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Gore Refuses to take The Pledge

We all know libs love to see any bad news for America - they thionk it helps them politically

So far the Dems have shown their true colors - yellow thru and thru

I firmly believe that the sooner this incompetent crowd is out of power, the better it will be for all of america.
same tired oneliner. got anything new? you're like a fucking broken record.

given how the Dems passed their surrender bil loaded with pork, called for a pull out date from Iraq, and had a provision for 15 days notice before troops can be deployed - yes they are doing all then can to win the war for the terrorists

they passed the bill knowing they cannot over ride a veto
same tired oneliner. got anything new? you're like a fucking broken record.

Aw cmon MM! You complain about oneliner's after posting something like this:

"I firmly believe that the sooner this incompetent crowd is out of power, the better it will be for all of america."

You are better than that!
Aw cmon MM! You complain about oneliner's after posting something like this:

"I firmly believe that the sooner this incompetent crowd is out of power, the better it will be for all of america."

You are better than that!

No he can't. That is about the best he can muster
Aw cmon MM! You complain about oneliner's after posting something like this:

"I firmly believe that the sooner this incompetent crowd is out of power, the better it will be for all of america."

You are better than that!

heal your own team.... RSR posts cut and paste threads all day long..the ONLY thing he ever writes on his own is silly "libs are...." oneliners.

YOU are better than that if all you can do is come after me when I NEVER post oped pieces...I write all my own stuff and engage you in valid debate at every turn.

get the fuck off MY back!
heal your own team.... RSR posts cut and paste threads all day long..the ONLY thing he ever writes on his own is silly "libs are...." oneliners.

YOU are better than that if all you can do is come after me when I NEVER post oped pieces...I write all my own stuff and engage you in valid debate at every turn.

get the fuck off MY back!

Rather testy this morning.

The "oneliners" are a perfect discription of liberals and their "thought" process
one liners and cut and paste opeds from newsbusters are all you got, RSR... you are a boring predictable broken record
Back to the topic................

Now rant how it is an articel and not address the facts about your guy Al

Gore's High Energy-Use Home Target of Critical Report
Al Gore's posh home in the Nashville suburbs might be "carbon neutral," but it still uses a lot of power.

So much that last August Tipper and Al Gore used twice as much electricity in their two-building property as an average U.S. household uses in an entire year, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a think tank, reported Tuesday.

Public power and gas bills turned up by the group show that the man behind the Oscar-winning global warming wakeup documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," uses much more overall carbon-based fuel than the average American, spending thousands of dollars a month on electricity and gas.

"As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use," Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson said in a statement. The center says on its Web site that it "promotes personal freedom and limited government."

Kalee Kreider, Gore's spokeswoman, doesn't dispute the numbers the report is based on but says the numbers need a little context.

"You can't just look at a month's utility bills, or a year's utility bills and understand a man's life," she told FOXNews.com in a phone interview.

She also said that Gore's message is consistent with his lifestyle. He has said that families and organizations are going to use different amounts of energy, and they should first determine their carbon footprint — the overall energy usage in terms of carbon emissions — and do their best to reduce it.

The think tank report cited figures from the Nashville Electric Service that showed Gore burned through 22,619 kilowatt-hours of electricity at his house last August, a rate that is twice the level used by an average U.S. household in an entire year.

Click here to read the research center's press release on the report.

On Sunday, Gore's global-warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Oscar. The movie has won accolades from a wide berth of groups, including many in Hollywood. In the film, Gore calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

Using Gore's fresh win as a backdrop, the new report said Gore's energy consumption jumped by about 14 percent in a year. The Gore household averaged 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, and 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

The report also said that the Gores' natural gas bills for his mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

The Gores' home "carbon neutral," Kreider said, meaning that the overall household use of carbon-based energy, like coal-fired power plants and natural gas, is offset either by more fuel-efficient technology or through programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas-producing energy.

The report describes the Gores' home as a mansion, but Kreider refers to it as a "residence." She did not immediately know how many rooms the residence had, but described the second building on the property as a swimming pool house, adjacent to an outdoor pool.

Kreider said the 60- to 70-year-old house is undergoing renovations to add solar panels to reduce consumption off the power grid, and energy-efficient windows have been installed. The home also uses "compact" fluorescent light bulbs and other energy-saving technology, the Gores drive hybrids and participate in two programs that indirectly reduce carbon emissions.

One is through the local power company — the massive Tennessee Valley Authority — which runs the Green Power Switch program that uses some renewable energy like wind and solar power. The second is through a so-called carbon credit program, in which the Gores pay money to invest in a third party to reduce one ton of carbon emissions for every ton of carbon the Gores emit.

Asked to explain how the Gores use the amount of electricity they do, Kreider said they have a large family and often host guests. Both Al and Tipper Gore also have home offices. And she noted that much of Al Gore's time is spent trying to bring about awareness to the problem of global warming, which as a byproduct uses carbon-emitting power.

She noted that Gore's two companies, Current TV and Generation Investment Management — which supported the documentary film and book efforts — donated profits to global warming educational efforts.

Looking beyond the monthly bills, Kreider said, "I think you'd see, obviously, a pretty clear pattern here of trying to devote a substantial amount of time to his effort of trying to solve this problem" of global warming.

I am not sure how much clearer I can be: I will not read cut and paste articles from you. I have grown really tired of reading stuff that you paste from other people and I have decided that, if you cannot be bothered to write your own ideas down to debate me with, I cannot be bothered to read what you paste here.

