Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.

You are a vile moron with your head so far up your ass you can lick your sternum.

And you are a sexist misogynist.
Better than being a disgusting whore like yourself who thinks children with disabilities are a waste of time and money.

I said no such thing. You INFERRED it...which says a a lot about your value system.

Disabled children require special care. Putting the ones who are not capable of keeping up with normal kids in the classroom or who cause disturbances does a disservice to all of them. Such children should be in a segregated environment where they can get proper care and so that normal kids can have a chance to learn proper lessons.
My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.

Ah sorry I bet that is a challenge, is she wheelchair bound?

My son has ADD ( just the focus not hyper ) He is a out of the box brilliant thinker.. We took him out of a private college prep school because we had a meeting with the administration to understand what ADD actually they had 2 moms meet with us who knew nothing, I knew more than them..They were acting like they were the school counselors..Not...

Private schools don't have to accommodate anyone..and they only want the "In The Box Thinkers" that keep their scores high for the ratings..
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.

Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.

Your own children can be diagnosed with a horrible disability tomorrow...I hope not, but it would curtaining make you eat your own mean words about treating a functioning kid as normal as possible...
It is not a fucking mental illness , it is a birth defect like type 1 diabetes ...
My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.

Ah sorry I bet that is a challenge, is she wheelchair bound?

My son has ADD ( just the focus not hyper ) He is a out of the box brilliant thinker.. We took him out of a private college prep school because we had a meeting with the administration to understand what ADD actually they had 2 moms meet with us who knew nothing, I knew more than them..They were acting like they were the school counselors..Not...

Private schools don't have to accommodate anyone..and they only want the "In The Box Thinkers" that keep their scores high for the ratings..
Yes, she's been in a wheelchair her entire life. She's also had 18 surgeries to help make her life better thanks to good insurance via her real dad's job.
My own girls went to a private school for some of their youth and there were quite a few disabled children. Not only that but there are schools who's speciality is children with special needs so all this hyperbole about private schools is pretty unfounded.
Sadly mainstream America doesn't have the slightest idea about these schools so all the scare mongering like we're seeing in this thread may work.
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.

Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch

I always knew you were a softy with a big weird thing is Kosher girl has kids in school.. you would think such a mean dumb ass comment would come from someone who has never had children.
My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.

Ah sorry I bet that is a challenge, is she wheelchair bound?

My son has ADD ( just the focus not hyper ) He is a out of the box brilliant thinker.. We took him out of a private college prep school because we had a meeting with the administration to understand what ADD actually they had 2 moms meet with us who knew nothing, I knew more than them..They were acting like they were the school counselors..Not...

Private schools don't have to accommodate anyone..and they only want the "In The Box Thinkers" that keep their scores high for the ratings..
Yes, she's been in a wheelchair her entire life. She's also had 18 surgeries to help make her life better thanks to good insurance via her real dad's job.
My own girls went to a private school for some of their youth and there were quite a few disabled children. Not only that but there are schools who's speciality is children with special needs so all this hyperbole about private schools is pretty unfounded.
Sadly mainstream America doesn't have the slightest idea about these schools so all the scare mongering like we're seeing in this thread may work.
Ah so sorry about all of those surgeries, what a brave girl.

I am sure that you have seen it yourself how dumb ass people stare at your step daughter, people are so stupid.
When I was going to the store during chemo people looked and stared at me horrified....fuck them

We don't see disabled everyday in the stores or out in public for just that reason.
The worst mistake made is mainstreaming these mentally disabled children. All other children are discounted. The high achievers will be okay. Those quick little minds will grasp as they need. It's the ones who need a little help that suffers. The kids with a question. Bobby is on his 4th tantrum of the morning. A janitor and a male teacher hold him down so the school nurse can give him his medication. The class waits for him to stop banging his head against the floor.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.

That is a Huge me a link where California schools allow disruptive kids in the same classes..
My son just graduated from a public High School, and I was Very involved in his school...If a kid is distributive or violent they are removed..Dummy...

Show me a link..

Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
Another falsehood.
The worst mistake made is mainstreaming these mentally disabled children. All other children are discounted. The high achievers will be okay. Those quick little minds will grasp as they need. It's the ones who need a little help that suffers. The kids with a question. Bobby is on his 4th tantrum of the morning. A janitor and a male teacher hold him down so the school nurse can give him his medication. The class waits for him to stop banging his head against the floor.

Doesn't happen...that would be traumatic to the students..stop making up stories.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.

You are a vile moron with your head so far up your ass you can lick your sternum.

And you are a sexist misogynist.
Better than being a disgusting whore like yourself who thinks children with disabilities are a waste of time and money.

I said no such thing. You INFERRED it...which says a a lot about your value system.

Disabled children require special care. Putting the ones who are not capable of keeping up with normal kids in the classroom or who cause disturbances does a disservice to all of them. Such children should be in a segregated environment where they can get proper care and so that normal kids can have a chance to learn proper lessons.

Listen goof ball, kids are evaluated when placing them in grade levels ect. If the child has a history of disturbing and outbreaks they would not just place them in the mainstream..

A high functioning disabled child is perfectly capable of being in school, they may need some handicap bathrooms ect..
Mentally disturbed autistic children who are low functioning are not in the public schools..
Why does the above post seem delightfully ironic?

Think hard. It's subtle.
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch

I always knew you were a softy with a big weird thing is Kosher girl has kids in school.. you would think such a mean dumb ass comment would come from someone who has never had children.
You ppl are parasites. I sure as kids in school. And thats why I want ALL federal assistance (aka interference) to stop.
My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.

Ah sorry I bet that is a challenge, is she wheelchair bound?

My son has ADD ( just the focus not hyper ) He is a out of the box brilliant thinker.. We took him out of a private college prep school because we had a meeting with the administration to understand what ADD actually they had 2 moms meet with us who knew nothing, I knew more than them..They were acting like they were the school counselors..Not...

Private schools don't have to accommodate anyone..and they only want the "In The Box Thinkers" that keep their scores high for the ratings..

Yeah. They want their kids to know how to write, read, and view things in the context of want something else, go find it.
My step daughter, who has CP, will graduate this year. Neither my ex wife nor myself even knew about this website.
There are also many challenges that she faced regularly that other children in the school did not.
I think it is sheer hackery to expect a new administration to have everything up and running as needed. Especially when you consider the people bitching are the same God damn people trying to stop everything Trump does before he even has his cabinet in place.

Ah sorry I bet that is a challenge, is she wheelchair bound?

My son has ADD ( just the focus not hyper ) He is a out of the box brilliant thinker.. We took him out of a private college prep school because we had a meeting with the administration to understand what ADD actually they had 2 moms meet with us who knew nothing, I knew more than them..They were acting like they were the school counselors..Not...

Private schools don't have to accommodate anyone..and they only want the "In The Box Thinkers" that keep their scores high for the ratings..

Yeah. They want their kids to know how to write, read, and view things in the context of want something else, go find it.

We did, we took him out of the super expensive private school and he went to the public high school...He did super well...
Because in Public Schools you have to be accredited so you are educated, private schools teachers do not , so you might get a soccer mom in there teaching your kid in a stupid ass charter school..

I fortunately didn't have to deal with my children having disabilities , but I will fight for others who need support..
There is nothing ironic at all to my comment. Our schools should never have taken the place of nuthouses.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch

I always knew you were a softy with a big weird thing is Kosher girl has kids in school.. you would think such a mean dumb ass comment would come from someone who has never had children.
You ppl are parasites. I sure as kids in school. And thats why I want ALL federal assistance (aka interference) to stop.

Then go pay for a charter school, your children's whole Elementary and High school education is paid for by the government right now ~ dummy ...

