Gore: 'Some Levels of the Earth System Have Crossed a Point of No Return'

Al Gore an his crones are laughing all the way to the bank............

Making a fortune off gullible Liberals............

Says conserve and then flies all over the planet in his private burning more fuel than simple Americans burn in a lifetime..........

Hypocrisy has a name..............Gore.
Yes, the dumb ass conservatives know more then climate experts.

Conservatives almost make the taliban look good....Almost.

Dumb fucking idiots.
As far as the atmosphere goes it is too late. Only an epic world-wide effort by the entire human race to stop the inection of CO2 into the atmosphere and start removing CO2 would help. The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, which has been around for 25 million years, has been declared dead. This from bleaching due to the oceans absorbing excess CO2 and converting it to Carbonic Acid in the sea which causes the bleaching and deaths of trillions of microscopic organisms in the ocean.

The 6th major mass extinction is well under way. Whether the human race survives at all is up in the air.

The one thing that is most baffling is the people that deny the science and have children are condemning their own offspring to a horrific future. Contrary to all the laws of nature and 'god'.
I am just wondering if any stupid hypocritical gasbag liberal has the guts to admit that they still purchase carbon credits and tell us what benefits that did for the planet.

Oh, they didn't purchase those?

Huh, are they saying Gore was full of shit?


Are they just saying they are pathetic hypocrites?

While we are on it, let's see what these morons ACTUALLY DO for the planet. Do they DO ANYTHING?

Here is the only thing I see them do, and it is nothing. They all think hating republicans well enough, or retweeting Leonardo DiCaprio’s propaganda, is doing something for the planet.

Well, let's hear what they actually do.

Attack Trump for not joining the Paris Accord, which does nothing, is not doing something for the planet.

Liberals are losers.
Gore: 'Some Levels of the Earth System Have Crossed a Point of No Return'

WASHINGTON – Back with a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore reflected on his 2006 prediction that “the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” if “drastic measures” were not taken to combat climate change.

Gore was asked why he made that prediction in the first film and if he has another prediction to make about climate change now 11 years later.

“First of all, we’ve seen a lot of progress since the first movie came out. We have the Paris agreement now. The cost of renewable energy has come down so quickly that people are switching over. Unfortunately, some levels of the Earth system have crossed a point of no return,” Gore said.

"Some levels" of the earth folks have reached the POINT OF NO RETURN.

Get that?

Not all levels of the earth, but some levels of the earth.

I mean not the places that these horrific greenhouse gasses are emanating from. Like mean America.

Huh, no wonder he still has a mansion along the ocean in California.


I like the assholish way you mention he lives in a mansion, yeah the former vice president lives in mansion what a fucking newsflash. If he was broke and living in a shack youd be mocking him for being poor and calling him a welfare case
I think the problem is a guy who has a $2500 a month electric bill for his private residence alone doesn't like to practice what he preaches.
It's too late for humanity and that would be a good thing if - it was only us.

Still, the earth is a rock. It doesn't give a damn if life exists here or not but most humans, like Gore, do. Personally, the sooner we go the better.

Earth is a living plant not a rock. Huge difference there.
Earth's climate changes ,because it is a living planet.
Mars is a rock, a dead planet.
Goresky is a con man.
It's too late for humanity and that would be a good thing if - it was only us.

Still, the earth is a rock. It doesn't give a damn if life exists here or not but most humans, like Gore, do. Personally, the sooner we go the better.

LOL, suck some Gore cock do ya? Nothing he has predicted has come true and yet you still suck it all up.
As far as the atmosphere goes it is too late. Only an epic world-wide effort by the entire human race to stop the inection of CO2 into the atmosphere and start removing CO2 would help. The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, which has been around for 25 million years, has been declared dead. This from bleaching due to the oceans absorbing excess CO2 and converting it to Carbonic Acid in the sea which causes the bleaching and deaths of trillions of microscopic organisms in the ocean.

The 6th major mass extinction is well under way. Whether the human race survives at all is up in the air.

The one thing that is most baffling is the people that deny the science and have children are condemning their own offspring to a horrific future. Contrary to all the laws of nature and 'god'.
Hi loser.

Going to tell us anything and everything you personally do for the planet?


Are you going to continue to insinuate this is all white Christians fault?

We already know you are anti Isaac newton since you are a proud atheist.

He could never calculate the probability that all of life happened by chance and coincidence.

Apparently, you have calculated the probability. Oh, you couldn't have, since it is a mathematical impossibility that life happened by mere chance.

Something that all physicists know. Ahhhh, you must believe in parallel universes, since that is one way atheist physicists deal with that mathematical impossibility.

Either way, you are not Isaac Newton. Since, he in fact was a deist.
As far as the atmosphere goes it is too late. Only an epic world-wide effort by the entire human race to stop the inection of CO2 into the atmosphere and start removing CO2 would help. The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, which has been around for 25 million years, has been declared dead. This from bleaching due to the oceans absorbing excess CO2 and converting it to Carbonic Acid in the sea which causes the bleaching and deaths of trillions of microscopic organisms in the ocean.

The 6th major mass extinction is well under way. Whether the human race survives at all is up in the air.

The one thing that is most baffling is the people that deny the science and have children are condemning their own offspring to a horrific future. Contrary to all the laws of nature and 'god'.

"The Great Barrier Reef is not actually dead"

The Great Barrier Reef is not actually dead - CNN.com

Fake news, right?
It's too late for humanity and that would be a good thing if - it was only us.

Still, the earth is a rock. It doesn't give a damn if life exists here or not but most humans, like Gore, do. Personally, the sooner we go the better.
Are you packed?

Don't forget your toothbrush.

Have a nice trip.

Send a postcard.

Do you want to bet your life against these scientist and experts being somehow wrong and you right. Dumb fool.
/---/ Pleanty of Scientists say it's a bogus issue. Besides, when the warmers say "settled science - the debate is over," then I know it's a scam.
Gore: 'Some Levels of the Earth System Have Crossed a Point of No Return'

WASHINGTON – Back with a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore reflected on his 2006 prediction that “the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” if “drastic measures” were not taken to combat climate change.

Gore was asked why he made that prediction in the first film and if he has another prediction to make about climate change now 11 years later.

“First of all, we’ve seen a lot of progress since the first movie came out. We have the Paris agreement now. The cost of renewable energy has come down so quickly that people are switching over. Unfortunately, some levels of the Earth system have crossed a point of no return,” Gore said.

"Some levels" of the earth folks have reached the POINT OF NO RETURN.

Get that?

Not all levels of the earth, but some levels of the earth.

I mean not the places that these horrific greenhouse gasses are emanating from. Like mean America.

Huh, no wonder he still has a mansion along the ocean in California.



Did he say how much taxes are needed to save the planet.
It's too late for humanity and that would be a good thing if - it was only us.

Still, the earth is a rock. It doesn't give a damn if life exists here or not but most humans, like Gore, do. Personally, the sooner we go the better.

I've come to the same conclusion. I hope these dumb conservatives get us in a nuclear war so I can watch the idiocy be blown off this planet.

man those leftards sure do love violence

what a hateful bunch of folks
According to Gore I'd be living in the Ocean now.

Built an Ark..........supplied it..............got all the animals ready to board.................No water........

Gore...............where is the water...............


In Tippers ankles. It's why he dumped that ho.

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