GOP's anti-Muslim display linking Mrs Ilhan Omar to 9/11 rocks West Virginia capitol

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

Public-accommodations laws apply to every business, regardless of the beliefs of the people who own or run them. There has been no change or challenge by "the left," (whoever that might be) to any specific institution or religion. People of all faiths, in a nation that is still predominantly Christian, have observed them for decades without incident, including Christians. Then along comes one particular sect that demands they be allowed to pick and choose what laws they will follow. We've never experienced spoiled little kids before.
Good point... The nation was just rocking along and minding it's own business, until this spoiled rotten new generation or yet a not so older spoiled rotten generation that has since gone by now (who was carrying a huge vengence chip or a get back at the America of old chip on it's shoulder), had decided that nothing of old should be allowed anymore or should stand any longer, and so they are hell bent on challenging every aspect of the old order, and mostly doing it for their own self serving interest instead of doing it for the American interest at large.

What of this "old order" has changed, with the exception of those aspects of it that had a detrimental effect on other Americans?
What's changed ??? Christian's are now being under-represented by the United States government, and that is what has changed negatively since the old days, and it needs to change back to being positive again....... Christian's being attacked for their beliefs is what has changed since the days when they weren't being attacked for their beliefs, and in the days when they were more accepted in all of American society with open arms.

How are they being "under-represented"? Who is ""attacking" their beliefs except in situations in which they are using their "beliefs" to attack the rights of others? They are using their "beliefs" to attack the rights of women and LGBTQs for example. It's not the other way around. Their "beliefs" do not trump the rights of others, who need to be protected.

Incidentally, this not being done by ALL Christians, just a small group of people who claim to be Christians, and can't seem to come up with a name for themselves, but who can't help bothering others.
Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.

So, no cases of Halal butchers forced to serve pork or Muslim bakers forced to back cakes for homosexuals.

I call you a liar because you're a fucking liar, as we all know.

How am lying? All discrimination cases start out by the filing of a complaint, idiot. Where are all these complaints that Colorado authorities have not followed up on, keeping to Colorado because jerk-off's bitch is against that state? Are you so dumb that you don't know that a merchant cannot be forced to stock a product? Ever go to a store for a product and been told that the store doesn't stock it?

I know that you are uneducated, but is there any reason for being a fouled-mouthed, spoiled fundie bitch?

You're lying that laws are applied equally - you know they are not. These are Anti-Christian laws. NEVER, NOT ONCE, are they used to persecute Muslims, because Muslims are the allies of the democrats in the war to end America. Christians are TARGETED for persecution and set up by the activists. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. But you lie that these are just generic laws rather than a directed assault on a particular religion.
Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.

So, no cases of Halal butchers forced to serve pork or Muslim bakers forced to back cakes for homosexuals.

I call you a liar because you're a fucking liar, as we all know.

How am lying? All discrimination cases start out by the filing of a complaint, idiot. Where are all these complaints that Colorado authorities have not followed up on, keeping to Colorado because jerk-off's bitch is against that state? Are you so dumb that you don't know that a merchant cannot be forced to stock a product? Ever go to a store for a product and been told that the store doesn't stock it?

I know that you are uneducated, but is there any reason for being a fouled-mouthed, spoiled fundie bitch?

You're lying that laws are applied equally - you know they are not. These are Anti-Christian laws. NEVER, NOT ONCE, are they used to persecute Muslims, because Muslims are the allies of the democrats in the war to end America. Christians are TARGETED for persecution and set up by the activists. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. But you lie that these are just generic laws rather than a directed assault on a particular religion.

The laws ARE generic. Civil law operates on complaints. You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not one. You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses about somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!
The laws ARE generic.

False, as we ALL know.

The "Colorado Commission on Civil Rights" was formed SPECIFICALLY to persecute Christians who fail to bow to the homosexual agenda.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips is being dropped.

ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court.

