Gosnell trial: abortion survivor was swimming in toilet trying to get out

Why isn't that medical student who snipped the spines of 30 or so babies not on trial??????

Man, thats plenty terrible and all. Sounds like a sick man.

Hey, just because of the sickos you arent in favor of letting big government into our gun safes and wombs are ya? That CNS is a pretty weird "conservative news. org" big government Homeland Security webiste.

Join me and keep government small and lets execute the crooks, not grow government rights.
Good article with good questions, if this were anything other than abortion, this would be all over the news on a daily basis. Our 'media' is a joke.

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story

The dead babies. The exploited women. The racism. The numerous governmental failures. It is thoroughly newsworthy.

Conor Friedersdorf

Apr 12 2013, 10:14 AM ET

The grand jury report in the case of Kermit Gosnell, 72, is among the most horrifying I've read. "This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy - and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors," it states. "The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels - and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths."

Charged with seven counts of first-degree murder, Gosnell is now standing trial in a Philadelphia courtroom. An NBC affiliate's coverage includes testimony as grisly as you'd expect. "An unlicensed medical school graduate delivered graphic testimony about the chaos at a Philadelphia clinic where he helped perform late-term abortions," the channel reports. "Stephen Massof described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.' He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, 'it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.'"

Read more at the link.
Who the fuck does this kind of shit?

What perpetrates this is a society that only places value on human life whenever it wins a politician a vote somehow. Since unborn babies can't vote, they're worthless as a political tool, therefore discardable.
As I keep saying, good of the conservatives to finally start paying attention to this story, after 2 years. And good of them to all suddenly squeal in outrage simultaneously. No, they're not just sheep following marching orders, really they're not. Meanwhile, the liberals were on the story from day one, and couldn't get the mainstream media to touch it. FOX News was especially prominent in their refusal to look at.

I also wonder why the pro-lifers aren't jumping for joy. I mean, jumping for joy more openly. You can all see how very happy the pro-lifers are about this, since it gives them an excuse to lie like a rug and claim all abortion clinics are like this. But it's also the successful culmination of their life's work to make abortion illegal.

Point is, pro-lifers have expended prodigious effort to make legal abortion as difficult as possible to get, thus driving women to hack abortionists. But now that their campaign to support hack abortionists has come to its fruition, pro-lifers don't want to take credit for their success. Come on pro-lifers, be proud of what you've accomplished here!

I wonder, how many other Dr. Gosnells have pro-lifers created?
As I keep saying, good of the conservatives to finally start paying attention to this story, after 2 years. And good of them to all suddenly squeal in outrage simultaneously. No, they're not just sheep following marching orders, really they're not. Meanwhile, the liberals were on the story from day one, and couldn't get the mainstream media to touch it. FOX News was especially prominent in their refusal to look at.

I also wonder why the pro-lifers aren't jumping for joy. I mean, jumping for joy more openly. You can all see how very happy the pro-lifers are about this, since it gives them an excuse to lie like a rug and claim all abortion clinics are like this. But it's also the successful culmination of their life's work to make abortion illegal.

Point is, pro-lifers have expended prodigious effort to make legal abortion as difficult as possible to get, thus driving women to hack abortionists. But now that their campaign to support hack abortionists has come to its fruition, pro-lifers don't want to take credit for their success. Come on pro-lifers, be proud of what you've accomplished here!

I wonder, how many other Dr. Gosnells have pro-lifers created?

Explain your logic behind making the statement that 'pro-lifers' created Dr. Gosnell? Is it sort of like how all NRA members created Adam Lansa, that logic? Or do you mean that abortion should be legal up until birth so that what Gosnell was doing was legal? Abortion is legal in PA up to 24 weeks, how much longer do you think it should be legal? So, tell me how an abortion is 'difficult' to get in PA? What are the obstacles?

And you're partly right, I'm sure all of the progressives in the media were very aware of the story, and did their best to bury it. Main stream media = progressives, so try again.
Who the fuck does this kind of shit?

I'll tell you who - an atheistic piece of scum whose only goal in life is to make lots of $$$$ without any moral or ethical considerations. Clearly the product of the increasingly liberal, progressive, and socialistic education system.

Covered for and supported by those who wish to use eugenics to "improve" America's social structure.


Explain your logic behind making the statement that 'pro-lifers' created Dr. Gosnell?

I just did. If you hadn't made legal abortion so difficult and expensive to get, there would be no reason for a Dr. Gosnell to exist.

