Government intrustion into my life

ill bet he'll never go to CUba, but he loves their rules for living or venezuela or any of the other socialists countries, he might love how they tell them to live, but he loves Americas money more.
And how much of your paycheck will you never see because the government takes your money?

How much of your food is regulated by the government, often in unnecessary ways?

Did you get a wife without government sanction?

Governments in alot more things in your life than you're stating. Im sure if you shared what industry you worked it, we could show you many more areas the government is involved.
And how much of your paycheck will you never see because the government takes your money?
Oh, that's right, I forget that paying taxes is 'big government intrusion' Those assholes! The Founders set up an endowment so we'd never have to pay taxes! What happened to it?
How much of your food is regulated by the government, often in unnecessary ways?
How much of it is unnecessarily regulated? None of it as far as I know. Will unnecessarily regulated food hurt me?

EDIT- BTW - you know what we call people opposed to modern food safety protocols? HIPPIES.
Did you get a wife without government sanction?
The government did not need to approve my marriage, no. Not sure which country you live in. The two of us signed a marriage contract. Being each over 18, each unmarried, and one man and one woman, and each legally able to sign a contract - that's all that was required.
Governments in alot more things in your life than you're stating.
You're right - it occurred to me today that the government prevented me this morning from choosing a child seat for my infant that lacks a safety belt. Fucking assholes! What if I want my infant to go flying off into the air when I hit another car? Did BIG NANNY government consider that?
Im sure if you shared what industry you worked it, we could show you many more areas the government is involved.
Science. I suppose now you'll tell me government is intruding on me by following the Will of the People to fund science.
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And on another note;

For thine is the oligarchy,
The Founders founded this nation as an oligarchy.
That's what the left uses instead of history.

A government where most white men, all women, all blacks, all natives - even those who are citizens - cannot vote - is not a democracy. Its an oligarchy. The Founders abhorred

It no longer is.
Considering Obama's Executive Branch power grabs, it seems you're wrong.

He's not using any power than hasn't been exercised by previous Presidents. You only dislike it now because he isn't on your side. You'll be fine with it the next time your guy is in office.
Government regulations drive up the cost of food and that hurts the poor way more than the rich.

The roads are paid for by tax dollars not by the government. The government doesn't have any money of it's own. That is OUR money it is spending. If the government stopped at roads we wouldn't be having this discussion but they don't do they? They tax that house and car of yours and the gas you put in it. They also regulate every single thing in that house of yours as well as the car. I would bet that you couldn't find something in your house that wasn't touched by the government in some way.
Government regulations drive up the cost of food and that hurts the poor way more than the rich.

The roads are paid for by tax dollars not by the government. The government doesn't have any money of it's own. That is OUR money it is spending. If the government stopped at roads we wouldn't be having this discussion but they don't do they? They tax that house and car of yours and the gas you put in it. They also regulate every single thing in that house of yours as well as the car. I would bet that you couldn't find something in your house that wasn't touched by the government in some way.

Government is simply an agent for the people we hire (basically) to carry out public interests. And in many ways is a pretty bad agent. If i had someone in charge of doing my grocery shopping and he came back with a week's worth of groceries for $1,000, most of which weren't on the list i gave him, i would be pretty pissed.
Here's a brief synopsis of how government intruded on my life today...

Today I woke up in the bed I chose to build in the house I chose to buy next to my wife I chose to marry and the infant we chose to create. Then I ate the breakfast I chose to eat and got into the car I chose to purchase.

I then used the government funded highway system

to get to the job I mutually chose to have with my boss, and chose the route by which to get there. Upon arrival, I parked in accordance with the parking plan I chose to buy. For lunch I was able to choose from a variety of options that the private industry chose to provide me. Now I'm about to get back in the car I chose to buy and

drive, on the roads paid for by government,

to the house I chose to buy where the wife I chose to marry will be there with the kid we chose to have, along with the two dogs we chose to keep and the two cats, who because they chose to piss inside too much, we chose to make into outside cats, in the neighorhood we chose to live in. We'll eat the dinner we choose to eat and then go to sleep at the time we choose to sleep - that is, until our infant chooses to wake our asses up.

All I gotta say is FUCK YOU BIG GOVERNMENT for INTRUDING into my LIFE with all these fucking HIGHWAYS AND ROADS!

I knew this was going to be stupid, and I was right.

Here is what really happened.

That bed you are in is regulated by the government to contain fire retardant chemicals that have contributed to an increase in environmental allergies that have resulted in more people being forced to live their lives in a cocoon that is designed to eliminate exposure to all those chemicals you ignore because you think they are good for you.

As for your wife, didn't you get the government's permission to get married? You certainly registered your child with the government, and got the government's stamp of approval for the child in the form of a number and tax breaks that are not available to non government approved children.

The car you chose to purchase gets worse gas mileage than a comparable car your father purchased because of government regulations. This lower gas mileage comes about because of government mandated safety and emission standards. Strangely enough, government mandated mileage standards also make your car less safe than it would be if they did not exist.

The highway system is not funded by the government, it is funded by taxpayers.

You also registered your pets with the local government.

That is just a cursory reading and a quick list of a few of the things you got wrong.
The Founders founded this nation as an oligarchy.
That's what the left uses instead of history.

A government where most white men, all women, all blacks, all natives - even those who are citizens - cannot vote - is not a democracy. Its an oligarchy. The Founders abhorred
Good thing they set up a Republic, huh?
It no longer is.
Considering Obama's Executive Branch power grabs, it seems you're wrong.

He's not using any power than hasn't been exercised by previous Presidents. You only dislike it now because he isn't on your side. You'll be fine with it the next time your guy is in office.
That's one more thing you're wrong about. Separation of powers exists for a reason. I don't care who's in the White House -- it's wrong when any branch exceeds its authority.
I have access to roads, the Fire Department will come to my house if there's a fire. Where's my successful business? I want it right now obama! I would like a successful Bar & Grill right now please.
To settle the argument...

1) Ok to heck with the roads. Dont fix em anymore. Dont plow em either. Leave em. Dont have the gov't do it, nor any private company. Shut things down. Too bad businesses close it down for the day. Tough. I could care less if you succeed or go out of business. I dont want my city govt doing the plowing because I have to pay taxes for it. I dont want a private company doing it either as if I am not going to pay fees for it I dont want some private industry making a profit from me. That solves that.

2) As far as registering pets. Ok, heck, no laws no restrictions. Let them pitbulls run loose and gobble up any slow moving kids. Perfectly acceptable. Let animals run wild and free wherever. Good idea.

You people are full of good ideas.
That bed you are in is regulated by the government to contain fire retardant chemicals that have contributed to an increase in environmental allergies that have resulted in more people being forced to live their lives in a cocoon that is designed to eliminate exposure to all those chemicals you ignore because you think they are good for you.

My bed hasn't forced anyone to live in a cocoon. That's ridiculous, you're being utterly retarded. I'll just drop it right there, no need to wade through the rest of your utter stupidity.

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