Members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) who had come after Phillips have now been exposed by what ADF called “overwhelming evidence” of clear hostility toward religious freedom.

The US Supreme Court had already ruled in the previous case that was brought against Phillips by CCRC that governments and state officials cannot show religious hostility in their decisions. Now there’s new evidence that’s what CCRC was doing with their second legal attack against him.}
Colorado Civil Rights Commission called 'anti-religious,' case dropped against Christian baker - Metro Voice News

This is a group of radical homosexual activists who target and attack Christians who hold opposing views on the rise of gay cultural dominance.

Civil law operates on complaints.

These complaints were filed by a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that attacked the victim only to be rebuked by the United States Supreme Court. Then after that LOSS, they attacked the same victim a second time

So convinced they were of their absolute power that not even SCOTUS could constrain their predation on Christians.

You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not

Again, this GOVERNMENT AGENCY, stalking and attacking Christians ONLY attacks Christians. They don't attack Muslims, this is a specifically anti-Christian crusade

You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses about somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!

They DID break the law, then were overruled by SCOTUS, then violated the law AGAIN.

You can no more deny that the State of Colorado is hostile to and openly persecutes Christians than you can deny the holocaust.

DO you deny the holocaust? You're a democrat, so there is a good chance of it.
You gotta love the hypocrisy. It's okay to call her a terrorist sympathizer, but it's not okay to criticize Israel. It's okay for Israeli lobby groups to funnel money into congressional coffers, but it's not okay for Russia to do the same.
The laws ARE generic.

False, as we ALL know.

The "Colorado Commission on Civil Rights" was formed SPECIFICALLY to persecute Christians who fail to bow to the homosexual agenda.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips is being dropped.

ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court.

Members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) who had come after Phillips have now been exposed by what ADF called “overwhelming evidence” of clear hostility toward religious freedom.

The US Supreme Court had already ruled in the previous case that was brought against Phillips by CCRC that governments and state officials cannot show religious hostility in their decisions. Now there’s new evidence that’s what CCRC was doing with their second legal attack against him.}
Colorado Civil Rights Commission called 'anti-religious,' case dropped against Christian baker - Metro Voice News

This is a group of radical homosexual activists who target and attack Christians who hold opposing views on the rise of gay cultural dominance.

Civil law operates on complaints.

These complaints were filed by a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that attacked the victim only to be rebuked by the United States Supreme Court. Then after that LOSS, they attacked the same victim a second time

So convinced they were of their absolute power that not even SCOTUS could constrain their predation on Christians.

You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not

Again, this GOVERNMENT AGENCY, stalking and attacking Christians ONLY attacks Christians. They don't attack Muslims, this is a specifically anti-Christian crusade

You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses abou5tt somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!

They DID break the law, then were overruled by SCOTUS, then violated the law AGAIN.

You can no more deny that the State of Colorado is hostile to and openly persecutes Christians than you can deny the holocaust.

DO you deny the holocaust? You're a democrat, so there is a good chance of it.

Again you prove what a jackass you really are. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission existed long before it received a citizen complaint against the cake shop.

You are a fool if you believe the ADF on anything. It exists only to twist the law to defend bullies and their predations against innocent people.

Absent any evidence that any person filed a discrimination complaint against a Muslim-owned business with the commission that was ignored, and any evidence of that the commission has targeted the millions of Christians in Colorado for religious reasons, the only "leg" you have to stand on is your irrational prejudice against Muslims. You (and I) don't even know the religious beliefs of the commission members themselves.

Your sick attempt to compare the supposed "plight" of "Christians" in Colorado is vile and disgusting; one of the cheapest and sickest comments I've ever seen on USMB. Nobody is dragging anyone off to a gas chamber, not even your favorite scumbag at the cake shop.

And just what is "the homosexual agenda"? Expecting people to obey a settled law is on everybody's "agenda." Victims of discrimination have every right to fight back.That's why there is a CCRC in the first place.

