Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, sitting on advisory boards, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Unfortunately for her, the Job of Secretary of Education is not just to be an advocate for school choice but rather to administer an agency of 17,000 employees with a 14 billion dollar budget and over 300 program mandated by law, a job that she is pitifully ill equipped to handle.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Unfortunately for her, the Job of Secretary of Education is not just to be an advocate for school choice but rather to administer an agency of 17,000 employees with a 14 billion dollar budget and over 300 program mandated by law, a job that she is pitifully ill equipped to handle.

The Department of Education shouldn't exist just to employ 17,000 bureaucrats. It would be better to return the money to the states and to abolish the entire thing...after reversing a the Obabble nonsense regarding Fake Rape culture, Fake Diversity training, Mooch's school lunches etc.
Critics say she hates public schools. So when when goes to visit one, and protestors block her from entering.

Snowflake logic.

The teachers union is powerful and corrupt as shit. I hope it takes a big hit over the next 8 years.

The teachers' union (NEA) does nothing but take money from our hard working and underpaid teachers and give it to Democratic politicians who vote for the interests of the union.

All the faux outrage over her nomination is nothing but union sympathetic propoganda.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, sitting on advisory boards, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.
Who will be fired.

Glory hallelujah. Fuckingnidiots.apparently haven't the sense to realize this admin would rather fire them for cause than lay them off.

Fired for.cause means they don't get unemployment, and can't be rehired.

You resistance.retards.are.too easy.
This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


Isn't the point that disabled kids aren't part of the goals of the current regime?
Give the guy a break. He hasn't even been in office a month and democrats have been dragging their feet about authorizing cabinet posts. I don't recall any scrutiny over web sites were added or deleted under Obama. As a matter of fact everyone knew that the IRS was being used to punish political enemies and the infamous quote "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" but lefties didn't care as long as they were in charge.

Yeah, give him a break, because he's so poor, he didn't want the job, poor Trump, he'd never hurt anyone, or insult anyone, or grab anyone's pussy, or anything like that. Yeah, take pity on the poor guy who only received $900 million from tax payers money, he's poor.
Critics say she hates public schools. So when when goes to visit one, and protestors block her from entering.

Snowflake logic.

The teachers union is powerful and corrupt as shit. I hope it takes a big hit over the next 8 years.

The teachers' union (NEA) does nothing but take money from our hard working and underpaid teachers and give it to Democratic politicians who vote for the interests of the union.

All the faux outrage over her nomination is nothing but union sympathetic propoganda.

And your logic is to not use logic. She hates public schools, so when she goes to visit they block her from entering. Yeah, so what? Any correlation here?
This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


Isn't the point that disabled kids aren't part of the goals of the current regime?
Why would any group of children be a regime goal???

We're trying to get away from that. ...that's the last regime
All of the loony lefts' constant and tiresome hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth have resulted in most people tuning out and assuming the fake outrage is based on fake news. Well done, Trump obsessed haters.:thup: :D
As of 2012, about 5.8 million school-age children in the United States receive special education services as a result of IDEA. More than 40 percent—roughly 2.3 million—are students identified with a specific learning disability.

Kids with disabilities don’t automatically qualify for special education services, though. In order to be eligible, a student must:

  • Have a disability and, as a result of that disability…
  • Need special education in order to make progress in school
Services Under IDEA: Who’s Eligible
Not every child with learning and attention issues is eligible for special education services under IDEA. First, a child must be found to have one of the 13 kinds of disabilities that IDEA covers. They are:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-blindness
  • Deafness
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Hearing impairment
  • Intellectual disability
  • Multiple disabilities
  • Orthopedic impairment
  • Other health impairment (including ADHD)
  • Specific learning disability (including dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, among others)
  • Speech or language impairment
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Visual impairment, including blindness
The Purpose of IDEA
IDEA has been amended several times since Congress first passed it in 1975. (At that time it was called the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.) The essential purpose of IDEA hasn’t changed, though. Its primary goals are:

  • To protect the rights of children with disabilities. IDEA ensures students with disabilities have access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), just like all other children. Schools are required to provide special education in the least restrictive environment. That means schools must teach students with disabilities in general education classroom whenever possible.
  • To give parents a voice in their child’s education. Under IDEA, you have a say in the educational decisions the school makes about your child. At every point of the process, the law gives you specific rights and protections. These are called procedural safeguards.
IDEA covers kids from infancy through high school graduation or age 21 (whichever comes first).
If you think your child needs special education services, you have to follow a legal process to make it happen. This process can be confusing. It can involve several laws. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the most important one to understand.

As the nation’s special education law, IDEA provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents. Learning your rights under IDEA can make it easier for your child to get the help he needs (and is legally entitled to) at school.

How IDEA Protects You and Your Child
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asked DeVos about the federal Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires public schools to provide children with disabilities a “free appropriate public education” and governs how states and public agencies provide various services to millions of students.

Kaine asked her if she believes that all schools that receive federal funding — whether public, public charter or private — should be required to meet the requirements of IDEA.

She responded: “I think they already are.”

Kaine: “But I’m asking you a should question. Whether they are or not, we’ll get into that later.” He then repeated his question.

DeVos said: “I think that is a matter that is best left to the states.”

Kaine responded: “So some states might be good to kids with disabilities and other states might not be so good and, what then, people can just move around the country if they don’t like how kids are being treated?”

Devos repeated: “I think that’s an issue that’s best left to the states.”

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