Got One Question For Self-Proclaimed Republican Conservatives Regarding Benghazi

Why aren't you people putting any effort into ENSURING that something like this NEVER happens again?

When it first happened, you IMMEDIATELY tried to blame Obama, and that campaign didn't stop until the night he won the re-election, then you IMMEDIATELY pivoted to Hillary.

At that point it should have been a known fact across all borders that this was nothing but political hackery, but partisans kept pushing.

Why in God's name haven't you folks put any effort at all into making sure this doesn't happen again?

If you people had put a fraction of effort into that, instead of trying to make political hay by finding fault and laying blame on the party you despise, we'd all be better off for it. No?

When will the foolishness stop?

The Republican party used the bodies of those 4 Americans as a political football. Morally reprehensible doesn't begin to describe them.
Why aren't you people putting any effort into ENSURING that something like this NEVER happens again?

When it first happened, you IMMEDIATELY tried to blame Obama, and that campaign didn't stop until the night he won the re-election, then you IMMEDIATELY pivoted to Hillary.

At that point it should have been a known fact across all borders that this was nothing but political hackery, but partisans kept pushing.

Why in God's name haven't you folks put any effort at all into making sure this doesn't happen again?

If you people had put a fraction of effort into that, instead of trying to make political hay by finding fault and laying blame on the party you despise, we'd all be better off for it. No?

When will the foolishness stop?
Maybe when the weak ass Republicans cease condoning Hussein Obama apologizing to Muslims for America not being more like Islam and don't tolerate any of the Muslims tantrums, then we can prevent radical Islam from rising up against Americans. Islam has to be tamed because the leaders are doing an ineffectual job at disciplining their religion from getting out of control. The straw man fallacy of being the religion of peace has lost its credibility. If the Pope's parish were continuing to molest adolescents, Americans would be outraged, so therefore, American voters allow these "Peace in our time" politicians to make deals with radicals, in order to appease the Muslim nations from being overthrown by radicals, which has been an abysmal failure. The US government Muslim puppet regimes doesn't work well, just look at Saddam, Qaddafi, etc. They are placed in power to suppress anti-American propaganda among the masses, but the Muslim nation turns on their patsy leader for selling out to America, or on the other hand, they create monster dictators. This is the same response from Trump supporters who felt betrayed by the Republicans, for not taking America back from Obama which caused the GOP to lose America's trust.
Priests were molesting boys for hundreds of years jackass, try again.

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Why aren't you people putting any effort into ENSURING that something like this NEVER happens again?
Of course Republicans are trying to ensure that something like this never happens again. That's the whole point of getting someone who is not a pajama boy in the Oval Office.
Why aren't you people putting any effort into ENSURING that something like this NEVER happens again?

When it first happened, you IMMEDIATELY tried to blame Obama, and that campaign didn't stop until the night he won the re-election, then you IMMEDIATELY pivoted to Hillary.

At that point it should have been a known fact across all borders that this was nothing but political hackery, but partisans kept pushing.

Why in God's name haven't you folks put any effort at all into making sure this doesn't happen again?

If you people had put a fraction of effort into that, instead of trying to make political hay by finding fault and laying blame on the party you despise, we'd all be better off for it. No?

When will the foolishness stop?
Why have dimwits put so much effort into delaying and derailing the investigation? Because she is guilty, period.

Why have dimwits put so much effort into delaying and derailing the investigation? Because she is guilty, period.


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