GOP's anti-Muslim display linking Mrs Ilhan Omar to 9/11 rocks West Virginia capitol

Should have put these guys on the poster instead.

In our President's opinion, Islam is an almost unbelievably tremendous religion. He just doesn't go for the extremism at all.

The Iron Sheikh is one of Trump's Twitter followers, and the Sheikh is a hard core muslim from Teheran.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

Public-accommodations laws apply to every business, regardless of the beliefs of the people who own or run them. There has been no change or challenge by "the left," (whoever that might be) to any specific institution or religion. People of all faiths, in a nation that is still predominantly Christian, have observed them for decades without incident, including Christians. Then along comes one particular sect that demands they be allowed to pick and choose what laws they will follow. We've never experienced spoiled little kids before.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

Public-accommodations laws apply to every business, regardless of the beliefs of the people who own or run them. There has been no change or challenge by "the left," (whoever that might be) to any specific institution or religion. People of all faiths, in a nation that is still predominantly Christian, have observed them for decades without incident, including Christians. Then along comes one particular sect that demands they be allowed to pick and choose what laws they will follow. We've never experienced spoiled little kids before.
Good point... The nation was just rocking along and minding it's own business, until this spoiled rotten new generation or yet a not so older spoiled rotten generation that has since gone by now (who was carrying a huge vengence chip or a get back at the America of old chip on it's shoulder), had decided that nothing of old should be allowed anymore or should stand any longer, and so they are hell bent on challenging every aspect of the old order, and mostly doing it for their own self serving interest instead of doing it for the American interest at large.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.

So, no cases of Halal butchers forced to serve pork or Muslim bakers forced to back cakes for homosexuals.

I call you a liar because you're a fucking liar, as we all know.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

The Christians are specifically targeted by the left, who have discussed in advance with the Obama judges presiding what the outcome with be. This is directed persecution against Christians.

The REASON that no Muslim has or ever will be savaged by the Gaystapo is that Muslims are protected and Christians are targeted.

The DAY that the supreme court slapped down the vicious scum prosecutors in Colorado for their unprecedented attacks on Jack Phillips, the sleazy fucks sent a tranny in to set him up all over again, so deep is the contempt of the leftists in Colorado not only for the 1st Amendment, but also for the ruling of the court.

They Colorado Marxist fucks finally backed off today.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

Public-accommodations laws apply to every business, regardless of the beliefs of the people who own or run them. There has been no change or challenge by "the left," (whoever that might be) to any specific institution or religion. People of all faiths, in a nation that is still predominantly Christian, have observed them for decades without incident, including Christians. Then along comes one particular sect that demands they be allowed to pick and choose what laws they will follow. We've never experienced spoiled little kids before.
Good point... The nation was just rocking along and minding it's own business, until this spoiled rotten new generation or yet a not so older spoiled rotten generation that has since gone by now (who was carrying a huge vengence chip or a get back at the America of old chip on it's shoulder), had decided that nothing of old should be allowed anymore or should stand any longer, and so they are hell bent on challenging every aspect of the old order, and mostly doing it for their own self serving interest instead of doing it for the American interest at large.

What of this "old order" has changed, with the exception of those aspects of it that had a detrimental effect on other Americans?
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.

So, no cases of Halal butchers forced to serve pork or Muslim bakers forced to back cakes for homosexuals.

I call you a liar because you're a fucking liar, as we all know.

How am lying? All discrimination cases start out by the filing of a complaint, idiot. Where are all these complaints that Colorado authorities have not followed up on, keeping to Colorado because jerk-off's bitch is against that state? Are you so dumb that you don't know that a merchant cannot be forced to stock a product? Ever go to a store for a product and been told that the store doesn't stock it?

I know that you are uneducated, but is there any reason for being a fouled-mouthed, spoiled fundie bitch?
Moonglow said:
Yet people from religious backgrounds have abortions...
Some cheat on their taxes, steal, drive drunk, beat their wives, and vote Democrat.

So what?
Abortion is legal, even though some sickos want to outlaw it, and voting one's choice is legal. The rest of the things you mentioned are illegal.
The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}

The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Public accommodation laws don't apply in many cases or every case, but that don't stop the left from challenging every institution or every religion we ever had here now does it ? So why the change ? Why is this so called left so adamant to enact change, and radical change at that ? I can understand slight changes as the nation churns along, but radical changes in order to meet specific goals not agreed upon by the majority ? Makes no sense really.

Public-accommodations laws apply to every business, regardless of the beliefs of the people who own or run them. There has been no change or challenge by "the left," (whoever that might be) to any specific institution or religion. People of all faiths, in a nation that is still predominantly Christian, have observed them for decades without incident, including Christians. Then along comes one particular sect that demands they be allowed to pick and choose what laws they will follow. We've never experienced spoiled little kids before.
Good point... The nation was just rocking along and minding it's own business, until this spoiled rotten new generation or yet a not so older spoiled rotten generation that has since gone by now (who was carrying a huge vengence chip or a get back at the America of old chip on it's shoulder), had decided that nothing of old should be allowed anymore or should stand any longer, and so they are hell bent on challenging every aspect of the old order, and mostly doing it for their own self serving interest instead of doing it for the American interest at large.

What of this "old order" has changed, with the exception of those aspects of it that had a detrimental effect on other Americans?
What's changed ??? Christian's are now being under-represented by the United States government, and that is what has changed negatively since the old days, and it needs to change back to being positive again....... Christian's being attacked for their beliefs is what has changed since the days when they weren't being attacked for their beliefs, and in the days when they were more accepted in all of American society with open arms.
The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Oh then by all means show where these laws have been applied to Muslim bakers to create homosexual celebrations, or Bar Mitzvah cakes? Or where Halal butchers have been ordered to deliver pork.

See, you're lying - and we all know it. But the RULES according to the left are that you are free to lie, and I'm required to go along with your lies.

Fuck that.

Although you call me a liar, it amounts only to a demonstration of your ignorance.

These investigations stem from complaints filed by would-be customers, dingbat. When have complaints been filed involving the circumstances of your hypotheticals? Has anyone filed a discrimination complaint with a state agency against a Muslim baker? Where did this occur? Was this complaint ignored by the authorities?

Your hypothetical involving halal butchers is ridiculous, as no business is required to stock anything. If they don't have it in house, they don't and that's it. If it's not on the menu, it's not there.

The factual circumstances are different in the cake case. The guy openly advertises that he makes cakes for special occasions and obviously has the ingredients on hand to do so.

Stop being a fool.

So, no cases of Halal butchers forced to serve pork or Muslim bakers forced to back cakes for homosexuals.

I call you a liar because you're a fucking liar, as we all know.

How am lying? All discrimination cases start out by the filing of a complaint, idiot. Where are all these complaints that Colorado authorities have not followed up on, keeping to Colorado because jerk-off's bitch is against that state? Are you so dumb that you don't know that a merchant cannot be forced to stock a product? Ever go to a store for a product and been told that the store doesn't stock it?

I know that you are uneducated, but is there any reason for being a fouled-mouthed, spoiled fundie bitch?

You're lying that laws are applied equally - you know they are not. These are Anti-Christian laws. NEVER, NOT ONCE, are they used to persecute Muslims, because Muslims are the allies of the democrats in the war to end America. Christians are TARGETED for persecution and set up by the activists. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. But you lie that these are just generic laws rather than a directed assault on a particular religion.

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