It's people like you who make the Christian faith sound like a filthy joke. "Persecution" my ass.
Last edited:
What a bunch of bigoted crybabies.

Israel pumps millions into the pockets of our Congressmen to get favorable action & billions from the US government.
So you are anti-israel ??
I want them to quit bribing our lawmakers & decision makers to bend our country toward what they want. It makes no difference of Israel is populated by Jews, Muslims, Blacks, etc.

If Mexico did this, you'd be running through the streets .
Rep. Omar is said to have been born in Mogadishu, Somalia, and this is the alleged reason for her anti-americanism.

I think an investigation is certainly warranted. I don't think we need people who are anti-american in Congress

Islam is at war to destroy America, yet we have two Jihadist Warriors in the United States Congress?
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
The laws ARE generic.

False, as we ALL know.

The "Colorado Commission on Civil Rights" was formed SPECIFICALLY to persecute Christians who fail to bow to the homosexual agenda.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips is being dropped.

ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court.

Members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) who had come after Phillips have now been exposed by what ADF called “overwhelming evidence” of clear hostility toward religious freedom.

The US Supreme Court had already ruled in the previous case that was brought against Phillips by CCRC that governments and state officials cannot show religious hostility in their decisions. Now there’s new evidence that’s what CCRC was doing with their second legal attack against him.}
Colorado Civil Rights Commission called 'anti-religious,' case dropped against Christian baker - Metro Voice News

This is a group of radical homosexual activists who target and attack Christians who hold opposing views on the rise of gay cultural dominance.

Civil law operates on complaints.

These complaints were filed by a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that attacked the victim only to be rebuked by the United States Supreme Court. Then after that LOSS, they attacked the same victim a second time

So convinced they were of their absolute power that not even SCOTUS could constrain their predation on Christians.

You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not

Again, this GOVERNMENT AGENCY, stalking and attacking Christians ONLY attacks Christians. They don't attack Muslims, this is a specifically anti-Christian crusade

You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses abou5tt somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!

They DID break the law, then were overruled by SCOTUS, then violated the law AGAIN.

You can no more deny that the State of Colorado is hostile to and openly persecutes Christians than you can deny the holocaust.

DO you deny the holocaust? You're a democrat, so there is a good chance of it.

Again you prove what a jackass you really are. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission long before it received a citizen complaint against the cake shop.

You are a fool if you believe the ADF on anything. It exists only to twist the law to defend bullies and their predations against innocent people.

Absent any evidence that any person filed a discrimination complaint against a Muslim-owned business with the commission that was ignored, and any evidence of that the commission has targeted the millions of Christians in Colorado for religious reasons, the only "leg" you have to stand on is your irrational prejudice against Muslims. You (and I) don't even know the religious beliefs of the commission members themselves.

Your sick attempt to compare the supposed "plight" of "Christians" in Colorado is vile and disgusting; one of the cheapest and sickest comments I've ever seen on USMB. Nobody is dragging anyone off to a gas chamber, not even your favorite scumbag at the cake shop.

And just what is "the homosexual agenda"? Expecting people to obey a settled law is on everybody's "agenda." Victims of discrimination have every right to fight back.That's why there is a CCRC in the first place.

It's people like you who make the Christian faith sound like a filthy joke. "Persecution" my ass.
How about you comment on the thread topic?

I did some research, she is consorting with KNOWN terrorist sponsors.

Imam Belal Alzuhiry, Yemeni-American motivational speaker
Sheikh Muhammad Alzahid – Munshid & Qari
Yousef Abdallah, IRUSA East Zone Manager

They funnel funds towards HAMAS.

Furthermore, she makes excuses for terrorism and actively lobbies to get their sentences reduced.
Rep. Omar is said to have been born in Mogadishu, Somalia, and this is the alleged reason for her anti-americanism.

I think an investigation is certainly warranted. I don't think we need people who are anti-american in Congress

Islam is at war to destroy America, yet we have two Jihadist Warriors in the United States Congress?
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
You ass, Islam is not out to destroy America.

