Gotta hand it to Kristi Noem for standing for science and liberty (to wear a mask or not)

This gentleman posted the Death Rates of NY to try and say that Cuomo sucks compared to the Governor of South Dakota.

And instead just showed what we are pointing out in this topic: South Dakota, with a population of like 10 people and 4 cows, has a death rate more than 10x of New York.
I made a post yesterday in the DeSantis topic saying DeSantis is among the worst in the nation - but that South Dakota and North Dakotas are the worst.

Well, eat your heart out - here's the lady herself in the flesh. Worst in the nation lmao.

The STATISTICALLY WORST COVID state out of all 50 and the population is like fucking 25 people. Absolute joke of a governor and leadership.
Thanks for that Prof. Knownothing.
How am I professor Knownothing? I speak facts. Tested, true, and clear. Her state is the worst in the country in COVID deaths. She is an absolute failure of a leader.

Love this woman. She gets it
South Dakota certainly got it.
South Dakota Coronavirus: 111,018 Cases and 1,853 Deaths (COVID-19 ) - Worldometer
Deaths/1M of population: 2,095
Exactly, thank you for posting the numbers.
I stand by my statement Prof. K. Here is CDC numbers for 2/9-2/15, COVID Data Tracker They say your state is worse than SD. Indeed, SD is one of the best in the nation. Moron.
I made a post yesterday in the DeSantis topic saying DeSantis is among the worst in the nation - but that South Dakota and North Dakotas are the worst.

Well, eat your heart out - here's the lady herself in the flesh. Worst in the nation lmao.

The STATISTICALLY WORST COVID state out of all 50 and the population is like fucking 25 people. Absolute joke of a governor and leadership.
Thanks for that Prof. Knownothing.
How am I professor Knownothing? I speak facts. Tested, true, and clear. Her state is the worst in the country in COVID deaths. She is an absolute failure of a leader.

Love this woman. She gets it
South Dakota certainly got it.
South Dakota Coronavirus: 111,018 Cases and 1,853 Deaths (COVID-19 ) - Worldometer
Deaths/1M of population: 2,095
Exactly, thank you for posting the numbers.
I stand by my statement Prof. K. Here is CDC numbers for 2/9-2/15, COVID Data Tracker They say your state is worse than SD. Indeed, SD is one of the best in the nation. Moron.

Uh...thanks for posting numbers for a 6-day span.
Wholesome, beautiful, accomplished and straight.... fucking Kryptonite to the left...


With apologies to those who have eaten in the last 4 hours, THIS is what a politician is supposed to look like:
Very sorry about the visual. It's disturbing, but it makes an outstanding point...


I made a post yesterday in the DeSantis topic saying DeSantis is among the worst in the nation - but that South Dakota and North Dakotas are the worst.

Well, eat your heart out - here's the lady herself in the flesh. Worst in the nation lmao.

The STATISTICALLY WORST COVID state out of all 50 and the population is like fucking 25 people. Absolute joke of a governor and leadership.
Thanks for that Prof. Knownothing.
How am I professor Knownothing? I speak facts. Tested, true, and clear. Her state is the worst in the country in COVID deaths. She is an absolute failure of a leader.

Love this woman. She gets it
South Dakota certainly got it.
South Dakota Coronavirus: 111,018 Cases and 1,853 Deaths (COVID-19 ) - Worldometer
Deaths/1M of population: 2,095
Exactly, thank you for posting the numbers.
I stand by my statement Prof. K. Here is CDC numbers for 2/9-2/15, COVID Data Tracker They say your state is worse than SD. Indeed, SD is one of the best in the nation. Moron.

Uh...thanks for posting numbers for a 6-day span.
Beats your numbers--I didn't see any. BTW, how about a link to SD's population of 10 people and four cows. You are a moron.
I made a post yesterday in the DeSantis topic saying DeSantis is among the worst in the nation - but that South Dakota and North Dakotas are the worst.
Sure you did.

SD has 1850 deaths and a population of 885,000 residents for a death rate of 0.21%

NY has 47,100 deaths and a population of 19,300,000, for a death rate of 0.024%.

Wikipedia for populations. The following for the deaths.... need to read your post again, bro lmao.
Thanks. It was a typo. You should have corrected it for me, but I greatly appreciate you pointing it out.


