Gov. Rick Perry is Obama's Worst Nightmare


One would think that a Law Professor would have the smarts to know what he's doing just isn't working. One would also assume that such an intelligent guy would go back in history to see what does work and copy away. Nope. BO doesn't seem that concerned with the economy or unemployment.

He will start to care by 2012 but only because he wants to be re-elected. Of course if the economy is still in the toilet he can kiss that wish goodbye.
Obama's performance when compared with his apparently superior intellect and academic background is valid cause for suspicion. And I suspect that because Obama will still be a young man when he leaves Office his primary concern is for his future -- not your future or mine, or America's. Although I voted for Obama he wasn't my first choice and that is the main reason why. He is not rich or heir to a fortune, as was JFK, so he needs to be careful of whom he offends if he wishes to step out of the Presidency and into some lucrative, prestigious job in a law or financial firm. I believe this to be the reason he has actively protected the Bush crime family from investigation and prosecution and why he appointed an Attorney General who formerly was Goldman-Sachs' lawyer. Obama's "look good" management style is two little steps forward for every big step backward.

As for Gov Perry? Seems to me that if the Fed Govt considered him guilty of treason then he would be in a Fed Prison.

Last I heard he was still the Gov of Texas and he and his State are doing just fine.
My understanding is Texas is a very easy state to govern, which is why George W. Bush was able to survive in that Office.

As for Rick Perry, he is a George Bush stereotype with a five point higher IQ. His supporters are those who still think Bush was a good president along with the rich and a percentage of the Nation's tobacco-chewing yokels who get tears in their eyes at the mention of Ronald Reagan. Fortunately there isn't enough of that collective to get Perry elected unless Obama does something drastically wrong, which isn't likely.

One would think that a Law Professor would have the smarts to know what he's doing just isn't working. One would also assume that such an intelligent guy would go back in history to see what does work and copy away. Nope. BO doesn't seem that concerned with the economy or unemployment.

He will start to care by 2012 but only because he wants to be re-elected. Of course if the economy is still in the toilet he can kiss that wish goodbye.
Obama's performance when compared with his apparently superior intellect and academic background is valid cause for suspicion. And I suspect that because Obama will still be a young man when he leaves Office his primary concern is for his future -- not your future or mine, or America's. Although I voted for Obama he wasn't my first choice and that is the main reason why. He is not rich or heir to a fortune, as was JFK, so he needs to be careful of whom he offends if he wishes to step out of the Presidency and into some lucrative, prestigious job in a law or financial firm. I believe this to be the reason he has actively protected the Bush crime family from investigation and prosecution and why he appointed an Attorney General who formerly was Goldman-Sachs' lawyer. Obama's "look good" management style is two little steps forward for every big step backward.

As for Gov Perry? Seems to me that if the Fed Govt considered him guilty of treason then he would be in a Fed Prison.

Last I heard he was still the Gov of Texas and he and his State are doing just fine.
My understanding is Texas is a very easy state to govern, which is why George W. Bush was able to survive in that Office.

As for Rick Perry, he is a George Bush stereotype with a five point higher IQ. His supporters are those who still think Bush was a good president along with the rich and a percentage of the Nation's tobacco-chewing yokels who get tears in their eyes at the mention of Ronald Reagan. Fortunately there isn't enough of that collective to get Perry elected unless Obama does something drastically wrong, which isn't likely.

Your understanding of Texas is all fucked up then. Texas is a player in every field from medical to petrochemical . You also only have to pleas the state and not the country. For the most part, no one here has ever listened to Dick speak and has no clue about the ass hole. We have Perry because the alternatives are all worse and have less money then Dick.

From PolitiFact:

Rick Perry threatened to secede?


PolitiFact Texas | Bill White says Rick Perry threatened to secede


The board liberals have lied to you again.

Even left leaning PolitiFact agrees, Perry never threatened to secede.

Last edited:

From PolitiFact:

Rick Perry threatened to secede?


PolitiFact Texas | Bill White says Rick Perry threatened to secede


The board liberals have lied to you again.

Even left leaning PolitiFact agrees, Perry never threatened to secede.

The left's hate machine never allows facts (or the absence thereof!) get in the way of a good, scary story! It takes a willful suspension of intelligence to read this statement (below) and come to the conclusion that Rick Perry wants Texas to secede from the union. Yet that is what many lefties believe :cuckoo::cuckoo:
“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

I hope he runs.

One would think that a Law Professor would have the smarts to know what he's doing just isn't working. One would also assume that such an intelligent guy would go back in history to see what does work and copy away. Nope. BO doesn't seem that concerned with the economy or unemployment.

