Governing The Voids


Sep 23, 2010
Derek Hunter has a nice article on incrementalism:

First, they came for the smokers.


Then, they came to “clean up” the healthcare mess.


Now, they come for our guns.


They also have come for the rich people.


Tyranny seldom comes all at once, it comes slowing, incrementally, in small doses cloaked as something else, something good. Each thread appears innocuous and unimportant but is part of a tapestry rarely recognized as what it is until too late.

Sooner Or Later Progressives Will Get Around To You
Derek Hunter
Mar 17, 2013

Sooner Or Later Progressives Will Get Around To You - Derek Hunter - Page 1

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here they come for every American with a buck in a bank:

In a move that could set off new fears of contagion across the eurozone, anxious depositors drained cash from ATMs in Cyprus on Saturday, hours after European officials in Brussels required that part of a new €10 billion ($12.6 billion) bailout must be paid for directly from the bank accounts of savers.

ATMs drained as bailout tax triggers run on bank deposits
Date March 18, 2013
Nicholas Kulish

ATMs drained as bailout tax triggers run on bank deposits

If you make the mistake of thinking it won’t happen here —— think again. Hussein makes no bones about moving America towards adopting European-style collectivism. On top of that the EU is a test run for global government much like the Spanish Civil War was a testing ground for Nazi Germany’s weapons.

Everything EU bureaucrats get away with today UN bureaucrats will enlarge upon a thousandfold tomorrow.

Let me remind everybody that the EU is nothing more than another layer of government imposed upon people in every European nation. A global government will do the same to Americans as well as add another layer of government on top of the EU.

Where is the final layer? A solar system government? A galactic government? An intergalactic government. How about a government for all of those empty spaces between galaxies. Surely voids need as much governing as anyplace else.

One question: What are you going to do about it if the government takes a part of your savings? Hire a lawyer who will rip you off for whatever the government does not take!

Finally, politicians who talk about cutting waste and fraud are no better than Democrats who create waste and fraud. Reducing government spending by so-called “efficient” government is all B.S. until somebody with a public voice starts talking about repealing the XVI Amendment. Even repeal might not be enough without an amendment prohibiting a tax on income when it’s called a fee, or investing, and all of the other pseudonyms for tax the parasites will come up with.
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Quote OP
. . . an amendment prohibiting a tax on income when it’s called a fee, or investing, and all of the other pseudonyms for tax the parasites will come up with.

Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press comments on the pseudonyms being trotted out for victim approval:

Yet mainstream media reports are already describing the robbery of ordinary depositor’s money as a “one-off levy”, and writing “the first time a deal has called for savers to sacrifice some of their cash holdings”.


Describing the 9.9% levy on savings over C100,000 and a 6.75% levy on savings below C100,000 as a “one-off levy” would be akin to a caught-in-the-act bank robber saying he was only planning to rob the bank once. Stealing money from savers then describing it as sacrificing some of their cash holdings, is an outrage.

Judi McLeod Monday, March 18, 2013

EU theft of private bank accounts a ?sacrifice? to mainstream media

Interestingly, Hussein’s media reports every piece of touchy-feely crap from every corner of the world, yet testing out a Socialist/Communist scheme on a small Greek island for use in America is largely ignored.

I did not fall off the back of a turnip truck; so I can see why Hussein’s media cover up is essential. Widespread coverage might start Americans asking if Hussein & Company are deliberately engineering a major debt crisis so they can raid the savings of Americans. Worse still, a lot of people might ask “How long have they been planning it?” Cynics would answer “Since the day Democrats decided not to offer a budget ever again.”

Parenthetically, somebody should ask Boehner WHY?

Mar 17, 12:01 PM EDT
Boehner says he 'absolutely' trusts Obama

News from The Associated Press

Finally, American banks won’t go belly up; so FDIC protection will NOT kick in when the government steals a little. I imagine Congress will justify the theft under “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
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Flanders, you're quite the propaganda-vomiting troll, aren't you.

It's the neocons that have been pushing for euro-style economic practices.
Flanders, you're quite the propaganda-vomiting troll, aren't you.

It's the neocons that have been pushing for euro-style economic practices.

To Grandma: I thrive on personal attacks from half-wits, but do try to get your facts straight.

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