Government doesn't solve poverty - it contributes to it

As history has illustrated - nothing generates poverty like left-wing policy. The "War on Poverty" has been a catastrophic failure which has resulted in an increase in poverty. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time. It is time to reverse course. Conservative policy generates prosperity. Left-wing policy generates poverty.

23 Ways Big Government Is Hurting the Poor
As history has shown, ancient civilizations has public welfare provided by the aristocrats through the govt. ot the govt. itself helped out, if they were capable..yet Jesus said that communities should help the poor and if govt. helped, it was even better..
There is a reason ratios are imposed.
Yeah...the reason is that the left are a bunch of fascist control freaks.
How many two year olds can you monitor at once? Realize they aren't all fully potty trained and they cannot tell you information. They cannot verbalize they are angry or frustrated.
There is a simple solution for that. Rather than the government deciding what that number should be - that should be the parents decision. If a parent doesn't care that one person is handling 50 toddlers, that's the parents problem. They will deal with the consequences of that. But when the parent is shopping for a daycare, they can ask about the ratio and decide for themselves what they want that ratio to be. What a concept - eh?

Wrong answer.
Wrong answer.
Right answer. And I don't care if an authoritarian such as yourself doesn't like it. Parents have a right to choose for themselves. It's none of the government's business.

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