Gov. Christie not invited to CPAC


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

The Old White Man's part of exclusion is at it again! Rather than widen the tent to allow more inclusion, they are shutting out the candidate from a blue state with a 70%+ approval rating. Glad to see the GOP is still heading down the road to extinction!:clap2:

Maybe we should call this the General Custer Party, since he was warned also.
Christie should capitalize on this in efforts to drive the tea party extremism out and to bring the actual republican conservatism in.
until the republican party is willing to toss aside the base that pulls them this way they will be an international joke
I'm a bit cautious about this lionizing Gov. Christie on the left.

He's still the same guy who tired to cut the salaries and ranks of first responders and teachers to give tax cuts to rich people.

Just because he doesn't embrace the religous crazies or the right wing is mad at him because he helped Obama sink Romney isn't a time to overlook all the bad stuff.

He is sane.

I dont agree with most of his postions but he at least accepts fact as fact
I'm pretty sure Christie isn't going to lose any sleep over it.

The extremist rightest of the GOP have insulted plenty of thinking Republicans, so Christie finds himself in good company.
He's not a conservative

see people like this Joe are insane and deny out right cold hard facts.

This is who they republican party have to toss on the trash heap of history for their inability to decern a fact

You see, I doubt that.

A sensible Republican would be one saying, "This is how you make government run more efficiently!"


"This is how we cut government payrolls and benefits to undermine the oppossition, while making services less effective", which is what Christy the Hutt pretty much did.

Now, it's true that there are people who are out further than Christie who would literally rather see people die than have a government program help them. yeah, those folks are nucking futz.
I said sane not sensable.

The republican partys main ideas are historically failed ideas.

The sane ones at least dont pretend propaganda LIES are reality.

They at least accept sceince, the definitions of words and historical facts.
Willard the loser will be there. Maybe they will run him again in 2016?
Christie should capitalize on this in efforts to drive the tea party extremism out and to bring the actual republican conservatism in.

Tea Party Extremism?

That's code for standing by your principles and doing what is best for the country, not giving in to a liberal agenda that is hell-bent on ruining this country from within.

Th e"real Republicans" are more worried about re-election than doing the right thing.
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You're an idiot. You want the Democratic Party to control the left AND the center, while the GOP controls only the right?

That's a 60/40 Democrat advantage.

Why would you want that?
Democrats wanted this. They aren't worried about this country. Their only goal is to grab power. They really don't care what they have to do, who they have to fuck over. It's just a taxpayer funded 24/7 365 day a year campaign to destroy the opposition and de legitimize every institution in this country. A hostile takeover by domestic terrorists.
It's another Charlie Crist in the making. He also had to finally come out of the closet as a democrat.

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