Koshergirl >>>>

Oh, so she hates disabled kids too? Boy, Democrats really have lost it. But that's ok, i truly believe the Silent Majority is getting sick of their daily nutter hissy-fits. They're getting very close to over-playing their hand. Rational common sense-thinking folks don't like their behavior. They could make them pay bigtime in future Elections.
Fuck off you stupid fucking cvnt
the rest of us don't work our asses off so you can send your kids to school and sit on your ass all day. Schools are for kids who are of normal intelligence and ability to learn how to read, write, use math. They are not warehouses for the dregs of humanity. If your child needs something different, then create or find something different. But we don't spend money to dumb down schools. Not anymore.
You're as dumb as they come I see. Not every disability falls under "learning disabled" you stupid twat.
Based on your asinine position a child in a wheelchair with a fully functional brain would be left behind. My step daughter gets better grades than half her classmates and she was never able to walk and has limited control of her arms.

You're just a mean old bitter bitch

I always knew you were a softy with a big weird thing is Kosher girl has kids in school.. you would think such a mean dumb ass comment would come from someone who has never had children.
You ppl are parasites. I sure as kids in school. And thats why I want ALL federal assistance (aka interference) to stop.

Then go pay for a charter school, your children's whole Elementary and High school education is paid for by the government right now ~ dummy ...

Koshergirl >>>>

It's not paid by the "government". Its my tax dollars distributed by the government.
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Every school I've been involved with has seperate classrooms for kids with severe mental issues. The only disruptions they're causing is disrupting other disruptions.

That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.

That is a Huge me a link where California schools allow disruptive kids in the same classes..
My son just graduated from a public High School, and I was Very involved in his school...If a kid is distributive or violent they are removed..Dummy...

Show me a link..


You know, everything in life is not a link on the internet. My friend is a school psychologist and this situation is one she had to deal with. A great deal of ugly things happen in public schools, you blithering moron. Just because there aren't links to them doesn't mean they didn't happen.
That's now how it is in CA. Severely disabled (i.e. austistic) kids are "mainstreamed" in regular classrooms. The result is frequent disruptions which prevent proper educational instruction for the rest of the class.

I have a friend who is a school psychologist in a wealthy school district. Parents threaten to sue if their severely disabled children are not mainstreamed. Schools dedicated aides to babysitting some of them (at great expense). Even with such accommodations, the autistic ones in particular interrupt lessons. In one of her schools, an autistic boy who had discovered the job of self pleasure regularly masturbated in the class room. The teacher and school administrators were too intimidated by his litigious parents to remove him from the class room. Any "normal" child who did this would have been suspended or expelled. But he was "disabled", hence untouchable.
What a sick fucking c*nt you are. "Mainstreaming children." God forbid you ever have a child with a disability. Who knows what abuses they would suffer under you. Kids are not allowed to masturbate in class. Some schools have inclusion programs where kids who can handle it are included in general education. Not the fake nightmare you're inventing just to attack children. What worthless scum you are.

You are a vile moron with your head so far up your ass you can lick your sternum.

And you are a sexist misogynist.
Better than being a disgusting whore like yourself who thinks children with disabilities are a waste of time and money.

I said no such thing. You INFERRED it...which says a a lot about your value system.

Disabled children require special care. Putting the ones who are not capable of keeping up with normal kids in the classroom or who cause disturbances does a disservice to all of them. Such children should be in a segregated environment where they can get proper care and so that normal kids can have a chance to learn proper lessons.

Listen goof ball, kids are evaluated when placing them in grade levels ect. If the child has a history of disturbing and outbreaks they would not just place them in the mainstream..

A high functioning disabled child is perfectly capable of being in school, they may need some handicap bathrooms ect..
Mentally disturbed autistic children who are low functioning are not in the public schools..

Not true in California, bub.
^^^ Ladies and gentlemen, the GOP stance on special education in one sentence

I can't for the life of me see why some people look upon deplorable Trump supporters of having a mindset that reminds me of nazis...

Godwin's Law says: You Lose!
Actually under the GOP, like the Nazi's, children with disabilities lose
actually, the nazis believed in federally funded mgt of retards.

And then throwing them into concentration camps...
Why are you so ugly? All over?

bitter losers want everyone else to live a nightmare.

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