SD has 1850 deaths and a population of 885,000 residents for a death rate of 0.21%

NY has 47,100 deaths and a population of 19,300,000, for a death rate of 0.24%.
Ah, yes, how to win any argument: Point out that one guy has hotter children than the other guy.

Totally how real people argue about facts.
This gentleman posted the Death Rates of NY to try and say that Cuomo sucks compared to the Governor of South Dakota.

And instead just showed what we are pointing out in this topic: South Dakota, with a population of like 10 people and 4 cows, has a death rate more than 10x of New York.
So you're a supporter of a guy that puts infectious seniors into nursing homes. You're a smart one, huh. Public school?
I don't support or NOT support Gov. Cuomo. I live in Texas, and have no idea about him realy.

Yes, I went to public school.
It is up to each state to determine what is needed. South Dakota is sparsely populated, NY not so much.
It needs to be down to county levels. And even into township boundaries if applicable. Areas of New York State are rural.
Ah, yes, how to win any argument: Point out that one guy has hotter children than the other guy.

Totally how real people argue about facts.
It's a fact that DeBlasio's daughter, purportedly raised by him, is a nutjob.

If you can't raise your own children to be respectful hard-working citizens, how can you run a city?

I could understand if it was his sister or uncle; you can't choose your family. But you can raise your children. I think I often says a lot about someone. Not always, but exceptional children often have exceptional parents. The converse may also be true.
I made a post yesterday in the DeSantis topic saying DeSantis is among the worst in the nation - but that South Dakota and North Dakotas are the worst.

Well, eat your heart out - here's the lady herself in the flesh. Worst in the nation lmao.

The STATISTICALLY WORST COVID state out of all 50 and the population is like fucking 25 people. Absolute joke of a governor and leadership.
Thanks for that Prof. Knownothing.
How am I professor Knownothing? I speak facts. Tested, true, and clear. Her state is the worst in the country in COVID deaths. She is an absolute failure of a leader.

Love this woman. She gets it
South Dakota certainly got it.
South Dakota Coronavirus: 111,018 Cases and 1,853 Deaths (COVID-19 ) - Worldometer
Deaths/1M of population: 2,095
Exactly, thank you for posting the numbers.
I stand by my statement Prof. K. Here is CDC numbers for 2/9-2/15, COVID Data Tracker They say your state is worse than SD. Indeed, SD is one of the best in the nation. Moron.

Uh...thanks for posting numbers for a 6-day span.
Beats your missing numbers for a no day span. Aren't the most recent numbers from the CDC good enough for you?
This gentleman posted the Death Rates of NY to try and say that Cuomo sucks compared to the Governor of South Dakota.

And instead just showed what we are pointing out in this topic: South Dakota, with a population of like 10 people and 4 cows, has a death rate more than 10x of New York.
It was a typo. Sorry. I fixed it. I'm surprised you did not check my numbers. I check everything.

When I saw your original post, I decided to check your claim, and found it to be false, so I posted the numbers. I did originally have an extra zero in my percentages, but it should have been clear to anyone of sufficient intelligence that there was a problem with my post. That would make any sane person do their own math.

I didn't say Cuomo sucked, although he arguably does. You are the one who incorrectly said that South Dakota was the worst in the nation and couldn't back it up with anything (that I have yet seen). Back it up.
(one minute video)

Meanwhile, DeBlasio is encouraging NYC residents to wear two masks now...

I wonder why so many conservatives look & sound like saints compared to all Demonicrats? Rhetorical. I didn't know she was Republican, didn't have to. Are any Democrat politicians rational & good people?
South Dakota
Deaths/1M of population: 2,095
From your source. See column 10...

New York: 2,407

Your numbers completely agree with mine, by the way, I posted 0.21/0.24 and you posted 2100/2400.



  • 1613778086529.png
    52.9 KB · Views: 13
I apologize, I made the post today not yesterday. Whoops...excuse me I'm in TX and this winter storm has this week blending together.
With 5-1/2 years of freakin' Alaska under my belt I can relate to both cold & snow ESPECIALLY the COLD & WIND(unbelievable). I sure hope events are improving for you Texans. I read a couple days ago that some folks down there are holding up inside the furniture stores. Hopefully banana belt Texas will get their power grid updated so this won't happen to you Texans the next time the Aleutian Islands weather comes your way. The links below don't do the Bering sea storm weather any justice as you gotta be there in person to really appreciate it.


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