He will start to care by 2012 but only because he wants to be re-elected. Of course if the economy is still in the toilet he can kiss that wish goodbye.
Obama's performance when compared with his apparently superior intellect and academic background is valid cause for suspicion. And I suspect that because Obama will still be a young man when he leaves Office his primary concern is for his future -- not your future or mine, or America's. Although I voted for Obama he wasn't my first choice and that is the main reason why. He is not rich or heir to a fortune, as was JFK, so he needs to be careful of whom he offends if he wishes to step out of the Presidency and into some lucrative, prestigious job in a law or financial firm. I believe this to be the reason he has actively protected the Bush crime family from investigation and prosecution and why he appointed an Attorney General who formerly was Goldman-Sachs' lawyer. Obama's "look good" management style is two little steps forward for every big step backward.

As for Gov Perry? Seems to me that if the Fed Govt considered him guilty of treason then he would be in a Fed Prison.

Last I heard he was still the Gov of Texas and he and his State are doing just fine.
My understanding is Texas is a very easy state to govern, which is why George W. Bush was able to survive in that Office.

As for Rick Perry, he is a George Bush stereotype with a five point higher IQ. His supporters are those who still think Bush was a good president along with the rich and a percentage of the Nation's tobacco-chewing yokels who get tears in their eyes at the mention of Ronald Reagan. Fortunately there isn't enough of that collective to get Perry elected unless Obama does something drastically wrong, which isn't likely.

Your understanding of Texas is all fucked up then. Texas is a player in every field from medical to petrochemical . You also only have to pleas the state and not the country. For the most part, no one here has ever listened to Dick speak and has no clue about the ass hole. We have Perry because the alternatives are all worse and have less money then Dick.

Can you speak about the jobs that were created in Texas under Perry's governorship?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 214,000 net new jobs were created in the United States from August 2009 to August 2010. Texas created 119,000 jobs during the same period. If every state in the country had performed as well, we’d have created about 1.5 million jobs nationally during the past year, and maybe “stimulus” wouldn’t be such a dirty word.
The Texas Model - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

That's a high percentage of jobs created from all jobs created in the US.
Dam...well...that was fun while it lasted. You were doing quite well.

But it stops being fun when the partisan hackery rears it's ugly head and the race card flies from the deck.

I enjoyed the hypothetical engagement.

Why are you so afraid to discuss race?

Do you honestly think that talk of secession has nothing to do with race? Let's look at our history.

Civil War.....states were outraged that others wanted to take away their slaves. Seceded

Civil Rights......states were outraged that others insisted they treat blacks equally threatened secession

Barack Obama.......two months after he takes office Texas threatens secession and over half of Republicans agree. You say it was about abortion? Abortion has been around 40 years.....why didn't they threaten secession when Reagan was president?

You are naive if you think race does not come into play

First off, Slaves were not for the poor guys, you know the ones who did the fighting.

The Slave owners were those in political power who voted for Secession...they wrapped it in States Rights for the peon poor whites to swallow

Second, At the time, the South was the country's bread basket at the time.

Totally false. Unless you think people eat cotton. The Breadbasket was the Northeast to MidWest....the Northerns did not starve during the war....the Southerners did.

Your hero Lincoln did not want the north to starve and that's why he went to war.

Who fired first? Enlighten us. Who starved during the war...enlighten us.

Lincoln hated black as much as any Southern plantation owner.

By today's standards he would be a racist not wanting equality...but "Hate"? Not unless you can prove it.

Now racism, To call some one a raciest is the act of a coward who does not have what it takes between there ears to get there point across. Its a bit like a kid who is losing at kick ball so he grabs his ball and go's home. So I would argue that those who cry "racist" all the time are lacking in IQ. Now back to Dick Perry, He is a stooge on a level that surpasses GW or Bam Bam. Remember the STD vaccination he mad mandatory for school girls ? Remember how it was found out he had a buddy heavily invested in the vaccine ? Remember how Dick Perry was going to make a bit of dough on that deal ? He also panders to the illegal vote as well. He has done nothing about the border other then waist tax payer money on JP-4 flying around the border with Mexico. You need to realize that Dick Perry is not so popular here. He is just more popular then the retards who he runs against. Dick Perry would be the worst thing for this country. Worse then Bam Bam, just at the opposite end of the spectrum. The man is a weasel .
Why are you so afraid to discuss race?

Do you honestly think that talk of secession has nothing to do with race? Let's look at our history.

Civil War.....states were outraged that others wanted to take away their slaves. Seceded

Civil Rights......states were outraged that others insisted they treat blacks equally threatened secession

Barack Obama.......two months after he takes office Texas threatens secession and over half of Republicans agree. You say it was about abortion? Abortion has been around 40 years.....why didn't they threaten secession when Reagan was president?

You are naive if you think race does not come into play

First off, Slaves were not for the poor guys, you know the ones who did the fighting.

The Slave owners were those in political power who voted for Secession...they wrapped it in States Rights for the peon poor whites to swallow

Totally false. Unless you think people eat cotton. The Breadbasket was the Northeast to MidWest....the Northerns did not starve during the war....the Southerners did.

Who fired first? Enlighten us. Who starved during the war...enlighten us.

Lincoln hated black as much as any Southern plantation owner.

By today's standards he would be a racist not wanting equality...but "Hate"? Not unless you can prove it.

