Gov. Newsom asks Californians to cut water use by 15%

And at the same time he's refusing to apply all these water limitations to the multibillion-dollar almond industry which uses millions of gallons of water every year on its own
No electricity.
No drinking water.
Crime that makes El Salvador look safe.
Roads that make Nepal roads look futuristic.

Democrats utopia. The only things the Left won’t spend taxes on to build: prisons, roads, energy and water.

So everyone in California has already stopped watering yards, has low flow everything. Good luck not being able to bathe or flush your toilet.

And just last year when I was talking about CA's water shortage, one Californian here told me I was nuts.
Think casino magnate & Trump donor Sheldon Adelson cut back on water usage in his Las Vegas casinos before he went & took, to Trump's dissapointment a dirt nap? How much electricity did Trump's pal use up to run his resorts?
Now what the fuck does that have to do with the topic at hand? CALIFORNIA...not Vegas, asshole.
So, you are willing to give up your own water so the other assholes can keep their lawns nice as they make stupid movies? Knock yourself out.

AND..if you can't stay on topic, get the fuck out of this thread with your TDS.
That sounds like a typical day at Mar A Loco with Trump & his groveling uber wealthy ass lickers.
The simple fact is that California is almost all desert. The climate will not support 40 million humans in the long term without some drastic and costly changes and innovations. Governor Pat Brown foresaw this many decades ago, and proposed a comprehensive plan of reservoirs, aqueducts, and so on, intended to capture, retain, and use as much water as God decided to give to California, but short term financial expediencies prevented the Golden State from implementing the plan fully.

Further, much water is wasted in order to save various forms of fish, which is insane.

There's always seawater de-sal, but that is expensive as hell and requires gobs of electricity. One cannot expect realistic plans or solutions from a Leftist government, so we in the other states can just look on and smile. Fuck 'em.
Well now, how well is Texas doing? Both states have climate problems. One acknowledges it's climate problems, the other does not. Guess which one will address them first? Were California a nation, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. That is hardly representative of failure.
Well now, how well is Texas doing? Both states have climate problems. One acknowledges it's climate problems, the other does not. Guess which one will address them first? Were California a nation, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. That is hardly representative of failure.
so what?.....that doesnt the quality of life is wonderful......
Now what the fuck does that have to do with the topic at hand? CALIFORNIA...not Vegas, asshole.
So, you are willing to give up your own water so the other assholes can keep their lawns nice as they make stupid movies? Knock yourself out.

AND..if you can't stay on topic, get the fuck out of this thread with your TDS.
A lot of the water for California comes from the same place Vegas gets it's water.
Well now, how well is Texas doing? Both states have climate problems. One acknowledges it's climate problems, the other does not. Guess which one will address them first? Were California a nation, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. That is hardly representative of failure.
What’s a climate problem? Never hot and muggy in Texas now?

And don’t give us the California economy crap. That was built by Republicans. That’s like saying Hitler made good French wine. Now it’s against the law to even buy a good computer in California the Democrats have ruined it so much.
so what?.....that doesnt the quality of life is wonderful......
The problems that California is having with water is now being felt in almost all western states. The resulting fires and agricultural losses are going to affect all Americans.
What’s a climate problem? Never hot and muggy in Texas now?

And don’t give us the California economy crap. That was built by Republicans. That’s like saying Hitler made good French wine. Now it’s against the law to even buy a good computer in California the Democrats have ruined it so much.
Texas always seems to be too hot, too cold, too dry, or flooding, with a few storms in between.

The problems that California is having with water is now being felt in almost all western states. The resulting fires and agricultural losses are going to affect all Americans.
thats not what i was talking mentioned how wealthy the state is....what good is that wealth if many people are just getting by or are unemployed....what good is that wealth for all the homeless there.....wealth does not stop droughts or fires....
you dont live there rocks so how would you know about the quality of life there for many non wealthy people?...

Looks like California is doing a bit better than Texas. However, I don't think I would leave Oregon for either one of them.
The problems that California is having with water is now being felt in almost all western states. The resulting fires and agricultural losses are going to affect all Americans.
It’s what happens when you spend billions on a train to nowhere instead of water infrastructure.
Zero dams or canals built in last 40 years.
Zero firefighting aircraft purchased.

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