Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


The Senators don't think so....

Washington senators Murray, Cantwell demand Trump education chief restore site

Updated 5:25 pm, Saturday, February 11, 2017

#ReadTheNewsLinks :)
Below is Murray’s question 104. It concerns any DeVos support for holding private schools that receive public money to the standard of also serving special needs students:

Have you ever supported efforts to require private schools that receive public funding provide the same rights and protections that traditional public schools must offer to the parents of children with disabilities? Yes or no. If yes, please describe the effort, including specific dates, details, and your personal involvement.

And DeVos’ response:

Betsy DeVos Responds to Senator Patty Murray’s Question about SPED and Private Schools | The Huffington Post

No educational program, public or private, is ideal for all students, especially students with disabilities. Even today, there are public school districts that do not have the services to meet the needs of all students with disabilities and suggest to those parents that they should enroll their students in nearby charter schools or the district arranges to have those students go to another district to have their needs met. So, let’s be honest. No individual public school provides the full range of high quality services for every student with a disability; this is true for private schools as well.

Wondering if DeVos is going to pay for all of the low income Charter Schools, or it is just for the rich?
If Republicans only care about the fetus and not the born, they certainly don't care about the disabled.

My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.
Give the guy a break. He hasn't even been in office a month and democrats have been dragging their feet about authorizing cabinet posts. I don't recall any scrutiny over web sites were added or deleted under Obama. As a matter of fact everyone knew that the IRS was being used to punish political enemies and the infamous quote "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" but lefties didn't care as long as they were in charge.
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office


Yes we know that the far left loves to report about anything that they feel will make Trump look bad..

And you far left drones fall for it every time!
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.

Why are you against an inner city family having the choice to send their kids to a better school? Why do you hate minorities?
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.

Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.

Why are you against an inner city family having the choice to send their kids to a better school? Why do you hate minorities?

Fuck off. oh, grow up, and then fuck off.


Hit a nerve there Snowflake? So, why are you against school choice? Oh, wait.. we already know. Keep 'em dumb and on the plantation... you folks are some racist creeps.
Maybe it's cause Betsy was so clueless about special needs ed ! That's why it worries people. Why even take it down ?

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