Got a Life Question for you Guys


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?
If you're scared of asking her on a full blown date, try just talking to he a little bit, or ask her to get a snack with you when you get a break at work. What ever you do, forget about telling her the "I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after" crap until much later.
You're manicuring the bullshit. Stop out-thinking yourself.

I fell in love (and I'm married) with a much younger gal. I told her that if I were 30 years younger and single, we'd be in a lot of trouble together. Her response "yeah, I know".

Make sail or cut sail, bitch. :slap:
Just ask her out already

Yeah -- and stop overthinking it. All that fall in love, marry, grow old story .... put that out of your mind, lest it color your judgment and force you to see what you want to see rather than what comes up. Think for the moment. And allow that moment to go any way it wants to, including if it's a dead end. Dead ends are teachable moments.

And DO NOT write yourself a script. What you want is to be yourself, and trying to structure it to death will do just that. In short, do what the baseball manager tells his team before the big game: just relax out there and have fun. You get more hits that way.

Just ad lib it, spontaneously. Because that will be the most honest approach.
I fell in love (and I'm married) with a much younger gal. I told her that if I were 30 years younger and single, we'd be in a lot of trouble together. Her response "yeah, I know".

Man, there's an unfinished story. The lady or the tiger?

It does essplain the avatar though.
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

Is she a Christian? If she is a Christian then go ahead and ask her out but be a gentleman and do not try to kiss her. If she is the one you will know and you can have a short courtship and marry her. It would be ideal if you did not kiss until you two were at the altar (getting married). That would be perfect wedding. It sounds as if she really likes you! I hope she is a Christian. You need to find a girl that is going to be a godly wife and good mother to your children, Wake. I'm happy for you that you met someone so lovely. Good for you!
I'm planning to ask her out the next time I see her.

The worst she could say is no, and I'd simply have to be a mature adult and accept that.

We were talking again yesterday and she mentioned that she does like going to Applebee's and is fond of a good fish fry. :D
I'm planning to ask her out the next time I see her.

The worst she could say is no, and I'd simply have to be a mature adult and accept that.

We were talking again yesterday and she mentioned that she does like going to Applebee's and is fond of a good fish fry. :D

Be sure to catch the whole thing on video for us.

:eusa_shifty: j/k -- hope it goes well. :thup:
Just be very honest with the young lady. Tell her you're attracted to her and can think of nothing else 24/7 but fucking her brains out. That should work fine.
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

(1) Ask her out
(2) How well do you know her? You said you have "feeling" for her. What kinds? Sexual or emotional?
Mostly emotional. She is petite and beautiful, but it's her goofy and cute personality I find so attractive.
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

Ask her out for coffee. It is simple. It is "not a date" so there are few associated expectations.
Mostly emotional. She is petite and beautiful, but it's her goofy and cute personality I find so attractive.

Well that's an attraction and it's a start. But instead of letting those feelings build, it's best to ask her out and see if she feels the same...

That way you can try to move in on in the event she is NOT interested and you can move on in the case that she is!
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

(1) Ask her out
(2) How well do you know her? You said you have "feeling" for her. What kinds? Sexual or emotional?

Don't do it man!!

What do you want, to end up married or something?
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

(1) Ask her out
(2) How well do you know her? You said you have "feeling" for her. What kinds? Sexual or emotional?

Don't do it man!!

What do you want, to end up married or something?

Hi Votto! ;)
Let's say you work at a hospital.

You've worked there seven months with a particular young lady who is kind and friendly with you.

Never had any problems between you and her, and you get along pretty well actually.

Say she's flirted with you at times, and you've been a gentle and respectful young man. Kind, too.

Is it ever appropriate to ask a young lady and coworker out on a date?

Let's get more detailed.

She's overtly hinted with her female coworkers while you're in the same room that she's single and looking for a good man to fall in love with. She literally said, yesterday, that 'the man needs to pursue the woman,' and it was like she was directing her voice towards me while I had my back to her over in the corner of the pharmacy restocking med carts. A month ago when she left the nurse's station to go home I spoke with a fellow CNA about her, just talking about how nice of a person she is. Right there only a second after that the fellow coworker takes out her iPhone and texts something. Then the young lady I like comes back up the stairs wide-eyed and smiling, just wanting to talk. [I may be a big brute, but I do hold the skill of discernment].