Not only are you a bigot but misogynist.
Rep. Omar is said to have been born in Mogadishu, Somalia, and this is the alleged reason for her anti-americanism.

I think an investigation is certainly warranted. I don't think we need people who are anti-american in Congress

Islam is at war to destroy America, yet we have two Jihadist Warriors in the United States Congress?
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
You ass, Islam is not out to destroy America.

Not only are you a bigot but misogynist.

Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the document , the fatwa, passed by the World Islamic Front in 1998. This fatwa has never been repealed and binds ALL islamic people.

World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders
Rep. Omar is said to have been born in Mogadishu, Somalia, and this is the alleged reason for her anti-americanism.

I think an investigation is certainly warranted. I don't think we need people who are anti-american in Congress

Islam is at war to destroy America, yet we have two Jihadist Warriors in the United States Congress?
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
You ass, Islam is not out to destroy America.

Not only are you a bigot but misogynist.

Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the document , the fatwa, passed by the World Islamic Front in 1998. This fatwa has never been repealed and binds ALL islamic people.

World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders
You DO know that Osama worked for the CIA, right?
Islam is at war to destroy America, yet we have two Jihadist Warriors in the United States Congress?
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
You ass, Islam is not out to destroy America.

Not only are you a bigot but misogynist.

Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the document , the fatwa, passed by the World Islamic Front in 1998. This fatwa has never been repealed and binds ALL islamic people.

World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders
You DO know that Osama worked for the CIA, right?

I wouldn't be half surprised to learn that. Mr. Ladin's body was never produced, and was buried at sea, we really didn't verify if the man who attained room temperature was Ladin or someone else. I know if I was the President, I would have had Mr. Ladin shipped alive back to the United States and displayed in a cage to audiences from coast to coast.

Obama and the CIA didn't do that, it makes me wonder why- if Ladin was connected and maybe escaped, when they whacked an imposter.
Lying fuck

Actually the other poster was incorrect, but that doesn't make them a "lying fuck".

There are THREE jihadi warriors in Congress now, not just two. In addition to the two broads who were just elected, Andre Carson is a long time radical muslim who served in previous congresses.
You ass, Islam is not out to destroy America.

Not only are you a bigot but misogynist.

Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the document , the fatwa, passed by the World Islamic Front in 1998. This fatwa has never been repealed and binds ALL islamic people.

World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders
You DO know that Osama worked for the CIA, right?

I wouldn't be half surprised to learn that. Mr. Ladin's body was never produced, and was buried at sea, we really didn't verify if the man who attained room temperature was Ladin or someone else. I know if I was the President, I would have had Mr. Ladin shipped alive back to the United States and displayed in a cage to audiences from coast to coast.

Obama and the CIA didn't do that, it makes me wonder why- if Ladin was connected and maybe escaped, when they whacked an imposter.

If you really want to know. . .


Proof that Osama bin Laden Was CIA and Died in 2001 — Bush - Laden - CIA Connections | Humans Are Free
Osama bin Laden's Bush Family Business Connections

CRG -- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

The laws ARE generic.

False, as we ALL know.

The "Colorado Commission on Civil Rights" was formed SPECIFICALLY to persecute Christians who fail to bow to the homosexual agenda.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips is being dropped.

ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court.

Members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) who had come after Phillips have now been exposed by what ADF called “overwhelming evidence” of clear hostility toward religious freedom.

The US Supreme Court had already ruled in the previous case that was brought against Phillips by CCRC that governments and state officials cannot show religious hostility in their decisions. Now there’s new evidence that’s what CCRC was doing with their second legal attack against him.}
Colorado Civil Rights Commission called 'anti-religious,' case dropped against Christian baker - Metro Voice News

This is a group of radical homosexual activists who target and attack Christians who hold opposing views on the rise of gay cultural dominance.

Civil law operates on complaints.

