Gov. Newsom asks Californians to cut water use by 15%

Instead of wasting billions on a high speed rail line from LA to SF, over numerous fault lines, why not build desalination plants and pump the water to rebuilt reservoirs? How would you like to ride at 200 mph on a train during a earthquake? What were they thinking? You can get flights for $49.00. They need to stay out of the sun or at least wear a hat.
at least most of those haitians joe is shipping in seldom bathe
Why not post something sane? Asking the people of CA to cut their use of fresh water is smart. Gov. Newsome puts the people first, and some people - like you - are unwilling to face the reality of a drought. Rational people follow his requests, people like you want to attack the messenger and ignore reality. I suppose you have some agenda, but it's one which puts all of us in harms way.

Why not be honest and do what you try to do on paper, go the way of Theodore John Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh or Eric Robert Rudolph, other irrational and disaffected people. I guess posting anonymously is because you are a coward.

For the Readers:

You and Kaz need to get a life, and stop posting stupid stuff.
California has been asking and forcing residents to cut water usage for at least two decades. The government knows it has a water supply problem. Guess how many reservoirs and dams have been built, or even planned in that period? ZERO. Instead hundreds of billions have been wasted on subways, high speed rail and other boondoggles that don’t benefit the average taxpayer at all.
California has been asking and forcing residents to cut water usage for at least two decades. The government knows it has a water supply problem. Guess how many reservoirs and dams have been built, or even planned in that period? ZERO. Instead hundreds of billions have been wasted on subways, high speed rail and other boondoggles that don’t benefit the average taxpayer at all.

WC actually thinks newsom puts the citizens first.
Here's what people think of the left's flagship State of California. How cool would it be if all of them recognized why they were leaving.

And this is despite the States sanctuary and invitations for illegal immigration: According to new data released today by the state Department of Finance, California's population declined by 182,083 people in 2020. That's the first time that annual statistic has come with a minus sign since 1900, when the department began collecting these estimates.
The number leaving is at least ten times as high and the people leaving are the tax paying middle class. The people immigrating are tax users, not taxpayers. California is becoming a state populated by the very rich and the very poor. That’s what a third world state looks like.
I can't think of a better mode of transport between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Works awesome in Japan.

But I was specifically referring to BART which provided commuters a way to avoid a 4 hour daily commute while the Bay Bridge was being repaired.
There isn’t enough traffic between LA and SF to make a train profitable. I’ve driven the trip many times, and traffic density is four to ten cars per mile. Even if the state absorbs all the construction costs, the line won’t generate enough revenue to pay operating costs. It will operate at a loss like AMTRAK.
For your second point, if you are stupid enough to live somewhere where there are only two routes between home and work, you deserve four hour commutes.
California has been asking and forcing residents to cut water usage for at least two decades. The government knows it has a water supply problem. Guess how many reservoirs and dams have been built, or even planned in that period? ZERO. Instead hundreds of billions have been wasted on subways, high speed rail and other boondoggles that don’t benefit the average taxpayer at all.
Reservoirs and dams aren't going to do shit when there is less snow melt to collect. Also, during multi-year droughts building above ground water storage only leads to more surface level evaporation. The state has spent billons on underground water storage.
Well now, how well is Texas doing? Both states have climate problems. One acknowledges it's climate problems, the other does not. Guess which one will address them first? Were California a nation, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. That is hardly representative of failure.
California is living on its past. There are no new businesses moving there, many are moving out.
Reservoirs and dams aren't going to do shit when there is less snow melt to collect. Also, during multi-year droughts building above ground water storage only leads to more surface level evaporation. The state has spent billons on underground water storage.
California allows millions of acre feet of rain to run off into the ocean every year, even in drought years. Resiviors could catch that for usage.
California allows millions of acre feet of rain to run off into the ocean every year, even in drought years. Resiviors could catch that for usage.