Now racism, To call some one a raciest is the act of a coward who does not have what it takes between there ears to get there point across. Its a bit like a kid who is losing at kick ball so he grabs his ball and go's home. So I would argue that those who cry "racist" all the time are lacking in IQ. Now back to Dick Perry, He is a stooge on a level that surpasses GW or Bam Bam. Remember the STD vaccination he mad mandatory for school girls ? Remember how it was found out he had a buddy heavily invested in the vaccine ? Remember how Dick Perry was going to make a bit of dough on that deal ? He also panders to the illegal vote as well. He has done nothing about the border other then waist tax payer money on JP-4 flying around the border with Mexico. You need to realize that Dick Perry is not so popular here. He is just more popular then the retards who he runs against. Dick Perry would be the worst thing for this country. Worse then Bam Bam, just at the opposite end of the spectrum. The man is a weasel .

You need to get on your google machine and look for what was going on in the mid west during the civel war. It was not farming. The South grew food as well as cotton. AS for race comeing into play, You are full of shit. Race only comes into play when some one does not get what they want. Al sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Quannel X, Malique Shabazz, and those who speak up for The Race". None of those men have ever held a job in real life. When they needed money they cry "Racist" and rake in all the cash they need.
First off, Slaves were not for the poor guys, you know the ones who did the fighting.

The Slave owners were those in political power who voted for Secession...they wrapped it in States Rights for the peon poor whites to swallow

Totally false. Unless you think people eat cotton. The Breadbasket was the Northeast to MidWest....the Northerns did not starve during the war....the Southerners did.

Who fired first? Enlighten us. Who starved during the war...enlighten us.

By today's standards he would be a racist not wanting equality...but "Hate"? Not unless you can prove it.

Now racism, To call some one a raciest is the act of a coward who does not have what it takes between there ears to get there point across. Its a bit like a kid who is losing at kick ball so he grabs his ball and go's home. So I would argue that those who cry "racist" all the time are lacking in IQ. Now back to Dick Perry, He is a stooge on a level that surpasses GW or Bam Bam. Remember the STD vaccination he mad mandatory for school girls ? Remember how it was found out he had a buddy heavily invested in the vaccine ? Remember how Dick Perry was going to make a bit of dough on that deal ? He also panders to the illegal vote as well. He has done nothing about the border other then waist tax payer money on JP-4 flying around the border with Mexico. You need to realize that Dick Perry is not so popular here. He is just more popular then the retards who he runs against. Dick Perry would be the worst thing for this country. Worse then Bam Bam, just at the opposite end of the spectrum. The man is a weasel .

You need to get on your google machine and look for what was going on in the mid west during the civel war. It was not farming. The South grew food as well as cotton. AS for race comeing into play, You are full of shit. Race only comes into play when some one does not get what they want. Al sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Quannel X, Malique Shabazz, and those who speak up for The Race". None of those men have ever held a job in real life. When they needed money they cry "Racist" and rake in all the cash they need.

Globes, World Globes & Gemstone Globes from Shipping!

Who started the Civil War? The same side who couldn't feed themselves nor their army and deservedly lost.
Rick Perry is nothing more then a wannabe Jefferson Davis

Guess you missed this post.

From PolitiFact:

Rick Perry threatened to secede?



The board liberals have lied to you again.​

Even left leaning PolitiFact agrees, Perry never threatened to secede.​

Then rest assured, if he runs, that his RNC opponents for the nomination will never bring it up.
When eye of Newt lost his staff (due to internal conflicts stemming from idiotic decisions and inactivity by eye of Newt), my understanding is that they moved -- almost as one -- down to hook up with Perry.

Obviously it takes more than acquiring a good staff second hand but on the cheap to make a run for the Presidency, but that kind of fortuitous activity cannot hurt.

Rumors are starting to be heard.

Perry is more likely than ever now to bust a move.

He. Just. Might. Go. All. The. WAY!
The Slave owners were those in political power who voted for Secession...they wrapped it in States Rights for the peon poor whites to swallow

Totally false. Unless you think people eat cotton. The Breadbasket was the Northeast to MidWest....the Northerns did not starve during the war....the Southerners did.

Who fired first? Enlighten us. Who starved during the war...enlighten us.

By today's standards he would be a racist not wanting equality...but "Hate"? Not unless you can prove it.

You need to get on your google machine and look for what was going on in the mid west during the civel war. It was not farming. The South grew food as well as cotton. AS for race comeing into play, You are full of shit. Race only comes into play when some one does not get what they want. Al sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Quannel X, Malique Shabazz, and those who speak up for The Race". None of those men have ever held a job in real life. When they needed money they cry "Racist" and rake in all the cash they need.

Globes, World Globes & Gemstone Globes from Shipping!

Who started the Civil War? The same side who couldn't feed themselves nor their army and deservedly lost.

I think that the focus will be on the REAL issues that this country is facing. Not some leftwing hit piece.
Here's what Perry said:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Gov. Perry: TX Can Secede‬‏[/ame]

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