GOP's anti-Muslim display linking Mrs Ilhan Omar to 9/11 rocks West Virginia capitol

Dingbat:: a large portion of members of the Democratic Party are Christians. Your statement is ridiculous.
sorry but christians dont murder unborn babys,,,they are fake christians
But right wing Christians do arm school shooters. Because the rights of school shooters to own lots and lots of guns is so important.

Gawd you're ignorant
GAWD you are a fool. You want to make sure assault type rifles are readily available.

all rifles are assault type since assault is what you do with them not what they are

why are you progs such dumb mother fuckers??

They are "progs" (Communists) BECAUSE they are dumb motherfuckers.

In the book "1984" Orwell described those like RealDunce as sheep. They are programmed to bleat whichever party mantra happens to be in favor for the day. They can and will contradict themselves as the goals and whims of the party shift. Dave will never even grasp that what he believes today is the opposite of what he believed a year ago. The party is infallible to sheep like RealDave

Republicans& Pence are trying to legislate Christianity. One of the mantra of Christianity is to spread the word.

To think there are no extreme Christians is just being stupid & naive.
Really! Spreading the word of Christianity and proselytizing is nothing like the way jihadists promote their religion,
with a knife, gun and bombs.

A Mormon with come to your door and try and get you to take a copy of The Watchtower.
Muslims will blow up 1,700 year old Buddhist monuments or saw off the heads of live unbelievers.

Only a pathetic fucking idiot thinks there is some sort of equality between the way Islam and any other religion in the world goes about their business. You are dangerously stupid!
Oh fuck off. Everyone knows exactly what I am talking about.

Don't pretend you are some sort of gun expert. I likely own more guns that you.

So, if I search online for assault rifles, every gun ever made comes up? You are dumber than shit.

YOU don't know what you are talking about. You are just reciting words that the hate sites programmed you to bleat.

"Assault" is an action, you drooling retard.

as·sault | \ ə-ˈsȯlt \
Definition of assault
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a: a violent physical or verbal attack
b: a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forcesan assault on the enemy's air base
c: a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)an assault on drug trafficking

a: a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension (see APPREHENSION sense 1) of such harm or contact— compare BATTERY sense 1b
b: RAPE entry 1 sense 1

Which long gun is not capable of direct combat and violent attack? :dunno:
But right wing Christians do arm school shooters. Because the rights of school shooters to own lots and lots of guns is so important.

Gawd you're ignorant
GAWD you are a fool. You want to make sure assault type rifles are readily available.

all rifles are assault type since assault is what you do with them not what they are

why are you progs such dumb mother fuckers??
Oh fuck off. Everyone knows exactly what I am talking about.

Don't pretend you are some sort of gun expert. I likely own more guns that you.

So, if I search online for assault rifles, every gun ever made comes up? You are dumber than shit.

sorry dumbass assault is a verb and gun is a noun what the internet tells you is irrelevant

Assault SHOULD be a verb, but it is a noun.
She’s a fucking terrorist elected by terrorists in a terrorist locale. She can call critics names and we can call her a terrorist because this is America, not Somalia or Iran or some Muslim nazi hell hole.
She’s a terrorist.
What acts of terror has she done?
Has she sympathized with them or has sympathy for them ?? This could make her an aid and comforter to our enemy.
Could? You sympathize with child molesters, racists, bigots, white supremacists.
Listen you leftist hack, you are one arrogant piece of work. Now go get your guns that you like to brag about, and come for this Christian, that's the thing you need to do, yeah do that Real Brave.

He needs to turn all his guns in to the local sheriff. Peasants don't deserve to be armed, according to the party.
Given Omar’s anti-Semitic beliefs, how is the message of the poster wrong?

She has expressed opinions counter to Judeo-Christian American values, upon which this country was founded. Her opinions appear to more in line with the so called radical Islam that is our enemy.

The dirty little secret about radical Islam is that it is just Islam. The Koran commands rape and murder by the Muzzie Beasts. ALL Muslims are "Radical." Sunni are more violent than Shia, but a Shiite will murder and rape for Allah, just ask Iran.

Republicans& Pence are trying to legislate Christianity. One of the mantra of Christianity is to spread the word.

To think there are no extreme Christians is just being stupid & naive.
Really! Spreading the word of Christianity and proselytizing is nothing like the way jihadists promote their religion,
with a knife, gun and bombs.

A Mormon with come to your door and try and get you to take a copy of The Watchtower.
Muslims will blow up 1,700 year old Buddhist monuments or saw off the heads of live unbelievers.

