Gotta Love the Lefties!!


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012

All yesterday: a) Video shows O college supporters never heard of Benghazi b) Biden talked about our troops in Iran c) Dems furious over Romney’s “binder of women” d) Whoopi Goldberg asked Ann Romney why Mormons aren’t in the military e) MSNBC’s O’Donnell challenged Romney’s son to a fight f) O campaign co-chair Eva Longoria blamed twitter for her filthy retweet Libs always insist that they are the smart & tolerant ones. IT’S A MYTH! Perpetuated by lib colleges and a lib media. Last April, a Pew Survey (hardly right-wingers) found Repubs “better informed & more open-minded” than Dems. Other surveys show similar results. In 18 days, we begin taking back our country from the classless & clueless. P
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Well, it is going to be close. I hope that I can hand you these words to eat on 7Nov12.

It's been a while since I've heard liberals claiming to be tolerant. They're just as intolerant as conservatives.

Oh goody, that's helpful.

Well, it is going to be close. I hope that I can hand you these words to eat on 7Nov12.
Better yet.....start $ERIOU$LY investing in crying-towels!!!

I'm thinking...Republicans will be NEEDING ALL-AVAILABLE.....AGAIN!!!!

[ame=]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​

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