It really is that simple.

you are a bore.... a predicatable bore ... and obviously a fairly stupid one if you continue to show your absolute inability to convey your own thoughts about anything.

When you want to start THINKING and WRITING, I will start reading and responding. The ball is in your court.
but.... just to show you it might make some sense to read your cut and paste pieces before you post them:

"The Gores' home "carbon neutral," Kreider said, meaning that the overall household use of carbon-based energy, like coal-fired power plants and natural gas, is offset either by more fuel-efficient technology or through programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas-producing energy.

The report describes the Gores' home as a mansion, but Kreider refers to it as a "residence." She did not immediately know how many rooms the residence had, but described the second building on the property as a swimming pool house, adjacent to an outdoor pool.

Kreider said the 60- to 70-year-old house is undergoing renovations to add solar panels to reduce consumption off the power grid, and energy-efficient windows have been installed. The home also uses "compact" fluorescent light bulbs and other energy-saving technology, the Gores drive hybrids and participate in two programs that indirectly reduce carbon emissions.

One is through the local power company — the massive Tennessee Valley Authority — which runs the Green Power Switch program that uses some renewable energy like wind and solar power. The second is through a so-called carbon credit program, in which the Gores pay money to invest in a third party to reduce one ton of carbon emissions for every ton of carbon the Gores emit."

Gore uses green power exclusively for electricity - no impact on global warming ..and he purchases carbon credits that offset his natural gas use.... and he drives hybrid cars.... he is having PV cells installed...he does his part.
but.... just to show you it might make some sense to read your cut and paste pieces before you post them:

"The Gores' home "carbon neutral," Kreider said, meaning that the overall household use of carbon-based energy, like coal-fired power plants and natural gas, is offset either by more fuel-efficient technology or through programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas-producing energy.

The report describes the Gores' home as a mansion, but Kreider refers to it as a "residence." She did not immediately know how many rooms the residence had, but described the second building on the property as a swimming pool house, adjacent to an outdoor pool.

Kreider said the 60- to 70-year-old house is undergoing renovations to add solar panels to reduce consumption off the power grid, and energy-efficient windows have been installed. The home also uses "compact" fluorescent light bulbs and other energy-saving technology, the Gores drive hybrids and participate in two programs that indirectly reduce carbon emissions.

One is through the local power company — the massive Tennessee Valley Authority — which runs the Green Power Switch program that uses some renewable energy like wind and solar power. The second is through a so-called carbon credit program, in which the Gores pay money to invest in a third party to reduce one ton of carbon emissions for every ton of carbon the Gores emit."

Gore uses green power exclusively for electricity - no impact on global warming ..and he purchases carbon credits that offset his natural gas use.... and he drives hybrid cars.... he is having PV cells installed...he does his part.

and still burns 20 times the power the avergae American burns

so much for walking the walk
and still burns 20 times the power the avergae American burns

so much for walking the walk

AGAIN...if it is GREEN power, he could burn a thousand times more and it wouldn't impact the environment...

with every post, you show yourself to be ignorant of the concept of green power electricity and what that means and how it works in our regulated market.
Good morning children.

You two can zing one liners back and forth all you want. You are both to blame. Does red insert a lot of articles in the form of a response? Yes. Is it annoying? Yes. there are some grains of knowledge in them however and basically you are ignoring them because you don't like the source.

RSR, you seem to simply ignore or take into account whatever is convenient at the time. If you can't argue a topic objectively there is no point in arguing it in the first place.

The whole point of this post was why Gore didn't take this oath. I think I answered that as objectively as possible a few pages back. Gore either knows what all the evidence for man made global warming is or is being selective. It doesn't come down to much more than that.
Good morning children.

You two can zing one liners back and forth all you want. You are both to blame. Does red insert a lot of articles in the form of a response? Yes. Is it annoying? Yes. there are some grains of knowledge in them however and basically you are ignoring them because you don't like the source.

RSR, you seem to simply ignore or take into account whatever is convenient at the time. If you can't argue a topic objectively there is no point in arguing it in the first place.

The whole point of this post was why Gore didn't take this oath. I think I answered that as objectively as possible a few pages back. Gore either knows what all the evidence for man made global warming is or is being selective. It doesn't come down to much more than that.

this pledge:

"I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008."

that's ridiculous.

no one is expecting successful and wealthy individuals to live in two bedroom 1.5 bath tract houses just becuase the average american household lives in them.... what we want everyone to do is to take positive steps to reduce the negative impact they cause the environment. As I said...if Al Gore uses green electricity, and is willing to pay for it, it doesn't matter if he uses one hundred times as much as the average american household, he still is having no negative effect of the environment by doing so.
"....and basically you are ignoring them because you don't like the source."

no...I am ignoring them because, after a few months of this, I have come to the understanding that that is all he ever posts. Like I said, if he wants to write something of substance about any topic, I will read it. If I want to read newsbusters oped pieces, I'll just go there.
"....and basically you are ignoring them because you don't like the source."

no...I am ignoring them because, after a few months of this, I have come to the understanding that that is all he ever posts. Like I said, if he wants to write something of substance about any topic, I will read it. If I want to read newsbusters oped pieces, I'll just go there.

But that last sentence, believe it or not, is important. The question is not if you want to, but do you want to? Meaning if RSR hadn't posted them would you have allowed yourself to be presented with the same alternative viewpoint if he hadn't put it front of your face?

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