat lefties and so far the bus is out of control.
what a piece of crap article from Yahoo and the idiot talking head, Cynthia Tucker

the left wing is such scum to use one incident to say Republicans would BLOCK poor from health care
During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance --

we already pay for medicaid, medicare, welfare for the poor to get food, housing, HEALTH CARE..ETC

so they don't need Oscamcare because they won't be buying or paying for it ANYWAY..They will get subsidized by who, well taxpayers of course

People need to write off Yahoo as an unbiased new source...and the op as a hateful person to push this bs

Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

He not the only Republican doing this either.

Jan Brewer cut funding for 3 previously funded medical procedures and 3 people died.

On the bright side..this could well bring down conservatives on a local level.

How Americans for Prosperity?s Obamacare attacks could backfire on GOP
what a piece of crap article from Yahoo and the idiot talking head, Cynthia Tucker

the left wing is such scum to use one incident to say Republicans would BLOCK poor from health care
During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance --

we already pay for medicaid, medicare, welfare for the poor to get food, housing, HEALTH CARE..ETC

so they don't need Oscamcare because they won't be buying or paying for it ANYWAY..They will get subsidized by who, well taxpayers of course

People need to write off Yahoo as an unbiased new source...and the op as a hateful person to push this bs
It's true that we already pay for these things, but is it the managers of these budgets or programs who are purty much in charge of these money's and programs, also the say of whom lives and whom dies within these programs all due to the money or lack there of that is involved ? Otherwise is it always depending on the funding or the money involved in these things, that detemines the amount of care that is involved ? If so then we have a long way to go in this nation before things get better for our elderly and our citizens who need equality/quality in health care just like anyone else does in their life.
what a piece of crap article from Yahoo and the idiot talking head, Cynthia Tucker

the left wing is such scum to use one incident to say Republicans would BLOCK poor from health care
During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance --

we already pay for medicaid, medicare, welfare for the poor to get food, housing, HEALTH CARE..ETC

so they don't need Oscamcare because they won't be buying or paying for it ANYWAY..They will get subsidized by who, well taxpayers of course

People need to write off Yahoo as an unbiased new source...and the op as a hateful person to push this bs

Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

He not the only Republican doing this either.

Jan Brewer cut funding for 3 previously funded medical procedures and 3 people died.

On the bright side..this could well bring down conservatives on a local level.

How Americans for Prosperity?s Obamacare attacks could backfire on GOP
I said it a long time ago, that this is a situation that could destroy people politically and personally in their lives, because equality and access to health care is paramount to a healthy society, and the elderly need to be treated with dignity and respect, and this no matter if they are older and less productive in their lives, they are still our people for whom we love dearly. The young and old need to ride where ever they need to upon the healthcare bus, and not have to take a seat at the back because they are somehow different or lacking in money's when it comes to getting off at the right stop, and then finding the right treatment while at that stop.

The turning away from our elderly is a sin of a great magnitude, and this newer generation is getting farther and farther into this turning trend, and it is evil.

I can understand making the young pay into a system if they can afford to, because healthcare is a universal need that is paramount to survival in ones life, otherwise if and when it is needed, and it will be needed.
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Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

How many poor people have you offered to pay medical bills for?
Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

How many poor people have you offered to pay medical bills for?
Umm your point maybe ?
Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

How many poor people have you offered to pay medical bills for?

none, and neither has the pos Eleanor Clift

that's up to others to do it for them and if you don't bow willingly you get accused of "baring" poor people from health care
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Georgia's hospitals have been in the red for quite some time. Now, they are closing down.

What does the Governor do? He blocks funding from Medicare expansion and floats the idea that if the poor can not pay for health care they shouldn't receive it.

How many poor people have you offered to pay medical bills for?

Funny you should ask that.

I donate to:
God's Love We Deliver.
Christian Charities.
Red Cross.

I have donated to various charities that provided relief to the people of Iran, Haiti, China and the Philippines. I've done work to help Sandy flood victims and worked to place victims of Katrina.

Aside from that, I've helped several friends with medical bills, their rent, bought groceries and took them to dinner.

Any more fucking incredibly stupid questions?
Just amazing.


During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die. That infamous outburst, among others, has prompted GOP bigwigs to try to cut back on primary season debates, hoping to limit appearances that might expose the party's baser impulses.

But that mean-spirited and contemptuous attitude toward the sick is alive and well in the Grand Old Party, as its maniacal (and futile) resistance to Obamacare has made clear. Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.


It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.


This does comport, however, with conservative political dogma, and its unwarranted fear of ‘disincentives.’
Gee, coming from a party...

Never mind the cowardly and failed attempt to deflect, address the issue in the OP.

From the linked article:

Quiet as it's kept, most Americans support keeping Obamacare, despite the relentless pounding it has taken from Republicans. (And despite a website rollout that was infuriatingly incompetent.) A new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 56 percent of Americans favor keeping it in place, while just 31 percent want to repeal it. (Twelve percent want to replace it with a GOP plan.)
Sooo ... Cynthia Tucker has a completely disjointed and unconnected spasm of irrational thought.

Like this is news?
Just amazing.


During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die. That infamous outburst, among others, has prompted GOP bigwigs to try to cut back on primary season debates, hoping to limit appearances that might expose the party's baser impulses.

But that mean-spirited and contemptuous attitude toward the sick is alive and well in the Grand Old Party, as its maniacal (and futile) resistance to Obamacare has made clear. Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.


It was a law passed by President Ronald Reagan that requires that emergency rooms stabilize any person that is having a health emergency.

This is just crazy.

That is definitely crazy. It's much more profitable to sell them to the insurance industry. Pubs just don't recognize opportunity when its staring them in the face!
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.
In a free, modern, and civilized society there are certain fundamental aspects of life that should not be subject to the cruel and capricious machinations of the free market – healthcare and education primary among them.

Ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare is not ‘socialism,’ nor is it an ‘entitlement mentality’; rather, it is a pragmatic, appropriate policy designed to allow all Americans to be productive so that they might indeed not need to seek assistance from government.

One would think conservatives would be in support of that.

Translation: In The Progressive Totalitarian State, those who "can do" must be enslaved to provide services to others who "can't do".

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