"Government" is Not the Problem.

Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry
No they don't.
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry

Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry

Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling to as if it was a teddy bear is a corporate entity and all of their subsidiaries can be found on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Are you a U.S citizen that pledges allegiance to corporate entity???? or are you an American??? because you can't be both......it's impossible.
You all are funny, your freedom is an illusion only permissible by the government. Luckily it is a fluid group of elected officials with checks and balances rather than a ruling dictator, king or family. But make no mistake, you rent the land you live on from the Gov. You rent the right to do business and commerce with the governments dollars, and you rent the right to live free as long as you abide by their contract (laws)... Don't believe me, go break the laws... don't pay your income, business, or property taxes... See what happens
What a sad (and ignorant) way to live one's life. Thank God that people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin didn't share this pitiful and cowardly attitude.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Thomas Jefferson (July 4, 1776)

The U.S. Constitution makes it very clear - the government answers to the people. The people do not answer to the government.
Last edited:
Hard work and personal responsibility.
Which, according to you, are only rewarded if Big Brother deems you worthy.


Link to a post where I suggest anything remotely like that and I'll kiss your ass on the 50 yard line of any game that you buy the tickets for.

You're not debating or discussing, you're bitching like a little bitch, Bitch.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Question for AVG-Schmoe...

Where do "Blessings" come from? :dunno:

Hard work and personal responsibility.

No, that would be earnings.

Blessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A blessing (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something withholiness, spiritual redemption, or divine will.

Potato Potato.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to provide for you and yours and I'll continue to work hard to acquire and maintain the assets that feed me and mine.

Beer? :beer:
That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.

It's only "interesting" if you don't understand the effective tool that government could become under The US Constitution and give in to a fear of government that is unwarranted because of the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.

There is nothing unwarranted about fearing an entity that has the legal right and the ability to kill you and take everything you own.

If fear is what you want to run your life by, that's your American choice. You have my pity.

You are lucky enough to have been born under the best contract for governance and industry in human history and you're whining like a little bitch.

...the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.

Speak for yourself. I didn't agree to be governed by anything. I have the inalienable right to self-govern. The Constitution is the initial outline for self-governance. Your failure to comprehend that is not my problem.

If some of the more recent rulings of our progressive SCOTUS had been made back in the day, our forefathers would have NEVER ratified the Constitution.

No Monkey is an island, Dude. Your use of The Internet alone is testimony to your use of government and other things that we share under The Contract.

Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry
No they don't.

O.k. then... Ass-U-Me-ing the government isn't maintaining a list of weapons that are acceptable to sell to the general public, you tell me... Who the fuck IS preventing me from having a fully armed tank?

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Question for AVG-Schmoe...

Where do "Blessings" come from? :dunno:

Hard work and personal responsibility.

No, that would be earnings.

Blessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A blessing (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something withholiness, spiritual redemption, or divine will.

Potato Potato.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to provide for you and yours and I'll continue to work hard to acquire and maintain the assets that feed me and mine.

Beer? :beer:
You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

Well, my friends Smith and Wesson protect me and mine. But thanks for confirming that you are a little sheep who knows nothing but to follow the other little sheep. When our country was founded, people like you were content to follow along with the crown of England and be little sheep as well. Others were courageous enough to throw off the tyranny of man and declare their god-given right to govern themselves. We won, you lost. That's history. Learn it!

Beer? :beer:

No thanks, but you go right ahead... people who have no belief in something greater than self are often depressed and have to drown their sorrow in alcohol to cope with the emptiness. And save your retort, I know that you don't realize it or recognize it. Lost people never do... that's what makes it so sad.
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.

listen you braindead loser..... there are people every day who choose between eating and purchasing medicine.

now shut up you correctional facility inmate. :cuckoo:
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Question for AVG-Schmoe...

Where do "Blessings" come from? :dunno:

Hard work and personal responsibility.

No, that would be earnings.

Blessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A blessing (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something withholiness, spiritual redemption, or divine will.

Potato Potato.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to provide for you and yours and I'll continue to work hard to acquire and maintain the assets that feed me and mine.

Beer? :beer:
You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

Well, my friends Smith and Wesson protect me and mine. But thanks for confirming that you are a little sheep who knows nothing but to follow the other little sheep. When our country was founded, people like you were content to follow along with the crown of England and be little sheep as well. Others were courageous enough to throw off the tyranny of man and declare their god-given right to govern themselves. We won, you lost. That's history. Learn it!

Beer? :beer:

No thanks, but you go right ahead... people who have no belief in something greater than self are often depressed and have to drown their sorrow in alcohol to cope with the emptiness. And save your retort, I know that you don't realize it or recognize it. Lost people never do... that's what makes it so sad.

belief? in what? starving people?

because i see a lot of that from pretend christians like you.
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
How much food do you donate to your local food bank?
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
The federal governments fails at everything they do, except take care of its owners... The career politician.
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
The federal governments fails at everything they do, except take care of its owners... The career politician.

poor rightwingnut brainwashed idiot.....
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
How much food do you donate to your local food bank?

enough. we also help feed people when we can.

your point, idiota?

how about you? you out there feeding homeless people? or do you just sit and drool over your guns on your front porch?
Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
The federal governments fails at everything they do, except take care of its owners... The career politician.

poor rightwingnut brainwashed idiot.....
Says the lemming
Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.

I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
Let's see your stats. I doubt you have any.

Even this website avoids the word "starvation". They use "food insecurity", which covers a much broader base.

Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

again, that's because of programs like SNAP.

does that trouble you? :cuckoo:
How much food do you donate to your local food bank?

enough. we also help feed people when we can.

your point, idiota?

how about you? you out there feeding homeless people? or do you just sit and drool over your guns on your front porch?

Actually I give to my local food bank every time I go to the supermarket

And the only people I know that are obsessed with my guns are you people who want to tell me I can't have them
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.

listen you braindead loser..... there are people every day who choose between eating and purchasing medicine.

now shut up you correctional facility inmate. :cuckoo:

Still can't find any examples of people starving in America, huh?

And who are these people having to chose between eating and meds? What are their names and where are they located? Has no one told them about the SNAP program or Obamacare? Where are the trillions of dollars you've bilked from the taxpayers to take care of this going?

Face it... all you have is the same old tired rhetoric you've been spewing for a century. That's literally ALL you know how to do... whine and appeal for sympathy. Even when the problems have been addressed, even when you've broken the back of the American economy... STILL you whine and moan.

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