These complaints were filed by a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that attacked the victim only to be rebuked by the United States Supreme Court. Then after that LOSS, they attacked the same victim a second time

So convinced they were of their absolute power that not even SCOTUS could constrain their predation on Christians.

You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not

Again, this GOVERNMENT AGENCY, stalking and attacking Christians ONLY attacks Christians. They don't attack Muslims, this is a specifically anti-Christian crusade

You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses abou5tt somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!

They DID break the law, then were overruled by SCOTUS, then violated the law AGAIN.

You can no more deny that the State of Colorado is hostile to and openly persecutes Christians than you can deny the holocaust.

DO you deny the holocaust? You're a democrat, so there is a good chance of it.

Again you prove what a jackass you really are. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission long before it received a citizen complaint against the cake shop.

You are a fool if you believe the ADF on anything. It exists only to twist the law to defend bullies and their predations against innocent people.

Absent any evidence that any person filed a discrimination complaint against a Muslim-owned business with the commission that was ignored, and any evidence of that the commission has targeted the millions of Christians in Colorado for religious reasons, the only "leg" you have to stand on is your irrational prejudice against Muslims. You (and I) don't even know the religious beliefs of the commission members themselves.

Your sick attempt to compare the supposed "plight" of "Christians" in Colorado is vile and disgusting; one of the cheapest and sickest comments I've ever seen on USMB. Nobody is dragging anyone off to a gas chamber, not even your favorite scumbag at the cake shop.

And just what is "the homosexual agenda"? Expecting people to obey a settled law is on everybody's "agenda." Victims of discrimination have every right to fight back.That's why there is a CCRC in the first place.

It's people like you who make the Christian faith sound like a filthy joke. "Persecution" my ass.
How about you comment on the thread topic?

I did some research, she is consorting with KNOWN terrorist sponsors.

Imam Belal Alzuhiry, Yemeni-American motivational speaker
Sheikh Muhammad Alzahid – Munshid & Qari
Yousef Abdallah, IRUSA East Zone Manager

They funnel funds towards HAMAS.

Furthermore, she makes excuses for terrorism and actively lobbies to get their sentences reduced.

Your pals went started babbling abortion and "persecution" of Christians in the U.S. by at least page two.
The laws ARE generic.

False, as we ALL know.

The "Colorado Commission on Civil Rights" was formed SPECIFICALLY to persecute Christians who fail to bow to the homosexual agenda.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips is being dropped.

ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court.

Members of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) who had come after Phillips have now been exposed by what ADF called “overwhelming evidence” of clear hostility toward religious freedom.

The US Supreme Court had already ruled in the previous case that was brought against Phillips by CCRC that governments and state officials cannot show religious hostility in their decisions. Now there’s new evidence that’s what CCRC was doing with their second legal attack against him.}
Colorado Civil Rights Commission called 'anti-religious,' case dropped against Christian baker - Metro Voice News

This is a group of radical homosexual activists who target and attack Christians who hold opposing views on the rise of gay cultural dominance.

Civil law operates on complaints.

These complaints were filed by a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that attacked the victim only to be rebuked by the United States Supreme Court. Then after that LOSS, they attacked the same victim a second time

So convinced they were of their absolute power that not even SCOTUS could constrain their predation on Christians.

You have not come up with a single instance in which there has been a complaint about a Muslim that was ignored by state authorities, despite being asked several times, not

Again, this GOVERNMENT AGENCY, stalking and attacking Christians ONLY attacks Christians. They don't attack Muslims, this is a specifically anti-Christian crusade

You simply lie and deflect. and claim to be "set up 'activists'
", which is impossible if you aren't breaking the law. Is this what they teach in your cult? Go on being an ignorant fundie bimbo who obsesses abou5tt somebody else's religion. "Persecution," my ass!

They DID break the law, then were overruled by SCOTUS, then violated the law AGAIN.

