Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.

Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
The voucher can go to a private school or a state supported charter school.

This will, in all probability, mean the end of most mainstreaming of children with disabilities especially mental or emotional disabilities. They should have been in their own schools to begin with.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
if I can't get my ass into the store, I don't expect them to reconstruct their store to suit me, that's for sure.

These sort of difficulties are the reason we encourage strong, self sufficient families who take care of their own young and reject criminality (and remove it from society).
This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


Not doubt you have some evidence to substantiate that assertion.

Or should we take your word for it? Lol
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
if I can't get my ass into the store, I don't expect them to reconstruct their store to suit me, that's for sure.

These sort of difficulties are the reason we encourage strong, self sufficient families who take care of their own young and reject criminality (and remove it from society).

That's nice crazy lady.

Except that the ADA requires accommodation.

the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
if I can't get my ass into the store, I don't expect them to reconstruct their store to suit me, that's for sure.

These sort of difficulties are the reason we encourage strong, self sufficient families who take care of their own young and reject criminality (and remove it from society).

That's nice crazy lady.

Except that the ADA requires accommodation.


Cons are a loving bunch . We must ban all abortion! and should a kid have disabilities , well he's on his own!
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Trump believes disability rights are a burden to business and supporting them is just political correctness which he has disavowed. He has avoided any mention of disability related policy and his only association with disability in the campaign came by way of his mocking a New York Times reporter with arthrogryposis.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
if I can't get my ass into the store, I don't expect them to reconstruct their store to suit me, that's for sure.

These sort of difficulties are the reason we encourage strong, self sufficient families who take care of their own young and reject criminality (and remove it from society).

That's nice crazy lady.

Except that the ADA requires accommodation.


Cons are a loving bunch . We must ban all abortion! and should a kid have disabilities , well he's on his own!
One dumb bitch does not represent all conservatives anymore than a dumb leftie represents all of you
If they can't make it in school, then build them a special school. Nobody is stopping you.
I hope you get hit by a schoolbus full of handicapped children and then become wheelchair bound. Then when you bitch that the local store doesn't accommodate you I will tell you to GO BUILD YOUR OWN STORE.

Now go fuck yourself
if I can't get my ass into the store, I don't expect them to reconstruct their store to suit me, that's for sure.

These sort of difficulties are the reason we encourage strong, self sufficient families who take care of their own young and reject criminality (and remove it from society).

That's nice crazy lady.

Except that the ADA requires accommodation.


Cons are a loving bunch . We must ban all abortion! and should a kid have disabilities , well he's on his own!
One dumb bitch does not represent all conservatives anymore than a dumb leftie represents all of you

Lol! Playa please ! Cherry picked idiots to generalize a whole group is the right wing MO!!

1/2 the treads here use that tactic .
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.
^^^ Ladies and gentlemen, the GOP stance on special education in one sentence

I can't for the life of me see why some people look upon deplorable Trump supporters of having a mindset that reminds me of nazis...

Godwin's Law says: You Lose!
Actually under the GOP, like the Nazi's, children with disabilities lose
actually, the nazis believed in federally funded mgt of retards.

And then throwing them into concentration camps...
Why are you so ugly? All over?
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
Autistic kids fit into a wide range of the "spectrum. ". Some are really disabled and can't be inntbe regular class . Others not so much .

A friend of mine does special ed . Some of the kids may be in the reg class a couple of subjects a day .
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.

You are a vile moron with your head so far up your ass you can lick your sternum.

And you are a sexist misogynist.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.

You are a vile moron with your head so far up your ass you can lick your sternum.

And you are a sexist misogynist.
Better than being a disgusting whore like yourself who thinks children with disabilities are a waste of time and money.

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