Gov. Newsom asks Californians to cut water use by 15%

As I recall democrats have won every state and national election in california since the mid ‘90s

are you happy with the results of one-party leftwing rule in that state?

In spite of much you dislike repubs, do you think it might be time for a change in the golden state?
The California Democrats have managed a miracle, they’d turned gold to excrement. The Golden State is no more.
I'm sitting in South Florida and have been for about 50 years and that's complete nonsense.

You should tell that to the city of Cape Coral then. Though I was wrong, they are allowed to do it twice a week, not once.

Cape Coral Code Compliance is increasing enforcement efforts due to the higher than normal usage. There were 315 illegal watering cases last week. Following the year-round schedule and conservation is important. Setting automatic timers to water 20-30 minutes in each zone should provide adequate irrigation for residential lawns. Hand watering also is allowed at any time.
As I recall democrats have won every state and national election in california since the mid ‘90s

are you happy with the results of one-party leftwing rule in that state?

In spite of much you dislike repubs, do you think it might be time for a change in the golden state?

Cali seems to be a fucked up place, but I do not live there so all I can go by is the news. Not sure it is really any worse than Alabama or Mississippi or a few other states that have had one-party rightwing rule for a long time.

Here in Illinois we tend to go back and forth between party in the Gov's mansion and it never makes a damn bit of difference which party is there. I suspect Cali would be the same, it would not make any difference.
Cali seems to be a fucked up place, but I do not live there so all I can go by is the news. Not sure it is really any worse than Alabama or Mississippi or a few other states that have had one-party rightwing rule for a long time.

Here in Illinois we tend to go back and forth between party in the Gov's mansion and it never makes a damn bit of difference which party is there. I suspect Cali would be the same, it would not make any difference.
I wont be so generous as to compare cal and alabama as equals when they really arent

California was once the golden state that everyone envied

but now its the shit state that everyone wants to get away from
I wont be so generous as to compare cal and alabama as equals when they really arent

California was once the golden state that everyone envied

but now its the shit state that everyone wants to get away from

Good point, nobody ever really liked Bama or wanted to be like them.
You should tell that to the city of Cape Coral then. Though I was wrong, they are allowed to do it twice a week, not once.

Cape Coral Code Compliance is increasing enforcement efforts due to the higher than normal usage. There were 315 illegal watering cases last week. Following the year-round schedule and conservation is important. Setting automatic timers to water 20-30 minutes in each zone should provide adequate irrigation for residential lawns. Hand watering also is allowed at any time.
Wow! You really found an obscure town with a population of less than 200k to show California, the largest State in the Union, is not alone in crappy infrastructure!

Boy, you really showed me!

Or are you stupid enough to really think everyone in Florida are Republicans?

Never mind, we know the answer.
I think bama is on the rise

it will never catch california’s GDP but in terms of quality of life it may be better

If you say so. I say if not for the little bit of beach they have nobody would go there on vacation.
Wow! You really found an obscure town with a population of less than 200k to show California, the largest State in the Union, is not alone in crappy infrastructure!

Boy, you really showed me!

Or are you stupid enough to really think everyone in Florida are Republicans?

Never mind, we know the answer.

It is not the only town that does it, just happens to be the one I saw on the news while down that way.

And it has nothing to do with Repubs or Dems, it has to do with mother nature.

But since you brought it up, the county went 60% for Trump in 2020.
It is not the only town that does it, just happens to be the one I saw on the news while down that way.

And it has nothing to do with Repubs or Dems, it has to do with mother nature.

But since you brought it up, the county went 60% for Trump in 2020.
I have no doubt there are hundreds of towns across America with crappy infrastructure.
And we have the most populous State in the Union that used to have the best infrastructure while under Republican control that is now last in every category under Democrat control.
The only thing California has going for it is the weather, only because Democrats haven’t figured out how to screw that up. But they’re working on it.
I have no doubt there are hundreds of towns across America with crappy infrastructure.

Once again, it has nothing to do with infrastructure. Infrastructure did not put that part of the state 4 inches behind on rain for the year by the start of April.
Once again, it has nothing to do with infrastructure. Infrastructure did not put that part of the state 4 inches behind on rain for the year by the start of April.

Shitforbrains really thinks water supply is not an infrastructure issue.
Leftardism in full display!

Who could have foreseen rainfall be 4” below average and prepare for it!

What moronic retards Leftards are.

Shitforbrains really thinks water supply is not an infrastructure issue.
Leftardism in full display!

Who could have foreseen rainfall be 4” below average and prepare for it!

What moronic retards Leftards are.

I think that rain is not a infrastructure issue.

There is only so much that can be done to prepare for such things.

Do you think that infrastructure can magically make water appear?
No electricity.
No drinking water.
Crime that makes El Salvador look safe.
Roads that make Nepal roads look futuristic.

Democrats utopia. The only things the Left won’t spend taxes on to build: prisons, roads, energy and water.

So everyone in California has already stopped watering yards, has low flow everything. Good luck not being able to bathe or flush your toilet.

Manufactured Famines, Water Shortages and Empty Shelves are being planned for Fall 2022 and 2023. If The Great Reset is so Great, then why do the power that be have to unleash War Pestilence and Famine on us all to put it in place?

Shitforbrains really thinks water supply is not an infrastructure issue.
Leftardism in full display!

Who could have foreseen rainfall be 4” below average and prepare for it!

What moronic retards Leftards are.
California for years has been told they could easily expand their water infrastructure and have refused to do it cuz they belong to the Holy Church of Holy Melting Iceberg.

Instead they want to import millions of illegals to rig elections, and blow Billions of dollars on a high speed rail they can't get to work. Their sanctuary cities flaunt our immigration laws, they let criminals run loose in the streets killing people like they did in Sacremento, and you have to wear steel toed boots to walk down their sidewalks stepping over piles of Pooh, people and heroin needles. Wokeness trumps common sense. The lie of Racism Equity and The Alphabet Agenda is more important than giving people clean water, and helping farmers feed people.
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I think that rain is not a infrastructure issue.

There is only so much that can be done to prepare for such things.

Do you think that infrastructure can magically make water appear?
Do you think that infrastructure can magically make water appear?

Well, I turn this little thingy and guess what!?
Water flows out!

You really do need to stop living in a cave.

Well, I turn this little thingy and guess what!?
Water flows out!

You really do need to stop living in a cave.

This will blow your mind, but that little thingy does not create the water that flow out of it, that water comes from mother nature. And when mother nature provides less of it there is not shit your little thingy can do to make more.

Damn, do you really not understand where water comes from?
This will blow your mind, but that little thingy does not create the water that flow out of it, that water comes from mother nature. And when mother nature provides less of it there is not shit your little thingy can do to make more.

Damn, do you really not understand where water comes from?
And here I thought you were just acting stupid. You really do think water supply to people is not infrastructure.
And here I thought you were just acting stupid. You really do think water supply to people is not infrastructure.

Getting the water to the people is infrastructure. The infrastructure does not make the water, infrastructure cannot make it rain more.

Did you even graduate high school?

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