Gov Chris Christie: "The Real Problem is People Were Not Told the Truth."

It's a good spin, but I've heard too much from Christie to ever take him seriously. He's a politician to the core.
It's a good spin, but I've heard too much from Christie to ever take him seriously. He's a politician to the core.

He could play it that way and appease the right because he's going to be re-elected in a few days in what has got to be the most boring gubernatorial race in the history of the country. Today is the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy and everybody was happy with him and the way he handled that. So he's sitting in the proverbial cat bird's seat.
Of course he played it that way to the wriggly and wiggly far right estupido reactionaries.
Obama said over and over if you like your health care plan you can keep it.
We see now that's not true.

So will Obama go before the people and explain what happened?
Will he admit he was wrong.
Will he admit he lied.
Will he admit he was just saying what Valerie Jarrett told him to say.
Will he blame it on Bush.

Come on Libs....

Will you defend your leader.
Well Gov. Christie must not have been listening to the hearing today because all of the Republicans were saying the problem is the entire law. They're really all over the place these days.
Fatso Christie will mostly like be the next GOP nominee....if he doesn't drop dead before then.
"Christie also said he has no regrets about letting the Obama administration operate New Jersey's health exchange".

LMFAO!!! In the very same article!!
Obama said over and over if you like your health care plan you can keep it.
We see now that's not true.

So will Obama go before the people and explain what happened?
Will he admit he was wrong.
Will he admit he lied.
Will he admit he was just saying what Valerie Jarrett told him to say.
Will he blame it on Bush.

Come on Libs....

Will you defend your leader.

The liberals are silent because Obama hasn't given them his excuses yet. Give Valerie time. She's a very busy lady these days. Our relationship with the Saudis just went sour, the senior Democrat leaders are going to the media letting them know how unhappy they have been with His Excel...Obama, the insurance companies are dropping the insured faster than expected, the website is down for good...
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Of course he played it that way to the wriggly and wiggly far right estupido reactionaries.

Christie speaks against Obama. Jake springs into action. He ducks into a nearby phonebooth and outs on his Reactionary Man costume.

Reactionary Man sworn to defend Obama, Obamacare and the Obama administration against any and all criticism.

" I'm Barack Obama and I approve of Jake Starkey, Reactionary Man"
After the hearing, Gov. Christie was quoted as saying "Bring me Solo and the Wookiee, they will all suffer for this outrage!"
This is a excellent piece that was posted on real clear politics. Christie basically dismantles Obamacare in less than two minutes. I mean, he just guts it, and you really cannot refute his logic. I have a new found respect for this guy.

Christie On Obamacare: "The Real Problem Is That People Weren't Told The Truth" | RealClearPolitics

Where is his outrage at the immorality of everything Obama has done?

That is because I think he MIGHT be similarly mannipulative or deceitful.

I'll start doing my due diligence on him now It won't end until I have to choose to vote for him or his opponent.

Look, Christy is smart. Obama is thought by many as brilliant.

Neither an abundance of "smarts," nor a lack of it in our "leadership" explains why this country is in the rut it is in.

And getting worse by the day.

It is a lack of character. Morality. Values. American values.

And a lack of a loving commitment to our wonderful nation.

That is why we despise what Obama has done and is doing to America.

And if Christy is at all like Obama in that way, I'd offer that as a filter for everything I'll see and hear him do from now on.

In that way I will come to build an an understanding of him before voting for him.

IF I ever do.

At this point in time, I wouldn't.

I like Ted Cruz...a lot.

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