She's petite, very smart, goofy, sweet, cute, kind, precocious, and beautiful.

I have not asked her out, because I have not ever asked a young lady out, and I am... well... I am shy.

I don't know how she may react. I don't know if it would be creepy if I just, when we're talking, ask her gently if she'd like to go out for dinner with me, my treat. I just want to fall in love with a loving young lady, propose to her, marry her, and live happily ever after. Not the typical male dude who treats women poorly or like pieces of meat to be emotionally manipulated. I hate that shit with a passion. I'm a gentle giant, and I feel like I'm ready to find a loving wife. I mean, dang, I'm 27 here, muscular, on a good career path, out of trouble, and studying like hell to go from CNA to RN.

Opportunities to make connections with young ladies have come and went. If she's really the one, I don't want to let this opportunity slip from my fingers. Her personality is just so attractive and beautiful. What should I do? I'm just frickin' bashful, damn it. What compounds things is that at the hospital I work the male to female ratio is 1:22. I have four female friends I work with that play match-maker! FOUR. Every time I go down for frickin' lunch I've got one of them and three other female coworkers coming to sit with me to eat and talk. And what's worse is that some of these nice ladies are sassy! They make cute jokes about how I'm not married yet, always hinting! It's like they're analyzing me, asking me questions [personal questions] and making suggestions on who I should date here! Then I start blushing and then they start giggling hysterically, then I compose myself and try to maintain my calm, mature voice. Damn it all.

What do I do?

I do have feelings for this one young lady. What should I do? Should I 'pursue her' and gently ask her out for supper? Do I really need to feel so afraid, shy, and bashful? If you're female and reading this, could you please help me out here? Guys, what do you think, too? More than a few times she's 'voiced' in my vicinity that she's hoping to find a good man to fall in live with and marry. And this always happens when I'm the only guy in the area. Maybe I'm just stupid when it comes to picking up on subtle female cues of interest. She is very, very nice to me... Maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

(1) Ask her out
(2) How well do you know her? You said you have "feeling" for her. What kinds? Sexual or emotional?

Don't do it man!!

What do you want, to end up married or something?

One step at a time... he needs to see if there is a mutual interest first.
Odds of it ending up in marriage are not huge... ;)
Well that's an attraction and it's a start. But instead of letting those feelings build, it's best to ask her out and see if she feels the same...

That way you can try to move in on in the event she is NOT interested and you can move on in the case that she is!


Don't do it man!!

What do you want, to end up married or something?

I do want to be married. To meet and fall in love with a loving young woman, and marry her. A best friend to enjoy life with. I want to go dating with her frequently: not end it after getting married. Marriage shouldn't stagnate: it should be a fun adventure with your loved one.
Well that's an attraction and it's a start. But instead of letting those feelings build, it's best to ask her out and see if she feels the same...

That way you can try to move in on in the event she is NOT interested and you can move on in the case that she is!


Don't do it man!!

What do you want, to end up married or something?

I do want to be married. To meet and fall in love with a loving young woman, and marry her. A best friend to enjoy life with. I want to go dating with her frequently: not end it after getting married. Marriage shouldn't stagnate: it should be a fun adventure with your loved one.

Yup! You've got the most important part down. My missus and I have been together for over 25 years now and it just keeps getting better and better!
Wake, I've agreed with all the advice that I like here. I've been married for 10 years. My husband and I were friends first, then started dating, and it progressed from there. We were attracted to each other from the moment we met.

Any woman would be lucky to have someone like you in their life. Start slow. Get to know her. Make an effort to talk to her. See if she'll go to lunch with you at work or something if you guys have the same breaks and just show her that you are interested in getting to know her. If she responds to that well, ask her out on a simple date and take it from there. If you like her, ask her for the second date before the first ends. That's what my husband did and I loved it. Also, flowers. If you take her out, get her flowers. That worked like a charm for me. Most women like that kind of shit.

Good luck!!

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