Gosar's Sister Claims He's Mentally Ill

This is a demonstration of mental illness by Gosar that goes far past the crazy of Marjorie and company. Gosar has to go to maintain any amount of credibility for the R side.

I think you have enough to keep you busy in your own back yard, canuck
Not at all, just showing that a foreigner with no investment in US politics is irrelevant to the discussion. He has plenty enough problems to address of his own making. We can fuck our up very well by ourselves without his incompetent meddling.

So....because Canada has issues is it ok for one Congressman to post tweets about killing a different member of congress?

That is some great logic there.
Maybe I’d better since she may have said exactly opposit

She didn't asshole. Not just his sister either. His entire family thinks he's fuckin' nuts. Don't respond until you actually watch or read something. Too hard? :rolleyes:

Six of them.
The brothers and sisters — Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David — appeared in campaign advertisements for David Brill, the Democrat hoping to unseat Gosar in Arizona’s 4th Congressional District in the midterm election.​
The Gosar siblings framed their endorsement of Brill as a matter of values, saying their brother, who has long drawn headlines for his far-right views, and his politics were simply too much for them to stomach.​
“We gotta stand up for our good name,” David Gosar said in the advertisement. “This is not who we are.”​
“I couldn’t be quiet any longer, nor should any of us be,” Grace Gosar said.​

The claim that Gosar's sister thinks he is psychopathic is true.

I don't like Gosar one bit, but if I saw an ad that featured a politician's siblings in opposition to him, it would have zero influence on me.

My family is very political. Some of my earliest memories are of my father and his mother arguing politics as I crawled around on the carpet.

As a teenager, I made several speeches before the state legislature in opposition to the ERA, in favor of a right-to-work bill, and several other right wing causes.

Most of the members of my family are either far left or far right. There are very few of us in the middle. My parents both served as our state's chairmen of the American Conservative Union. My dad's sister, on the other hand, was a marxist who ran with the Berrigan Brothers, and broke into city halls around the country to burn draft cards with punks half her age. She was once arrested throwing buckets of lamb's blood on the aircraft at Andrews Air Force Base. :lol:

She called my dad in the middle of the night to come bail her out of jail and he told her to fuck off and then hung up.

I have a brother who was ready to go to war, literally, if Trump lost the 2016 election. He couldn't wait to start shooting blacks, gays, and Mexicans. He scared me so much I almost notified DHS. Fortunately, his wife got him to turn himself in to the VA and get help. He's much more stable now.

Siblings disagree with each other's politics. Making an ad to air those differences carries no weight with me.
Gosar's the poster child of the Neo-GOP.

They're all nucking futz!

He's a kook that needs to be expelled from Congress and possibly charged with violent threats against his enemies.
Of course our esteemed AG and FBI are MIA.

The claim that Gosar's sister thinks he is psychopathic is true.

I don't like Gosar one bit, but if I saw an ad that featured a politician's siblings in opposition to him, it would have zero influence on me.

My family is very political. Some of my earliest memories are of my father and his mother arguing politics as I crawled around on the carpet.

As a teenager, I made several speeches before the state legislature in opposition to the ERA, in favor of a right-to-work bill, and several other right wing causes.

Most of the members of my family are either far left or far right. There are very few of us in the middle. My parents both served as our state's chairmen of the American Conservative Union. My dad's sister, on the other hand, was a marxist who ran with the Berrigan Brothers, and broke into city halls around the country to burn draft cards with punks half her age. She was once arrested throwing buckets of lamb's blood on the aircraft at Andrews Air Force Base. :lol:

She called my dad in the middle of the night to come bail her out of jail and he told her to fuck off and then hung up.

I have a brother who was ready to go to war, literally, if Trump lost the 2016 election. He couldn't wait to start shooting blacks, gays, and Mexicans. He scared me so much I almost notified DHS. Fortunately, his wife got him to turn himself in to the VA and get help. He's much more stable now.

Siblings disagree with each other's politics. Making an ad to air those differences carries no weight with me.

But what if you had SIX siblings, all of whom agreed that you were f'n NUTS? 🥜

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