Gov. Newsom asks Californians to cut water use by 15%

They have? Where?
We can't just look it up can we? 10 second google search:

We can't just look it up can we? 10 second google search:,the effects of climate change.[/QUOTE]

Did you read your links? They all are dealing with existing storage systems.

No new reservoirs are funded.
Why are you responding inside of my quote?

Anyway, did I say otherwise? They are improving what they have.
It evaporates. They are spending billions on underground water storage. You obviously were unaware.
If California has spent a dime on underground storage, it's been in the four years since I finally had enough and deserted the sinking ship called California. The only underground "storage" I'm aware of, or could find, is restoring the aquifers.
If California has spent a dime on underground storage, it's been in the four years since I finally had enough and deserted the sinking ship called California. The only underground "storage" I'm aware of, or could find, is restoring the aquifers.

The aquifers in the Central Valley are being so massively overpumped they are collapsing them. Given the recharge rates are on the order of thousands upon thousands of years it will effectively mean the destruction of ground water in the CV for generations upon generations.

The worst part of that is that we currently get so much of our vegetables used all across the US from the CV. Everyone is going to feel that pain soon enough. Ugh.

I also ran screaming away from SoCal. I didn't like the hot and non-stop sun. But I also felt guilty living there because I had recently read "Cadillac Desert" and realized that SoCal is not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination, especially not for the millions who live there now.
This article points out that in 2014, California has 517 groundwater storage sites and that they were spending $2.7 billion using them.

If you bothered to actually read the article, it was referring to restoring the underground aquifers. NOT building underground storage. The state is buying water from a scarce common pool to inject into the ground, not capturing rain run off or water wasted from rivers running into the sea.
If California has spent a dime on underground storage, it's been in the four years since I finally had enough and deserted the sinking ship called California. The only underground "storage" I'm aware of, or could find, is restoring the aquifers.
That is what an aquifer is.
We need the all-knowing Tweener Twins to tell us not to worry and everything will be ok

because simply attacking conservatives for being divisive is not convincing anyone to obediently follow biden, newsome and the lbgtwcyz party

so, what say you Golfing Gator and Mac1958 ?
I dont think its feasible to refill an aquifer

the only thing to do is stop taking water out and let Nature do it for us
It can be done, essentially you drill dry wells and pump water into them under pressure and it's slowly absorbed into the aquifer.
Stop taking water out? Sure, problem solved.
I didnt say it would be easy

california is destroying several dams for the sake of fish

maybe they should save the water for people instead

then there is salt water distillation

if growing marijuana were stopped much water could be saved

Only then would it be fair to ask voters confine showering to authorized times approved by the Cal Water Control Board or whatever crazy scheme the libs dream up
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Too long a thread to read everything but I assume everyone in this thread posted how dumb newsom is and how dumb the few people that support him are.
We need the all-knowing Tweener Twins to tell us not to worry and everything will be ok

because simply attacking conservatives for being divisive is not convincing anyone to obediently follow biden, newsome and the lbgtwcyz party

so, what say you Golfing Gator and Mac1958 ?

sorry, the thread is pretty long, can you lay out what the question is?
I didnt say it would be easy

california is destroying several dams for the sake of fish

maybe they should save the water for people instead

then there is salt water distillation

if growing marijuana were stopped much water could be saved

Only them would it be fair to ask voters confine showering to authorized times approved by the Cal Water Control Board or whatever crazy scheme the libs dream up

I guess you're not really aware of what California is up to.
South Florida is, based on the news reports while I was down there last week. People are being fined if they water their grass more than once a week.
I'm sitting in South Florida and have been for about 50 years and that's complete nonsense.
sorry, the thread is pretty long, can you lay out what the question is?
As I recall democrats have won every state and national election in california since the mid ‘90s

are you happy with the results of one-party leftwing rule in that state?

In spite of much you dislike repubs, do you think it might be time for a change in the golden state?

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