GOP's Graham says he "can't think of a better person" than Michelle Childs for Supreme Court...'I would welcome a Black female to SC" - Susan Collins

What ever happened to choosing the most qualified judge REGARDLESS of gender,race or creed…
What ever happened to choosing the most qualified judge REGARDLESS of gender,race or creed…
Reagan promised to appoint a woman, as did Trump. both parties are guilty of pandering with SCOTUS picks


Lindsey Graham was at the garbage dump this weekend when he got some unsolicited input on his favored Supreme Court nominee: Judge Michelle Childs of the U.S. District Court for South Carolina.

“Three guys in pick-up trucks came up to me and said she ‘seems like a nice lady. I’m tired of this Harvard-Yale stuff.’ The great equalizer is the garbage dump because everybody’s got to throw out garbage,” Graham said in an interview Tuesday. “I was just struck by what they thought.”

at this moment, on the critical issue of the upcoming high-court vacancy, Graham might be Biden’s best Republican ally

“Lindsey Graham prides himself on independence and unpredictability,” said Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). “That, I think, is what you’re seeing.”

Graham said he “absolutely” still considers Biden a friend, but an actual thaw may be a ways off — if it ever comes at all. The two haven’t talked since Biden became president, Graham said.

“I’ve been critical of his performance because I think it’s been bad for the country, bad for the world. I’ve got a job to do. You’ve got to be able to compartmentalize up here,” Graham said of Biden. “My job up here is to push back on the radicalization of the country. And if you can find common ground do it.”

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), No. 3 in House Democratic leadership and a longtime ally of Biden's, also called on the president to select Childs. And though not as effusive as his fellow South Carolina senator, Republican Tim Scott had kind words for her: “She is a strong candidate. And she’s proven herself across South Carolina as a state judge and now as a federal judge. She continues to receive praise on her approach.”

Graham also voted for Ketanji Brown Jackson — another woman considered a frontrunner for the nomination — to be a judge on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for D.C., along with Collins and Murkowksi, but seemed less enthused with her as Supreme Court material, at least for the moment.

“I’ll cross that bridge when we get there," he said. "I’m pretty firm on what we should be doing.”

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