Only a pathetic fucking idiot thinks there is some sort of equality between the way Islam and any other religion in the world goes about their business. You are dangerously stupid!

If a Mormon comes to your door and tries to get you to take a copy of the Watchtower, he isn't a very good Mormon and is probably casing the joint.

I'm just sayin.....
More religious tolerance by the Republicans..
EVEN THOUGH I am not a repub, I can see their rational fear of having their heads cut off or being blown up while having lunch

the true religious bigotry and intolerence is by democrats towards christians
Did they ask you if it was okay to cut off yer penis to show who you believed in?

You had your penis cut off, Comrade?

I think you might be too drunk to post. If Moon is too drunk to be coherent, that means one thing, the sun is up.....
Facinating, goes to show what you consider the most important aspect of your "tribe".....the dick.
Absolutely no doubt she supported the terrorists in the 911 attack. None

True, but then pretty much all democrats do.

Islam and the left have a united front against the America they bitterly hate.
The old America they bitterly hate, but would their new America be any better ? Don't think so.
The Old America...the one where only one "tribe" is in charge, has always been in charge, but doesn't look like they will be always on top much longer....very frightening to some.
Absolutely no doubt she supported the terrorists in the 911 attack. None

True, but then pretty much all democrats do.

Islam and the left have a united front against the America they bitterly hate.
The old America they bitterly hate, but would their new America be any better ? Don't think so.
The Old America...the one where only one "tribe" is in charge, has always been in charge, but doesn't look like they will be always on top much longer....very frightening to some.

Of course, its our lib friends that should be concerned. If this country of America becomes an islamified Ameristan and the mullahs rule, it isn't heterosexuals that will be tossed off of tall buildings. If the country becomes latinized El Americana, the cartels oozing with machismo aren't going to put up with fruit loops either.

Me,I know enough Spanish. Going up to the new bosses I know how to go up and tell them "hey ese, wassup holmes" and articulate with them.
She’s a fucking terrorist elected by terrorists in a terrorist locale. She can call critics names and we can call her a terrorist because this is America, not Somalia or Iran or some Muslim nazi hell hole.
She’s a terrorist.
What acts of terror has she done?
Abetting terrorists. ISIS sympathizer.
She’s Muslim cattle. Wearing headgear so no one will covet the property of a Muslim man.
Absolutely no doubt she supported the terrorists in the 911 attack. None

True, but then pretty much all democrats do.

Islam and the left have a united front against the America they bitterly hate.
The old America they bitterly hate, but would their new America be any better ? Don't think so.
The Old America...the one where only one "tribe" is in charge, has always been in charge, but doesn't look like they will be always on top much longer....very frightening to some.
Keep talking. 2020 is coming.
Enforcing a law that applies to all persons of every faith and background is not "anti-Christian" anymore than it is "anti-Hindu." I specifically requested an example of something that singles out Christians.

The Colorado law does not apply to every faith, as the SCOTUS ruled - it was PURELY aimed at attacking Christians. You Marxists have allied yourself with radical Islam in your civil war. Obviously one of the agreements you made with the Muzzie Beasts is that you will destroy Christianity.

Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - SCOTUSblog

Notice the 4 Marxists on the court wanted to uphold persecution of Christians by government.

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.}


The Stalinist democrat party is in a civil war meant to end America. Religious freedom has long been one of the hallmarks of America, so it is of little surprise you wage war on it. Besides, the philosophical underpinnings of the democrat party come from Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, who all violently oppressed Christianity. That you do so is expected.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.
Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

How about Public Accommodations like the Lincoln Memorial? We have people here that think that Christian children should be driven from the premises by drunken, phony veteran injuns and crazy Black Congressional Israelites?
Are you that ignorant that you don't know that public-accommodation laws are laws of "general applicability"? They apply to everyone regardless of who they are, no matter fundie-prot or mislim, buddhist, or anyone else. No one is allowed special rights.

Are you that ignorant that you don't know what marxism is?

You don't know what you are talking about.

How about Public Accommodations like the Lincoln Memorial? We have people here that think that Christian children should be driven from the premises by drunken, phony veteran injuns and crazy Black Congressional Israelites?

There are no businesses at the Lincoln Memorial. It is federal property overseen by the Park Police. Whatever occurred has absolutely nothing to do with public-accommodation laws.
The Old America...the one where only one "tribe" is in charge, has always been in charge, but doesn't look like they will be always on top much longer....very frightening to some.
And what "tribe" will be running the show in your view? I'd love to know.
Should have put these guys on the poster instead.

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