It evaporates. They are spending billions on underground water storage. You obviously were unaware.
California has been asking and forcing residents to cut water usage for at least two decades. The government knows it has a water supply problem. Guess how many reservoirs and dams have been built, or even planned in that period? ZERO. Instead hundreds of billions have been wasted on subways, high speed rail and other boondoggles that don’t benefit the average taxpayer at all.
Well Bozo, how many billions of dollars and deaths in the 21st Century when tornadoes, hurricanes and floods in the midwest, south and east coast and they don't help the average person.

Every heard about Climate Change? Droughts too are a problem, and Gov. Newsom is doing the best of he can to ration the waste of fresh water, and to desalinate sea water***; now what are the Governors in the south and tornado alley doing about building stronger homes to protect people and property?


California allows millions of acre feet of rain to run off into the ocean every year, even in drought years. Resiviors could catch that for usage.
A simple solution to battle with conservative Republicans who kick the can down the road and the Green Party seeks to let the river runs free.
California allows millions of acre feet of rain to run off into the ocean every year,

I believe we used to call that "rivers". And, as misfortune would have it, there's a lot of biodiversity in rivers. Plants and animals that fill part of the ecosystem. Perhaps the Californians should harvest all water from rivers and eliminate their waste altogether.

even in drought years. Resiviors could catch that for usage.

California water is actually a bit more complex than that. First off a lot of it is predicated on significant Sierra snowpack which results in the run-off that feeds much of the Central Valley and cities like LA and SD. But when snowfall is low (as we're seeing more and more often this last half century) there is groundwater that can be tapped. In the Central Valley they are overpumping their aquifers and the recharge rate is on the scale of thousands of years, so as far as we are concerned they are effectively killing the aquifers for the next several generations.

Yes, reservoirs can help and water should be sheparded but the real problem is: there's too many people in SoCal for the available water, there's too much agriculture infrastructure in the Central Valley and Americans are ignoring climate change at their peril.
Damned dystopia that state is....the kOOk capital of the world.

California a model for other states on how to fuck up your state....the silver lining. Nobody wants to move to California.

I believe we used to call that "rivers". And, as misfortune would have it, there's a lot of biodiversity in rivers. Plants and animals that fill part of the ecosystem. Perhaps the Californians should harvest all water from rivers and eliminate their waste altogether.

California water is actually a bit more complex than that. First off a lot of it is predicated on significant Sierra snowpack which results in the run-off that feeds much of the Central Valley and cities like LA and SD. But when snowfall is low (as we're seeing more and more often this last half century) there is groundwater that can be tapped. In the Central Valley they are overpumping their aquifers and the recharge rate is on the scale of thousands of years, so as far as we are concerned they are effectively killing the aquifers for the next several generations.

Yes, reservoirs can help and water should be sheparded but the real problem is: there's too many people in SoCal for the available water, there's too much agriculture infrastructure in the Central Valley and Americans are ignoring climate change at their peril.


Nobody cares about climate change except the climate OCD's....thankfully in the US, far too few to do any significant damage.( check the fucking disaster going on in Germany :coffee: ) But even now, their kOOk ideas make the poor, poorer.
Reservoirs and dams aren't going to do shit when there is less snow melt to collect. Also, during multi-year droughts building above ground water storage only leads to more surface level evaporation. The state has spent billons on underground water storage.

They have? Where?
It evaporates. They are spending billions on underground water storage. You obviously were unaware.

Yeah, where are those billions being spent.

Provide a link please.
Well Bozo, how many billions of dollars and deaths in the 21st Century when tornadoes, hurricanes and floods in the midwest, south and east coast and they don't help the average person.

Every heard about Climate Change? Droughts too are a problem, and Gov. Newsom is doing the best of he can to ration the waste of fresh water, and to desalinate sea water***; now what are the Governors in the south and tornado alley doing about building stronger homes to protect people and property?


A simple solution to battle with conservative Republicans who kick the can down the road and the Green Party seeks to let the river runs free.

Lol....hope you got a good supply of Hotel Bar for November sOn.....when the clown show ends. :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed: That bottom gonna be real hot and stingy without it. Get the unsalted can thank me later.
Durrrrr... facts can be so annoying, can't they. How much consturction do you think goes into a groundwater storage site? It's not some monstrous tank set in the ground. It's a fucking well hole and some pipe.

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