You can no more deny that the State of Colorado is hostile to and openly persecutes Christians than you can deny the holocaust.

DO you deny the holocaust? You're a democrat, so there is a good chance of it.

Again you prove what a jackass you really are. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission long before it received a citizen complaint against the cake shop.

You are a fool if you believe the ADF on anything. It exists only to twist the law to defend bullies and their predations against innocent people.

Absent any evidence that any person filed a discrimination complaint against a Muslim-owned business with the commission that was ignored, and any evidence of that the commission has targeted the millions of Christians in Colorado for religious reasons, the only "leg" you have to stand on is your irrational prejudice against Muslims. You (and I) don't even know the religious beliefs of the commission members themselves.

Your sick attempt to compare the supposed "plight" of "Christians" in Colorado is vile and disgusting; one of the cheapest and sickest comments I've ever seen on USMB. Nobody is dragging anyone off to a gas chamber, not even your favorite scumbag at the cake shop.

And just what is "the homosexual agenda"? Expecting people to obey a settled law is on everybody's "agenda." Victims of discrimination have every right to fight back.That's why there is a CCRC in the first place.

It's people like you who make the Christian faith sound like a filthy joke. "Persecution" my ass.
How about you comment on the thread topic?

I did some research, she is consorting with KNOWN terrorist sponsors.

Imam Belal Alzuhiry, Yemeni-American motivational speaker
Sheikh Muhammad Alzahid – Munshid & Qari
Yousef Abdallah, IRUSA East Zone Manager

They funnel funds towards HAMAS.

Furthermore, she makes excuses for terrorism and actively lobbies to get their sentences reduced.

Your pals started babbling about abortion and the supposed "persecution" of Christians on this thread at least by page 2. I googled. The first guy you mentioned spoke out against terrorism at an interfaith prayer service in Florida after the massacre there. There is not too much about the other two.

Moreover, I'm leary of Islamist Watch, particularly in view of the fucked-up fake "christian" movement that wants to start WWIII because they think it will bring Jesus back and seems to want to usethe U.S. military to fight a religious war for them.

I also goggled "Christian killing gays" and came up with an opinion piece published in the Laconia Daily Sun discussing a "Freedom 2015" meeting in Orlando at which "pastor" Kevin Swanson and a Muslim imam, both of whom advocate killing LGBT folks, spoke. In the audience were huccabee, jindel, and cruz. It also names others in the "Christian" clergy who have openly endorsed killing LGBTs. I have been unsuccessful in picking up the link as I am not used to Android and i have become frustrated, but the piece is titled "Let's count Christian ministers who've advocated death for gays."

Have the Republicans disassociated themselves from these "Christian" terrorist supporters?

And don't start. I don't support any terrorism regardless of whom it's aimed at.
I also goggled "Christian killing gays" and came up with an opinion piece published in the Laconia Daily Sun discussing a "Freedom 2015" meeting in Orlando at which "pastor" Kevin Swanson and a Muslim imam, both of whom advocate killing LGBT folks, spoke. In the audience were huccabee, jindel, and cruz. It also names others in the "Christian" clergy who have openly endorsed killing LGBTs. I have been unsuccessful in picking up the link as I am not used to Android and i have become frustrated, but the piece is titled "Let's count Christian ministers who've advocated death for gays."

Have the Republicans disassociated themselves from these "Christian" terrorist supporters?

And don't start. I don't support any terrorism regardless of whom it's aimed at.

Actually, Pastor Swanson was talking about a proposed law in the Republic of Uganda, not in America, which would make sodomy a serious criminal violation. Are you aware that America used to have such laws in every state before 1963? Were FDR and Ike wrong to support the same laws? Will the Democrat Party disassociate themselves from Roosevelt? Since when is a criminal code considered "supporting terrorism"?

It isn't terroristic for Indonesia to condemn drug pushers or for Uganda to have strict laws against sodomy. If someone wants to commit sodomy, they can just go across the border to an area where the practice is glorified.

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