"Government" is Not the Problem.

That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.
Thanks, but there's probably millions of us in my State.
I own a house in your state... Paid thousands in taxes. Forgive me if I don't believe you

Check the State Constitution on 100% disabled vets and their spouses. We are exempt from property taxes.

So it's not a "Freedom" thing... It's a "dependent-on-the-state entitlement" thing.

I can work with that...

No it's a State honoring its vets thing ignorant ass.

No offense intended! I will proudly sign up for the government entitlements that I'm entitled to when I'm ready to do so.

Just like you, I earned them, The Constitution owes me, and I truly hope that the system / government survives me.


What you have yet to figure out is the difference between benefits and entitlements, benefits are earned, entitlements aren't. You pay for your benefits one way or the other, entitlements are gifts.

What did I say to give you that idea? Was it when I said that I earned mine, just like you did?

Or do you think that tapping the government tit via the Veterans Administration instead of the Social Security system somehow gives your shit a more pleasant odor?
I own a house in your state... Paid thousands in taxes. Forgive me if I don't believe you

Check the State Constitution on 100% disabled vets and their spouses. We are exempt from property taxes.

So it's not a "Freedom" thing... It's a "dependent-on-the-state entitlement" thing.

I can work with that...

No it's a State honoring its vets thing ignorant ass.

No offense intended! I will proudly sign up for the government entitlements that I'm entitled to when I'm ready to do so.

Just like you, I earned them, The Constitution owes me, and I truly hope that the system / government survives me.


What you have yet to figure out is the difference between benefits and entitlements, benefits are earned, entitlements aren't. You pay for your benefits one way or the other, entitlements are gifts.

What did I say to give you that idea? Was it when I said that I earned mine, just like you did?

Or do you think that tapping the government tit via the Veterans Administration instead of the Social Security system somehow gives your shit a more pleasant odor?

Both are earned benefits, you pay into SS, so did I.
Where is that "dumb" rating?

Look, I get that you're trolling, but that there is some STUPID shit.

If anyone is interested in a quick lesson on moderating, this is what we call a "no relevant content troll post" 'cause there's no relevant content and he's trolling for a flame-fest.

Shame the devil and tell the truth the same could be said for this post that is pointing it out.

Fuck you!

So your right to life is at the whim of the govt should they decide to revoke their "permission".......

A statist like Joe would happily give up his life to be obedient to his rulers. :thup:

Okay, maybe not his own, but he'd sure give up YOUR life and several million infidel Tea Partyers.

Oh wow... this is an even better example!

Kudos, Dude.
Page 19...

So many examples and so little ambition to deal with them.

I should be fired.

The Governing Contract.

Government of The People, by The People and for The People.

If y'all really want to know who all y'all ultimately get permission to keep guns in your houses from, it's all y'all.

We, The Peeps.

Ultimately I'm trusting every American who owns guns not to allow them to be used in an inappropriate manner, and y'all are all trusting me to keep the 9 mm that I carry most of the time safely concealed under my shirt, unless I truly believe that I'm involved in a situation that calls for a good guy with a gun.

And you continue to be WRONG!

Our rights are inalienable. They are derived from our Creator... not Government... not Man! One of our inalienable rights is the right to SELF-GOVERN.... we don't need no stinking contract! We sure as fuck don't need "permission" to have our endowed and inalienable rights.

You've simply not made your case and whenever you've tried to make your case, you've been slapped upside your goofy head with facts you can't refute. It doesn't seem to bother you, we continue to watch you spin, distort, lie, twist and regurgitate the same idiocy that was already refuted.

All I can say is, you are a walking testament to the abject failure of our public education system.

We need a "Blah, blah, blah" button down next to the funny button.


Fuck The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran.

My rights, permissions and responsibilities are guaranteed by the Indian River County Sherrifs Department and The United States Air Force, among others.

The God in those ancient Arab tales can kiss my tail.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Will the liberals ever get tired of repeating this lie over and over?

Probably not, since they haven't anything else.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution,
It isn't.

I had that right long before the 2nd amendment (or the Constitution) was written.


Also had the right to own a slave before the constitution was written. Amen to freedom, right?!

Americans had rights to own slaves for more than fifty years after The Constitution was adopted.

I said before, the freedoms and ideals laid out in The Constitution remain a goal. We're closer than the men who drafted the dream of "America" were when they first collected taxes under the authority of the document, but we have a long way to go.
That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.

It's only "interesting" if you don't understand the effective tool that government could become under The US Constitution and give in to a fear of government that is unwarranted because of the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


Permission is the wrong word.
We have the Right to own guns, the government cannot take that right away.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Will the liberals ever get tired of repeating this lie over and over?

Probably not, since they haven't anything else.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution,
It isn't.

I had that right long before the 2nd amendment (or the Constitution) was written.


Also had the right to own a slave before the constitution was written. Amen to freedom, right?!

Americans had rights to own slaves for more than fifty years after The Constitution was adopted.

I said before, the freedoms and ideals laid out in The Constitution remain a goal. We're closer than the men who drafted the dream of "America" were when they first collected taxes under the authority of document but we have a long way to go.

the constitution can be amended, but by the people, not the government. That's the part you seem to be missing.
Just a reminder guys, posts need to include some content related to the topic...variations on the theme of "yer a dumbass" don't qualify...
The govt that spied on Americans , called them 'enemies', and targeted them with the IRS is not the problem?

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