Pro-lifers have openly bragged about their strategy. If they can't make abortion illegal, they'll just make it impossible by creating endless obstacles to legal abortion. But they haven't done anything about the demand for abortion. Thus, the chop shops spring up to fill the demand. Pro-lifers can't cancel the laws of economics just by moralizing at them.

So, be proud! The pro-life strategy has worked! Legal and safe abortions are so hard to get, women are resorting to chop shops! Well done, you've accomplished your goal!

Main stream media = progressives, so try again.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... that's right, our nutty conservative MSM is actually ... liberal!

Meanwhile, you still haven't explained why even FOX didn't utter a peep about the case for two years, nor did a single Republican in congress. Are FOX News and the Republican party also part of the vast socialist media conspiracy?
Explain your logic behind making the statement that 'pro-lifers' created Dr. Gosnell?

I just did. If you hadn't made legal abortion so difficult and expensive to get, there would be no reason for a Dr. Gosnell to exist.

Pro-lifers have openly bragged about their strategy. If they can't make abortion illegal, they'll just make it impossible by creating endless obstacles to legal abortion. But they haven't done anything about the demand for abortion. Thus, the chop shops spring up to fill the demand. Pro-lifers can't cancel the laws of economics just by moralizing at them.

So, be proud! The pro-life strategy has worked! Legal and safe abortions are so hard to get, women are resorting to chop shops! Well done, you've accomplished your goal!

Main stream media = progressives, so try again.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... that's right, our nutty conservative MSM is actually ... liberal!

Meanwhile, you still haven't explained why even FOX didn't utter a peep about the case for two years, nor did a single Republican in congress. Are FOX News and the Republican party also part of the vast socialist media conspiracy?

Difficult and expensive to get? :cuckoo: Why don't you answer my questions? Abortion over 24 weeks should be legal? And I assume the government should pay for all abortions as well, right?

If I worked for, or cared about Fox News, or your looney obsession with them being 'conservative' you might have a point.
Explain your logic behind making the statement that 'pro-lifers' created Dr. Gosnell?

I just did. If you hadn't made legal abortion so difficult and expensive to get, there would be no reason for a Dr. Gosnell to exist.

Pro-lifers have openly bragged about their strategy. If they can't make abortion illegal, they'll just make it impossible by creating endless obstacles to legal abortion. But they haven't done anything about the demand for abortion. Thus, the chop shops spring up to fill the demand. Pro-lifers can't cancel the laws of economics just by moralizing at them.

So, be proud! The pro-life strategy has worked! Legal and safe abortions are so hard to get, women are resorting to chop shops! Well done, you've accomplished your goal!

Main stream media = progressives, so try again.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... that's right, our nutty conservative MSM is actually ... liberal!

Meanwhile, you still haven't explained why even FOX didn't utter a peep about the case for two years, nor did a single Republican in congress. Are FOX News and the Republican party also part of the vast socialist media conspiracy?

Another totally warped Libtard rant to try to exorcise anyone who doesn't support their policies.:evil:
The doctor made her do it?

Could you be forced to snip the spines of new born babies? Despite my being very pro choice, there is no way in hell I would do that, no matter what I was being paid.

How can someone get away with murder, as this person clearly has?

Seems to me that Gosnell is not the only one who should be on trial here.
The doctor made her do it?

Could you be forced to snip the spines of new born babies? Despite my being very pro choice, there is no way in hell I would do that, no matter what I was being paid.

How can someone get away with murder, as this person clearly has?

Seems to me that Gosnell is not the only one who should be on trial here.

At age 15, I was forced to slap cow meat on a broiler for $1.10/hour. But this is the "21st Century", innit? Cow meat is much more valued than fetuses these days.

I would tend to hold the orderlies harmless pending their testimony. Young, impressionable, prone to authority. This guy was a manipulator in more ways than one.
The doctor made her do it?

Could you be forced to snip the spines of new born babies? Despite my being very pro choice, there is no way in hell I would do that, no matter what I was being paid.

How can someone get away with murder, as this person clearly has?

Seems to me that Gosnell is not the only one who should be on trial here.

At age 15, I was forced to slap cow meat on a broiler for $1.10/hour. But this is the "21st Century", innit? Cow meat is much more valued than fetuses these days.

I would tend to hold the orderlies harmless pending their testimony. Young, impressionable, prone to authority. This guy was a manipulator in more ways than one.

I can't agree with you there, Mr. H. No matter what he said, or what he threatened, they knew they were committing a crime, and they did nothing. They can say how disgusted they were, but since they did nothing to stop him, I place as much blame on them as I do him.

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